Talented Genius

Chapter 1437: I am King Qin

If Lin Chenxue knew that Miao Tiannu was an honest person, she would almost throw the table off.

Little, what the **** is this? Ten grams? Fifty grams or one hundred grams? The weight seems small, but the effect is very different.

When Lin Chenxue was about to quit the computer, Ye Tianlong, who found the problem, came up to communicate.

He directly asked Miao Tiannu to prepare medicines in front of Lin Chenxue, and then let people weigh out the amounts of various medicines on the spot.

This method solved the gap between the two, and finally let Lin Chenxue build a model, and then began to deduct...

Ye Tianlong didn't bother them, and after leaving enough manpower for the two of them, he walked out of the pharmacy to breathe fresh air.

After just a few minutes in a daze, Ye Tianlong saw Qin Gang walking quickly, with a touch of joy on his face, and then saw him standing in front of him and speaking:

"Ye Shao, there is news from the front that more than a thousand people were killed in the 36 places that were cleared last night, and most of the village owners corpses on the spot."

He whispered: "There is still a small part hidden in a deeper hole."

"According to your instructions, we distributed a large number of flyers to them, telling them that we have controlled the map of the cave, and we can clearly attack them."

"They are very angry, but also very scared. They will not attack the officials indiscriminately."

Qin Gang also passed the bombed satellite image to Ye Tianlong: "They are afraid."

Ye Tianlong glanced at it, and bombarded almost at the location marked by his uncle Taijia, so he didn't have much surprise with Zhan Guo, and nodded:

"Although they are scared, you still have to set up cards in Yangguanfeng and other places before Miao Tiannu goes back, and it is strictly forbidden for Zangmao to come in."

Ye Tianlong reminded Qin Gang to be careful about everything: "Let's prevent a few dead men from committing poisoning."

Qin Gang nodded: "Ye Shao, don't worry, I promise you won't let you down again." Then he changed his conversation: "I was wrong about what happened last night."

"Not only did I let the line of defense slack, and gave Chu Zijiao and the others a chance to sneak in, but I didn't stop Jin Shuangjiang from going up the mountain. I am willing to be punished."

There is guilt on his face.

"Forget it, I was Liliwei last night, things have nothing to do with you."

Ye Tianlong slapped him on the shoulder: "My order to you is not to let any infected person go down the mountain, but I didn't tell you not to let others go up the mountain."

"Who would have thought that people like Chu Zijiao would be so deluded that they would even dare to break into the plague restricted area?"

He understands Qin Gang's situation very well: "As for Jin Shuangjiang, they are too high in their positions and ranks, and you can't stop them."

In addition to the flexibility of the incident, Ye Tianlong hopes to have a better relationship with the military as well.

In this way, the future path can be more relaxed, and there may be opportunities for cooperation.

Qin Gang was moved when he heard the words: "Ye Shao, thank you."

"You don't need to be polite, you go ahead."

Ye Tianlong smiled at him: "Today is very important, we must guard each level well."

Qin Gang nodded confidently, then turned around and went out to make arrangements. Ye Tianlong looked at the sky, and then walked to the isolation hospital not far away.

He first went to see the oriole and Tianmo, and after chatting to confirm their safety, he moved to another camp, opened the rain curtain and walked in.

Ye Tianlong quickly saw the willow blossom. After a day of recuperation, the woman not only got under control of her injuries, but her mental state was also much better.

It's just that she is lonely.

Liu Huahua leaned on the dark green hospital bed and looked outside through the palm-sized ventilation window. She didn't know what she was thinking, but she looked very sad.

"It's a happy thing to survive the birthday banquet. Why are you still depressed?"

Ye Tianlong walked over slowly, picking up an apple and a knife on the way: "You will make four thousand guests feel so depressed to vomit blood."

"Ye Shao!"

Hearing the sound, Liu Huahua turned his head and looked over. Seeing Ye Tianlong appear, he said hello politely, and then sighed quietly:

"I should really be happy to be able to survive, but thinking of the death of King Wei, the things we have worked hard for for many years are in vain."

"It's very sad in my heart."

Liu Huahua did not conceal his feelings: "I was instilled by the Wei Wang and the others when I was very young, that is, wholeheartedly loyal to the Wei family."

"We support each other and fight each other to make the Wei clan become extremely powerful, and then assist the king of Wei to become the decision maker of Tianmen."

"I originally thought that this goal shouldn't be difficult to achieve, and for this reason I also risked undercover Qi's family."

"From my previous perspective, as long as the king of Qi with the most resources and the greatest power is eliminated, the Wei family is the leader of the seven kings, and sooner or later he will become the principal."

Knowing each other and admiring each other, Liu Huahua no longer hates Ye Tianlong: "But now I find that things are far from simple as I thought."

"Qi Ba is dead, but Zhuang Mingyan avenged her selfish desires, and also lost 500 elites of the Wei family."

"This time I came to heaven to find a zombie mother-in-law, and the guards were all killed, and Wang Wei probably died under the rocks."

There was a touch of pain on her face: "I am left alive now... the entire Wei family is badly injured, and there is no competition."

"I don't know if I can go back to Bahrain, but I know that I seem to have lost my life goal."

Liu Huahua sighed softly, "I am empty now, and I feel more sad than dead."

"The world is so good, why bother yourself? Take care of yourself, then go back to Bahrain and start again."

Ye Tianlong cuts the apple in his hand: "With your ability, Wei Ruqing is dead, and you will have a great chance to take the lead."

Liu Huahua looked at Ye Tianlong for a moment: "Will you let me go? I have calculated you."

Ye Tianlong handed the apple over: "You really want to count me, but in the end I counted it, and almost lost his life."

"You can live the life of Dafu. It would be a bit too much for me to kill you again, so obey God's will. You are free."

He was generous and generous: "After the injury is healed, leave as soon as you want, go wherever you want, without asking me or reporting."

Liu Huahua looked at Ye Tianlong with a complicated expression. He didn't expect Ye Tianlong to be so generous. He said to himself, "How nice you are Wang Wei."

Ye Tianlong, who was about to leave, smiled and asked, "If I am King Wei, what do you want?"

Liu Huahua spoke word by word: "Swear allegiance to your death and assist you in the upper ranks. For the rest of my life, my wish is to help one person become the principal of the heavenly gate."

Ye Tianlong replied leisurely: "Wang Wei is afraid that it will not work. My surname is not Wei. Can other kings work?"

Liu Huahua thought that Ye Tianlong was laughing, so he raised his head and said, "As long as you are the king, as long as you are determined to unify the seven kings, I will assist you with all my strength."

Ye Tianlong tilted his head: "A word is sure?"

The willow blossom is as calm as the level: "The horses are hard to chase! If there is any violation, the willow blossom will be hit by thunder and thunder.

Ye Tianlong added: "Adding another Wei clan will be punished, and the king of Wei will be beaten three hundred corpses!"

"You're pretty vicious, okay, just swear as you say..."

The corners of Liu Huahua’s mouth moved a little, and then she showed a touch of joking: "Are you going to tell me that your Chinese zodiac monkey, you are the Monkey King?"

Ye Tianlong lifted her delicate chin with his fingers, in a soft voice:

"No, I am King Qin."

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