Talented Genius

Chapter 1512: Invisible allies

Chapter 1512: Invisible Allies

Half an hour later, the helicopter arrived at a deep mountain hospital. The hospital was located in a valley, wide and magnificent, and the defense was quite tight.

The mountain pass, the mountainside, and the cave are all stationed with troops. Not to mention a thousand people guarding the hospital. Ye Tianlong also saw air defense weapons.

Even though it was dusk, the hospital was still crowded, with wounded, medical staff, and officers and soldiers, all in a hurry but in order.

The core area of ​​the hospital is now heavily guarded, with dozens of people fully armed guarding an open space, waiting for Heimeng's helicopter to drop.


As soon as the helicopter landed, and before the door opened, five or six medical staff ran over, guarding a movable bed in the middle, looking nervous.

Behind is a white suit, a gentleman as a teacher, and a few members of the rich family such as Jue Wen.

When the hatch opened, Jue Wen rushed forward: "Brother Ye, Brother Ye, hold on, you must hold on."

"Let’s say it’s good to carry guns together, and one of them is a female voter. Now I have carried a gun. Nvchang hasn't ever had a female vote. You can’t die."

Juewen and Ye Tianlong were also in distress when they were in Mingjiang, so they were somewhat brotherly and worried that Ye Tianlong would die.


Heimeng directly smashed into Juowen, holding Ye Tianlong and shouting again and again: "Quickly, send him an operation, he was shot, he was shot."

Several medical staff hurriedly carried Ye Tianlong up, and some people took an oxygen mask and stuffed Ye Tianlong's nose and mouth.

The rich man also ran over quickly, grabbing Ye Tianlong's hand and shouting: "Ye Shao, how is the injury?"

Before Ye Tianlong could speak, Heimeng shouted: "He was shot in the abdomen, it was all blood..."

The corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth twitched for a while, then he reached out and pulled the rich man down, whispering a few words...

The rich opened their mouths wide, but couldn't say what they wanted to say.

"I've been shot, what else do you say?"

Hei Meng rarely ignored the authority of the wealthy, and hated the iron for nothing, and cursed Ye Tianlong, and then asked the doctor to quickly push Ye Tianlong to the operating room.

The wealthy man looked at Ye Tianlong who was being pushed away, took out a cigar and lit it and sighed: "Pretending to be a big hair..."

At this time, Jue Wen stepped forward and said: "Big Brother, Ye Tianlong, this guy is really cruel, he exploded Black Dapeng's head in public."

Although he was a little worried when he spoke, his tone was endlessly admired. He wanted to explode Black Dapeng more than once, but he didn't have the courage.

Now that Ye Tianlong heads the Black Dapeng, he feels very happy in his heart, and regrets that he has not witnessed all this on the spot.

The wealthy member smiled faintly: "He looks cynical, but in fact he has a better score than anyone else."

"At the beginning in Huaxia, in such an environment, he dared to save you, a big drug lord, what's so strange about killing Black Dapeng?"

There are not too many surprises in the eyes of the rich: "Unless the two sides do not collide, otherwise Ye Tianlong will definitely kill the Black Dapeng."

In his wave of gestures, several followers dispersed, scanning the surroundings for alert.

Jue Wen nodded: "That said, yes, this kid looks at him laughing, but he is very good at doing things."

"But Black Dapeng is always the only son of the Black Mountain Eagle. If he is killed like this, the Black Mountain Eagle will definitely be angry. What should we do now?"

Jue Wen was a little worried. Although he didn't put the Black Mountain Eagle in his eyes, the death of the other party was also very troublesome, not to mention the Tu family staring at him.

There are not too many waves outside the rich, just as if calmly said: "If you are a Black Mountain Eagle, what would you do?"

The lights of the hospital slowly lit up, and the lights of the entire black triangle were gradually lit up. The lights of thousands of families, but who knows, the quiet storm.

In the cold mountain breeze, Jue Wen was slightly taken aback when he heard the rich man asking questions, then he replaced himself in the position of the Black Mountain Eagle, and quietly took the topic:

"The Black Mountain Eagle's strength is less than 30% of ours. Whether it is the quality of personnel or equipment, he dare not directly fight us."

He squinted his eyes slightly: "But he can't help but revenge for murder."

"Instead I am him, he must be dispatching troops and generals, and then issuing a notice to Fu, and handing over Ye Tianlong within a limited time."

"I will show the strength of the bereavement. If I don't hand over the murderer Ye Tianlong, I will smash with the Fu clan or defect to the Tu clan."

Juowen exhaled a long breath: "After all, his son is dead, so he doesn't do anything. I'm afraid he will be laughed at in the future and his subordinates will also be distracted."

The wealthy people walked outside to a crocodile pool in the hospital, which was specially designed to handle some people. Dozens of crocodiles were kept in captivity, which was very cruel.

The bullet-proof glass blocked the body, but it still gave people a kind of danger. The movement of the crocodile made people palpitation.

It doesn't matter to the rich outside, he, who is used to taking risks, naturally can withstand this danger.

For a long time, he turned his head to look at Jue Wen, and smiled faintly: "It's that simple?"

"of course not."

Jue Wen added the last sentence: "In order to show my determination and vent my anger, I will slaughter the Chinese Business Association, especially the Lu Family."

"As long as you kill the Lu family and keep the dog and dog, it will be a little deterrent to the Fu, and it can be regarded as a heavy blow to Ye Tianlong."

Juewen gave his own answer: "Yes, start with the Lu family and give Fu's reward."

The rich man nodded, then smiled: "Something makes sense."

Jue Wen thought about it for a while and asked, "Big Brother, what should we do next? Should we hand over Ye Tianlong to calm down, or are we going to take a fight?"

With his hands on his back, the rich man walked slowly forward: "Ye Tianlong is my brother. He has saved you and me several times. He is still Tutuhachi's brother."

"We have placed 30% of our assets in Hungary and Mongolia, and we have also opened up a lot of legitimate business. These are all the blessings of Toye Tianlong."

He thought well: "If Ye Tianlong is not protected, not only will you and I have no face to meet people, but the Hungarian and Mongolian state will also confiscated our assets."

"You should know how much Tutuhaci values ​​Ye Tianlong. As long as Ye Tianlong needs it, he can go to Hungary and Mongolia as the vice president at any time."

"The order is passed on, fully deployed, and Heimeng is ordered to deliver two helicopters, three anti-aircraft machine guns, and ten rockets to the Lu family."

The rich man pointed a finger outside: "Although the Lu family's children are elite and have good weapons, they don't have much firepower."

"If the Lu family held the Black Mountain Eagles offensive, they would also attract more Black Mountain Eagles. If they were more restrained, the Black Mountain Eagles would not dare to challenge me."

His smile became meaningful: "Moreover, he helped the Lu family at this time. The Lu family has really survived the disaster and will be grateful to us."

This is equivalent to an invisible ally, not to mention the relationship with Ye Tianlong.


Juewen nodded: "But Heimeng is now worried about Ye Tianlong's injury. Will it be bad for her to perform this task? Or I will go to the Lujia."

"No way!"

The wealthy member shook his head: "The Lu family is definitely all around now. They won't believe you, a strange face, but they have seen Black Dreams on the spot."

"So it's most appropriate to send Black Dream in the past."

He also spoke meaningfully: "And Ye Tianlong also hopes Heimeng will pass. You tell Heimeng that this is Ye Tianlong's request."

"And I can assure her that Ye Tianlong will definitely be fine."

The wealthy people have great confidence: "Besides, she can't help Ye Tianlong if she stays here now."

Jue Wen nodded: "Understand, I will tell Heimeng right away."

Soon, Heimeng rushed out of the underground hospital again, and took the people away by helicopter...

After Heimeng took the person away, the rich man flicked his cigar outside, then passed through the heavily guarded sentry and slowly came to the operating room.

He reached out and pushed open the wooden door.

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