Talented Genius

Chapter 1429: Perfect model

Ye Tianlong quickly wiped off the nosebleed, and then turned to look at Wu Lingshuang and the others, to get them away from the scene as soon as possible.

At the same time, he asked Qin Gang to set aside an area to isolate everyone. He couldn't risk everyone before he confirmed whether the virus would be contagious.

Qin Gang dispatched soldiers to quickly set up the tent, and arranged several medical staff to follow Ye Tianlong's dispatch.

Ye Tianlong examined seven or eight fallen soldiers and found that although they were unconscious and bleeding in their noses and mouths, their condition did not worsen.

Not long after, Miao Tiannu also rushed over, followed Earth Kuangtian to check the situation of everyone, and then walked to Ye Tianlong to speak:

"Weak limbs, bleeding nose and mouth, black throat, difficulty breathing, and moderate coma. These are symptoms of inhalation of dead swamp gas."

He gave a judgment: "The gas is poisonous. It will not kill people immediately, but it will severely damage the brain nerves. It must be detoxified within 12 hours."

Ye Tianlong frowned slightly: "Death Marsh Gas? We didn't go to that area."

Then he patted his head again and said, "I understand, the artillery shells flattened Wangu Mountain, and the incendiary bombs consumed a lot of air, causing airflow fluctuations."

"The gas above the death swamp rushed over, not only flowing into the mountains such as Wangushan, but also filling the helicopter cabin and space."

"When we were in Wangushan, because we were all wearing gas masks, plus you and Di Kuangtian's drug suppression, everyone was fine."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath: "Later, the helicopter closed the cabin and lifted off, and we took off the mask and accidentally sucked it on."

"should be."

Miao Tiannu looked solemnly: "Judging from the symptoms, although Tianmo and the others don't inhale much, their bodies are also harmed and they must be dispensed immediately."

Ye Tianlong was puzzled: "Earth Kuangtian stays in poison all year round. He will not be poisoned. I can understand. Why am I okay?"

Miao Tiannu's eyes were also surprised, staring at Ye Tianlong and nodding lightly: "This is really strange. Most people will be unconscious if they breathe in death gas."

Ye Tianlong wondered if he was really invincible? Then he quickly suppressed this idea, and then turned to speak:

"You have seen Tianmo and their symptoms, and you know that it is death gas. It shouldn't be difficult to detoxify them?"

Miao Tiannu's face is still solemn: "It can be done, but I need manpower, enough manpower to help with dispensing medicine."

More than 300 people fell, and Miao Tiannu's hands and feet were not enough.

Ye Tianlong nodded: "This is no problem, I will make arrangements for you immediately, and you can also bring Di Kuangtian to help."

Hearing that Miao Tiannu could solve it, Ye Tianlong dismissed the idea of ​​his own research and left the professional tasks to professional people to do so in order to maximize efficiency.

When Miao Tiannu and Di Kuangtian were going to prepare the antidote, Ye Tianlong also went into a camp to rest. He was too tired to toss for a day, and he wanted to take a good rest.

After taking a bath and putting on a new set of clothes, Ye Tianlong told Qin Gang that he would not be infected, and then lay down on a rocking chair and fell asleep quickly...

In his sleep, Ye Tianlong saw a little boy tied to a laboratory chair with a lot of needles inserted into his body, and needle water kept flowing into his body.

At the same time, his own blood also slowly flowed into a bag.

The injection and blood draw were slow, but the little boy felt pain in his heart. He kept screaming, but no one cared about his feelings.

More than a dozen men and women in white just took notepads, copied the data on the wall, talked and laughed, and occasionally observed his reaction...

The little boy in the dream struggled desperately, but he was **** by a belt and couldn't get out. He felt helpless like never before, and his strength grew stronger.

At this time, he vaguely heard several men and women exclaiming, as if saying that some power was about to break the record, but they soon revealed a trace of disappointment.

The little boy gradually calmed down, and the data dropped...

Soon, a woman in white was holding a syringe, a long and thick syringe filled with white needle water, and she smiled and walked towards him...


Seeing the syringe, the little boy broke out completely, his hands and feet instantly surged in strength, a measuring instrument exploded at its limit, and the belt broke.

The woman in white just walked up to the little boy, and the little boy punched out——


With a loud noise, an object fell and flew out, and Ye Tianlong who was asleep suddenly woke up, still feeling extremely painful in his right hand, and a muffled grunt not far away.

He condensed his gaze and saw Lin Chenxue fall to the ground, the metal box in his hand was sunken, and there was a trace of a fist in the middle.

"Mr. Lin, why are you here?"

Ye Tianlong got up from the chair hurriedly, and took a few steps forward to help Lin Chenxue up: "What's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly fall to the ground?"

"I heard that something happened to you, so I thought about it to see if it was infected, and then see if I can help."

Lin Chenxue faintly said, "I called you a few times and there was no movement, so I took the liberty to come in. Unexpectedly, just when I got close, you would hit me."

"Fortunately, I blocked the medicine box by Jizhong Shengzhi. Otherwise, I was afraid that you would break three ribs. For that matter, I also fell."

She glanced at Ye Tianlong: "Why are you so hostile? You sleep so hard?"

"sorry Sorry!"

Ye Tianlong heard that he was punching others, and he hurriedly apologized to Lin Chenxue: "I had a nightmare just now and the environment in the dream was dangerous, so I shot."

"I'm really sorry, have you hurt?"

He looked at Lin Chenxue who was constantly rubbing his knees and said, "Why don't I check it for you?"

"No, I'm fine."

Lin Chenxue coughed slightly, then took the box and opened it: "How are you? I heard that all the more than 300 people who came back fell down?"

"It's not an infectious disease, nor the poison from the top of the mountain, it's just a miasma."

Ye Tianlong thought about it for a while and gave an easy-to-understand phrase: "I've already made people prepare the antidote, and it will be fine in the morning at most."

Lin Chenxue took out some instruments and asked curiously: "They have fallen from the miasma, why are you all right?"

Ye Tianlong laughed and said, "I'm not poisonous."


Lin Chenxue took out the things, then turned on a computer, connected various instruments, and looked at Ye Tianlong and spoke without doubt:

"I brought the testing equipment. I'm not a doctor, but the data is still top-notch. Come, let me see your body."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback, then smiled and said, "No need? I am a genius doctor myself, there is no problem, I know in my heart, why bother to check?"

"Fortune tellers cannot do calculations by themselves, nor can healers treat themselves."

Lin Chenxue held down Ye Tianlong: "Your own judgment will be mixed with many subjective factors, or the instrument is more reliable."

"Temperature, heartbeat, and blood pressure are all checked."

She also revealed a touch of joking: "Don't worry, I won't eat your tofu, and I won't let you be unable to explain Wu Lingshuang and Ning Hongzhuang."

Ye Tianlong looked embarrassed and sat down obediently for Lin Chenxue's inspection.

Lin Chenxue didn't make fun of Ye Tianlong anymore, and swiftly connected Ye Tianlong with various testing equipment, checking him like a drug.

His blood pressure, heartbeat, and body temperature were all normal. Lin Chenxue checked his blood and liver again to confirm that there was no possibility of infection.

She breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, which meant that Ye Tianlong would not be involved, and her worries disappeared, although this round of testing took two and a half hours.

However, when Lin Chenxue scanned the test images, blood cells, and chromosome multiples again, she felt that these things were a bit familiar.

Ye Tianlong stared at Lin Chenxue and asked softly, "Am I okay?"

"It's okay... normal... just your genes..."

Lin Chenxue suddenly struck a Ji Ling, almost lost her voice in surprise:

Tianyao No.1, the perfect model?

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