Talented Genius

Chapter 1415: collision

When Ye Tianlong got the name and address of Wei Zhongxin's daughter from Liu Huahua, he thought about more than just making a deal with Wei Zhongxin.

Ye Tianlong prepared with both hands.

He let Miao Tiannu poison the cell phone and the note. As long as Wei Zhongxin answered the call and the cell phone became hot, the toxin would spread silently.

Ten square meters are not immune.

In Ye Tianlong's plan, as long as Wei Zhongxin was poisoned by Miao Tiannu, this contest was almost under his control.

Whether it was a critical juncture that caused him to die suddenly, or the late autumn, the initiative was in the hands of Ye Tianlong, and he didn't worry about Han Jing's safety.

After handling Wei Zhongxin's case, Ye Tianlong walked into the helicopter, sent the waking Liuhua in, and gave her her mobile phone and locator.

The two discussed the details, and then the helicopter whizzed out of the camp and flew to Yangguan Peak at the boundary of the mountain.

According to the plan, Liu Huahua will ride a mountain bike into the mountain after arriving at Yangguan Peak, and then walk for two hours to reach a cave.

After arriving in the cave, she will be blindfolded by the zombie's hand, and arrive in the central area with seven turns and six hours, and then see Wei Wuqing again...

After sending away the willow blossoms, Ye Tianlong had another video with Qiu Hongpao, and when he learned that the two livelihoods were not eligible for the birthday banquet, he completely abandoned them.

Ye Tianlong put his hope on Liu Huahua, and then made an attack with Qiu Hongpao, and then Ye Tianlong called Wu Lingshuang again.

It was not Qiu Hongpao that he could fully trust, but Wu Lingshuang.

Ye Tianlong and the two discussed the whole afternoon before they finalized the attack plan and emergency measures, and walked out of the camp after checking the time.

The sky at six o'clock was already gloomy and terrible. As the wind blew, it was even more chilly. Then Ye Tianlong's phone vibrated, and he received news from the earth:

The willow blossom has entered the mountain.

"Ye Tianlong!"

When Ye Tianlong prayed that the willow blossom would survive tonight, a hesitant but clear voice came from behind. He turned his head and saw Lin Chenxue standing behind.

Although the woman was wearing chemical protective clothing and wearing black-rimmed glasses on her face, she still couldn't hide her tall figure and luxurious temperament.

Just as Ye Tianlong looked when he first saw her.

Although Ye Tianlong was a little surprised that she took the initiative to find herself, she still raised a smile and said, "Mr. Lin, hello, what are you looking for?"

"If you need resources, you can tell Battalion Commander Qin directly. I have already told him that I can meet the requirements of the expert team unconditionally."

Ye Tianlong tried his best to make himself peaceful: "Even if there is nothing in the sky, they will try to find it for you."

When Lin Chenxue heard the words ‘Mr. Lin’, the corners of Lin Chenxue’s mouth moved a bit, both familiar and unfamiliar, and then recovered calm, shook her head and said:

"I came to you not to ask for any resources, but to ask you, do you want Team Leader Miao to conduct experiments directly with patients?"

In order for Miao Tiannu to study better, and to give him enough authority to manage members, Ye Tianlong directly ordered him to be the leader of the Tianlong special attack team.

Seeing Lin Chenxue's somewhat solemn and pretty face, Ye Tianlong's eyelids couldn't help but nodded honestly:

"Yes, every day five patients are transported from the mountain to the Tianlong Special Attack Team, and Miao Tiannu will test them with the drugs he developed."

Ye Tianlong asked curiously: "Do you also need patients?"

Lin Chenxue's eyes were a bit sharp: "Tianlong, you know how to heal, and you have also stayed in Huayao. You should know how risky the initial trial is."

"It's not an exaggeration to use nine deaths a lifetime."

"These patients are sad enough to be infected with the plague. You have to risk their last lives. Don't you think it is cruel and ruthless?"

"This is very inhumane behavior, this is to ignore their lives."

Lin Chenxue stepped forward and grabbed Ye Tianlong's sleeves: "Tianlong, you can't do this!"

She sympathized with those patients who were not as good as dead, but also worried that the incident would affect Ye Tianlong's reputation.

Seeing Lin Chenxue's heart-wrenching look, Ye Tianlong was stunned for a moment: "Inhumane? President Lin, the patient sent down is a dying person."

"They are destined to die in nine years. If they try to test the drug, they can survive. If the test fails, they will die half a day or a day earlier."

Ye Tianlong's words were very sincere: "This is not only not cruel, not ruthless, but also gives them a chance to survive."

Lin Chenxue stared at Ye Tianlong: "Are you going to talk wrong things in front of me? You and I know that it is impossible for these patients to survive."

Ye Tianlong sighed, "How can I know life and death if I don't try? And even if I die, I just live one day less."

Lin Chenxue's words fell to the ground with a voice: "This day is also their right to survive, you and I have no reason to deprive it."

"Maybe in this day, we will develop a mild and effective antidote?"

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, then he reacted and said faintly: "To put it bluntly, do you not believe in the abilities of Leader Miao?"

Lin Chenxue greeted Ye Tianlong's gaze: "It's not that I don't believe it, it's that I don't like this method, and I just test it with human lives."

"His development is the most crude, primitive, and cruel way."

"Leader Miao does not look at the data of various samples, nor does he refer to similar cases, nor does he simulate drug reactions on the computer, but directly test the patients."

She did not conceal her thoughts: "This is against the spirit of humanity and medicine, and the expert team opposes you and him this way."

Ye Tianlong asked: "How about you?"

Lin Chenxue bit her lip: "I object to it too!"

"I admit what you just said, the way of Leader Miao is rude, cruel, and primitive, but there is still one point that has not been said."

Ye Tianlong stepped forward and looked at the woman with her own obsession: "That's effective."

"Compared with various cold data and cases, Miao's drug test is the most effective."

"Because the symptoms and reactions presented by patients are the most intuitive for developers and the most able to make judgments."

"Do you know why Hengguo Pharmaceutical surpassed the United States to become the world's top? Do you know why Western pharmaceutical companies like to establish laboratories in Hengguo?"

"It's not that they went to Hengguo and their talents skyrocketed, but that there are enough untouchables to experiment, so they can effectively and quickly develop a variety of new drugs."

When there was a wave of waves in Lin Chenxue's eyes, Ye Tianlong's voice became gentle:

"President Lin, I also want to sit down and watch the computer simulation while drinking coffee, and spend three to five months to get rid of the side effects of the new medicine Ming Nian."

Ye Tianlong pointed to the mountain top manor: "But now in this situation, do you think we have three or five months? I'm afraid we haven't for three days."

"Even if the patient can survive for three days, Wei Zhongxin will not give you three more days, and the zombie grandma will begin to march into Tiandu the day after tomorrow."

"Miao Tiannu assured me that if he takes out the antidote within three days, then he will be able to control the plague in three days."

"Maybe the probability of early failure is higher, but an antidote can be quickly developed to rescue more people, and it can also fight against the zombie mother-in-law again."

"The rivers under the heavy rain will have gaps. You still think of the pigs, cattle, chickens and sheep that plug the gaps. Is it humane? Does it make sense?"

He said sincerely: "Sacrifice exists, but it is also necessary."

Lin Chenxue did not speak, but fixedly looked at Ye Tianlong, and then turned and left, but after walking five or six meters out, she suddenly turned around and asked:

"Ye Tianlong, I admit that you are right, but I want to ask you, let Han Jing on the top of the building come down to test the medicine, would you like to?"

Ye Tianlong's eyes instantly narrowed, staring at the stubborn woman with sharp words, and then he said loudly, "No!"

"First, Han Jing is not seriously ill and does not need to test drugs. Second, Han Jing has a close relationship with me. I will not let her take risks until the end."

"Don't talk about my double standards, I yearn for fairness and support morality, but I also tend to be close to each other. I have never been a holy father."

"A stranger, one you, falling into the river, can only save one, the stranger is the king of heaven, and you are in the whirlpool again..."

"I will only save you..."

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