Talented Genius

Chapter 1465: You are fired

After eating breakfast, Ye Tianlong asked Zheng Xiaolan to return to the company first, and asked her to inform the various management talents to meet in the conference room on time at 9:30.

At eight o'clock, Ye Tianlong met Su Rui and his group at the airport.

Not only did he get back four ‘Black Leaf Saint Cicada’ pills, he also received ten senior antique talents from the Taishu family.

Later, Ye Tianlong took them straight to the Tianlong Antique Company. Before long, Bailihua and the three members of the Feng Group drove together.

After two more intersections, 30 members of the Dragon Club, led by Big Dog and Bobcat, also joined Ye Tianlong's motorcade.

A group of fifty people, marching towards Tianlong Antiques mightily.

Zheng Xiaolan heard that Ye Tianlong was going to the Tianlong Antiques for a meeting, the whole person instantly became bright, and the depression of many days was swept away.

She had a foreboding that Ye Tianlong's arrival would set off a storm for the entire company, and she quickly adjusted her mentality and prepared to assist Ye Tianlong with all her strength.

She soon appeared at the Tianlong Antique Company, and took the elevator to the administrative hall on the third floor.

"Yeah, she's at work? I thought she wouldn't dare to come."

"With a salary of more than 10,000 yuan, how can it be easy to be willing?"

As soon as Zheng Xiaolan got out of the elevator, he saw the two young girls at the front desk raising their heads, looking at her with playful eyes, and making a mockery from time to time.

Their eyes were also disdainful and contemptuous of Zheng Xiaolan. When Zheng Xiaolan looked over, they not only didn't avoid it, but they also curled their lips provocatively.

When pointing to Zheng Xiaolan at the two front desks, another four or five female employees who passed by laughed and whispered while holding documents.

"Oh my god, she still dares to go to work? Even though the pictures are mosaics, she knows it is her at first glance."

"I thought she was a good person. I didn't expect to be so slutty, drinking and taking off at the bar, and I don't know how many men got fucked."

"This kind of person who affects the company's reputation, Joe should always fire her?"

"Definitely to be expelled, but I have to say that she is really in good shape."

"I don't usually think she's pretty. I didn't expect her to be so beautiful when she took off her clothes. Unfortunately, I couldn't see three points.

"If you have a good figure, you will have a facelift and a picture."

Zheng Xiaolan's brows furrowed tightly. Although the other party said something about it, she could still listen to it. Then she thought of the bar being drunk and her pretty face was a bit ugly.

She wanted to talk to Wang Xiaoli and the others, but finally decided to hold back her anger and finish Ye Tianlong's orders first.

"Wow, Xiaolan, you are so beautiful and sexy."

At this time, another thin and tall man passed by, and when he saw Zheng Xiaolan, he opened his eyes wide, his eyes full of undisguised pervert light.

It seems that he has to penetrate Zheng Xiaolan's clothes and has seen it clean, and he seems to want to pounce on her and strip her naked.

"Would you like to sit in my office? My red wine and my sofa are very good."

The thin and tall man licked his lips and said in a pun, "A hundred times better than the bar."

Zheng Xiaolan's eyes were cold: "Director Zhao, show respect?"

Director Zhao looked disdainful: "You are all like that in the bar, and you want me to show respect? What kind of score do you put on? It's ridiculous."

When Zheng Xiaolan's face changed, Director Zhao's phone vibrated, and he walked to the lounge with a ‘pooh’, avoiding Zheng Xiaolan’s anger.

"Little Lan, are you coming to work?"

At this moment, Wang Xiaoli, who took Zheng Xiaolan to drink last night, walked over from one side surrounded by several secretaries, smiling very playfully:

"I thought you drank so much last night, and 80% of you couldn't go to work today. Unexpectedly, you came here on time."

Zheng Xiaolan's mouth moved twice: "Sister Xiaoli, did you play with me last night?"

The exquisite Wang Xiaoli stretched out her slender fingers and gestured triumphantly: "Don't talk nonsense, how can we do such a thing?"

"We drank together, you drank too much and got drunk, and we wanted to take you home, but you refused, shouting too hot and wanting to undress."

She was very happy: "We can see that you are really lustful and eager for men, but still don't want you to be ashamed in the bar."

"It's just that we want to stop you, so you hit someone with a wine bottle. There is no way, we have to go."

"As for what happened later, we don't know. We all left, but I saw that you were **** in the wing."

The woman with earrings beside her also agreed with a smile: "Yes, we kindly invited you to drink. I didn't expect to drink this kind of thing. It's really a shame."

The woman with bangs also smiled and said, "Do you know that you were drunk and stripped naked. You were photographed by some bad guys and posted to the company's WeChat group."

"Although the key parts are mosaiced and the face is not very clear, customers who are familiar with our company will definitely recognize you."

The long-haired woman naturally followed and suppressed: "Qiao always heard about this and was very angry and annoyed."

"He comes back this afternoon to clean up you, I think you should leave as soon as possible."

Zheng Xiaolan's face changed drastically. He took out the mobile phone that was picked up by Ye Tianlong and scanned the WeChat group when he turned it on, and he saw nearly a thousand messages in the group.

There are a few pictures of her on it, sent by a new stranger.

This kind of internal group has a stranger entering and has been approved. Everyone knows that it must be an insider.

Zheng Xiaolan was very angry, but when she saw that the picture was not out of the ordinary, she felt relieved again. This look is like wearing a bikini.

Zheng Xiaolan guessed that the other party just wanted to hit him, and he knew the scale of the legal crackdown, so he didn't dare to put secretly taken photos indiscriminately.

These people opposed her, calculated her, stepped on her, scolded her, and brutally violent her, and finally they wanted to kick her out of the Tianlong Antique Secretariat.

Thinking of the other party's calculations, Zheng Xiaolan laughed rather than anger, and faintly said: "I am not wrong about this matter, so I will not resign."

"Good sister, strong enough, I like your look like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water."

Wang Xiaoli waved her hand to stop the three girls from speaking out, and looked at Zheng Xiaolan with a smile: "You won't quit your job and you can go to work on time. It seems that it's really fine."

"It just so happens that a batch of goods will arrive in the warehouse at half past nine. Joe is always worried about the rough hands of the workers and asks you to help later."

"It's best to be able to carry it personally, otherwise the workers will break anything and not only find compensation from them, but also hold you accountable."

In the scene of moving things to the warehouse, Wang Xiaoli has already rectified Zheng Xiaolan twice, and once let Zheng Xiaolan move from morning to night.

The four Wang Xiaoli and the others not only refused to let the transportation workers help, they also made mistakes and made things difficult for Zheng Xiaolan from time to time, allowing her to move all day.

I almost folded my waist.

Now the old trick repeats itself.

Only this time, Zheng Xiaolan did not have the patience as before, she said coldly: "I am the chief secretary, not a porter."

"I can exercise for the sake of learning, but you are not qualified to assume that it is my business."

Upon hearing Zheng Xiaolan's words, Wang Xiaoli and the others had cold eyes and their arrogance rose:

"We know that you are the chief secretary, but the company has never said that the chief secretary can't move things, and this is what Qiao meant."

"Command, I have already conveyed it to you, whether to move it or not, you consider it yourself."

Wang Xiaoli raised her face and taught: "Zheng Xiaolan, if you want to stay in this company, you'd better do things obediently."

Zheng Xiaolan said neither overbearing nor overbearing: "I am the chief secretary, and I only obey the general manager. Qiao always has no jurisdiction over me."

"And when I came back today, I also took the general manager's order to inform the middle and high-level managers of the meeting at 9:30. You have delayed me 15 minutes."

Zheng Xiaolan picked up his mobile phone and sent a round of meeting information.

"Whether the general manager is not the general manager, the major shareholder behind this company is the Qiao family, and here is Qiao who has the final say."

Wang Xiaoli snorted: "Zheng Xiaolan, don't use tiger skin as a banner."

She also took out her mobile phone and directly deleted the meeting information, with contempt: "Meeting? Except for Mr. Qiao, no one can hold a middle-level and high-level meeting."

"You Zheng Xiaolan is even less qualified to convey this news."

When the women with earrings jokingly deleted the text messages, Wang Xiaoli hummed again: "If you don't go to the warehouse, you will wait for Mr. Qiao to be expelled."

Zheng Xiaolan ignored them, just looked at the two beautiful front desks:

"Call the middle and senior level and inform everyone that the meeting will be held in the multifunctional conference room at 9:30."

Her position is qualified to order two people to do things.

The two beautiful front desks did not respond, they just lowered their heads to take the nail polish and painted their nails, not taking Zheng Xiaolan seriously.

Wang Xiaoli and the others sneered and gloated.

Zheng Xiaolan said coldly: "Do you really take my words as the wind?"

The two beautiful front desks raised their heads with a bit of impatience: "Didn't you see that we are busy? You can't call yourself."

Zheng Xiaolan looked at Wang Xiaoli and the others: "I am the chief secretary. You are considered to be under my leadership. I will tell you now."

"Immediately call the middle and senior level and inform them that the meeting is at half past nine. If one of you fails to implement it, I will take you as a question."

Zheng Xiaolan began to explode with great power.

"Oh, it's different after drinking and taking off clothes. Dare to ask us to do something? Do you really think you are the chief secretary?"

Wang Xiaoli smiled: "My Chief Secretary, we just don't call or follow your instructions. What can you do?"

"You were fired!"

At this moment, in the silently opened elevator door, Ye Tianlong and Su Rui walked out of the group, one by one, brightly dressed and brightly colored.

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