Talented Genius

Chapter 1515: coming

Looking at Ye Tianlong who was calm and calm, a dozen people looked a little embarrassed.

Just now he questioned whether Ye Tianlong would fight, whether he knew how to fight, and also questioned his 90% chance of winning, but he slapped everyone in the face.

Not only did he kill the Black Dapeng, but he also guessed that the Black Mountain Eagle retaliated, and even set up an ambush on the must-travel, and annihilated the new barracks on the black blade in one fell swoop.

Although the five hundred people are all recruits and their combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the regular army, the firepower is still very powerful. Pulling out must not be underestimated.

But such a battalion of officers and soldiers was wiped out in an instant, how could it not surprise everyone? Even Bai Poyue was two points more solemn.

"Brother, real people don't show their faces."

Compared to everyone who was surprised at Ye Tianlong's ability, the rich thought a little deeper, that is the origin of the ambush team, he smiled:

"Unexpectedly you have such a powerful force in the Black Triangle."

The wealthy member suddenly found out that he thought he knew Ye Tianlong very well, but the facts always made him unexpected.

Ye Tianlong smiled, and then calmly greeted the gaze of the rich: "Old rich, don't praise me, what power can I have in the black triangle?"

"My biggest backer is you old native."

He was generous and frank about the origin of the ambush team: "The person who annihilated the black blade convoy was not my manpower, but a friend of mine helped."

"His name is Zhao Wenguang."

Bai Poyue whispered: "Poison Flower God of War?"

The eyes of the rest of the people also lit up. They had a deep understanding of Zhao Wenguang. He was the most expensive bounty hunter in the Black Triangle and also the **** of poisonous flower.

Not only did his marksmanship be as sturdy as a god, but he also accompanied a group of diehards all the year round, making him the most troublesome thorn in the black triangle.

Many people wanted him to die, but many people died, so when they heard that Ye Tianlong had a good relationship with him, Bai Poyue had an accident.

Looking at everyone's suspicious eyes, Ye Tianlong nodded and smiled: "Yes! His nickname is Poison Flower God of War."

"I have a little friendship with Zhao Wenguang. I rescued him from the Kong family, so he owed me a favor."

"When I was determined to kill Black Dapeng, I guessed that the Black Mountain Eagle would send someone to retaliate against the Lu family, so I asked him to help hit the first wave of attacks."

Ye Tianlong knew very well that he needed a little frankness with the wealthy outsiders, so he told the whole story:

"Zhao Wenguang is a man of loyalty. He arranged it immediately after receiving my request, and quickly set up ambushes on both sides of the food street and the commanding heights."

"The tip of the black knife became angry and lost his mind, and then there were too many people to underestimate the enemy, so Zhao Wenguang finally wiped out these teams."

When he recovered calmly outside the rich man and nodded, Ye Tianlong drank his tea and smiled and said: "The story has been said, everyone does not need to worship me too much."

"The Lu family will hug each other to death, and Zhao Wenguang will also follow me. It will be a fire to kill the Black Mountain Eagle."

"If I borrow too much from one teacher, that group will do."

Ye Tianlong said pitifully, "One regiment won't work, one camp won't refuse, right?"

The rich man almost hit the table, and now he understands why Ye Tianlong borrowed a teacher. It turned out that the foreshadowing was here.

He was about to make a decision, but saw Bai Poyue stand up and landed and said: "Mr. Fu, I am willing to cooperate with Ye Tianlong."

A division.

Ye Tianlong fell to the ground.

At nine o'clock the next day, Ye Tianlong was lying on the bench at the headquarters of the Fu's Mountain Division, drinking a cup of soy milk while looking at the electronic map on the wall.

The map is the Fu's defense area and the layout of the Black Mountain Carving forces. The Fu has a vast territory and there are many Black Mountain Carving Troops, but the main force is quite limited.

While Ye Tianlong was looking at the map, a woman in a brave military uniform held a briefing and reported to Ye Tianlong in a low voice:

"At 2 o'clock this morning, the Black Mountain Eagle returned to base camp secretly from the outside, and at the same time activated the signal for full preparation!"

"At four o'clock this morning, the Black Mountain Eagle sent a company to go to the rear to take out a large number of weapons and ammunition."

"At six o'clock this morning, the Black Mountain Eagle held a high-level meeting and also let a few elderly veterans join in."

"At eight o'clock in the morning, the Black Mountain Eagle inspected four troops, the death squad, the field division, the tank battalion, the helicopter company, and also took the oath."

The woman in military uniform landed and informed the Black Mountain Eagle's whereabouts: "Nearly 10,000 shots were fired to avenge Black Dapeng."

"Half an hour ago, the Black Mountain Eagle handed a letter to the Fu Group."

At this time, the curtain at the door was lifted again, and Bai Poyue walked in with a look of Xiao Sha, waved his hand to let the adjutant leave, and added coldly:

"The Black Mountain Eagle wants Fu to hand over you, the murderer, within 24 hours, or he will fight with the Fu group."

"At the same time, the Fu Group wants to compensate for the losses of the Black Mountain Eagle New Barracks, a total of 200 million oceans."

"Fifteen minutes ago, Monster Slaughter had a phone call with Black Mountain Eagle. The envoy of Monster Slaughter will arrive at the Black Mountain Eagle Defense Area in the afternoon to discuss major issues."

After Bai Poyue finished the briefing, he stared at Ye Tianlong sharply and said: "Ye Tianlong, the situation is urgent, the situation is critical."

"If you don't order Qi Dajun to put pressure on you, do you want to sit and watch the Black Mountain Eagle take refuge in the Monster Slayer?"

Ye Tianlong took a sip of soy milk and smiled brightly: "No hurry, no hurry."

Bai Poyue stepped forward fiercely, her eyes flickering sharply: "Not in a hurry?"

"Last night I asked you to try to attack the Black Mountain Eagle, who rushed back overnight. You are not in a hurry. In the middle of the night I asked you to bombard with cannon fodder and put pressure on you, but you don't listen."

She hated iron and steel and shouted: "You have been saying that you are not in a hurry, and you have been saying to wait, but we are free, but the Black Mountain Eagle is not free."

"Because you have repeatedly missed the opportunity to strike, the Black Mountain Eagle returned to the defense zone calmly, dispatched troops to fight, and even contacted the Monster Slayer."

"We don't move anymore. Once the Black Mountain Eagle and the Monster Killer finalize the details of the alliance, we will be more passive, and more people will die by then."

Bai Poyue reminded Ye Tianlong: "Our situation is even more dangerous."

Ye Tianlong didn't respond directly, just smiled faintly: "Why were you willing to cooperate with me last night? Or is a mountain division following my command?"

"It's enough for you to drop a regiment or a battalion to send me away."

Ye Tianlong lowered his head and took a sip of soy milk.

The corner of Bai Poyue's mouth touched twice: "The Battle on the Long Street, I saw you with admiration, so I want to see how you stunned the Black Mountain Eagle."

"The three legs of the Black Triangle have been standing together for too long, and there are not a lot of fights. I long to see an overlord."

She did not conceal her own voice: "Let the black triangle have only one voice."

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes slightly, and then responded with a smile: "The old rich with this opportunity will definitely become the black triangle overlord."

Bai Poyue did not respond to Ye Tianlong, a light that was difficult to understand flashed in her eyes, and then her conversation turned:

"I have aspirations and ideals, and I think you can defeat the Black Mountain Eagle, and I think you will have an amazing record."

"But now I find that I overestimated you. You are a fighter."

Bai Poyue said coldly: "From last night to now, there have been many good fighters, but you have chosen to ignore and lose them all, letting me down."

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "I'm really not in a hurry, wait a minute."

Bai Poyue's voice sank: "What are you waiting for?"


At this time, the woman in military uniform ran in again: "The Black Mountain Eagle sent a helicopter to return the coffin of Black Dapeng to the defense zone."

Ye Tianlong sat up straight:


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