Talented Genius

Chapter 1399: Brick invincible

Although the black robe old woman looks like a bull, but no matter how powerful it is, it is still a body of flesh and blood. When the red charcoal fire goes down, the iron will melt, let alone a person?

Therefore, the black robe old woman was caught in the iron bucket, and suddenly screamed, struggling desperately, rock, sweet potato, charcoal, and snakes and insects, flying around.

The hair and black robe also ignited flames, making it painful at first sight.

Ye Tianlong wanted to step forward and kick a few more feet, but when he was beaten back by the stones, several innocent passers-by groaned even more and fell to the ground with their heads in their hands.

When Ye Tianlong wanted to charge forward again, he saw the black robe old woman yelling:


She suddenly lifted the roasting bucket on her head, and ashes fluttered in the sky, the whole person reappeared.

But half of his hair was burnt, his clothes were in tatters, and his forehead and cheeks were severely burned. It was nothing but a four-character description.

The black robe old woman closed her eyes, waving her hands constantly, slapped her burning hair and clothes, the hot spot made her jump around.

Ye Tianlong's mind flashed over the three words'jumping the god'.

Although the black robe old woman couldn't see Ye Tianlong, she could feel his breath and yelled hysterically:

"Asshole, I want to kill you, I want to kill you."

Ye Tianlong didn't talk nonsense with her at all. He directly picked up a stone from the ground and rushed up to beat the dog in the water. He has always been his sturdy style.

Only halfway through the rush, Ye Tianlong turned around in a panic, as fast as he could escape, at the entrance of the alley, eight women in black robes rushed towards him.

Each holding a snake-head crutches in his hand, as fierce as a medieval witch, while shouting loudly in his mouth:

"Grandma Dahua! Granny Dahua!"

Ye Tianlong didn't know how many people there were on the other side, or how deep the trap was. When he saw a bunch of black-robed women rushing, he immediately turned and ran away.

He didn't want to be smashed by these women for the sake of turning over the old black robe.

"Kill him! Kill him for me!"

At this moment, the black robe old woman has slapped off a lot of ashes, barely able to open her swollen eyes, staring at Ye Tianlong who is running like a rabbit and roars:

"Kill me that kid!"

She pushed away the two companions who were supporting her, like a wounded beast yelling: "Leave me alone, catch up and kill him."

Thousands of miles came to Tiandu, ready to slash Ye Tianlong a thousand swords, but he didn't expect that he would be embarrassed by the first meeting.

Not only was the black centipede raised for many years roasted into coke, but she herself was severely burned by the charcoal fire, and her body was burned in at least 20 places.

How could she not hate Ye Tianlong?

In the black robe old woman's roar, eight black robe women holding snake-head crutches, chasing down Ye Tianlong who was crawling like a meteor.

Ye Tianlong ran hurriedly, seeing the opponent biting, he picked up a few potatoes and smashed it out, trying to block the eight chasing soldiers.

"Pump pound!"

It's just that the potatoes didn't hurt them at all, and they were cut off by the snake-head crutches before they were in front of them, and they all broke into two pieces and fell to the ground, showing the crutches are sharp.

Ye Tianlong took a deep breath, and then threw out a few spare ribs and onions, but they were all cut to the ground by the opponent without mercy...

The entire vegetable market suddenly jumped, and many goods were knocked over to the ground. Customers and stall owners shouted and avoided, and the scene was chaotic.

The eight black-robed women had good endurance and speed. Although Ye Tianlong ran very fast, they always kept a distance of 20 meters.

"Help, help—"

Seeing the opponent chasing after him, and with a tricky look, Ye Tianlong seemed to be stabbed with a fire stick, yelled, and then turned to the car:

"Lao Miao, help..."

The eight black-robed women did not stagnate, but still maintained a forward momentum. When they saw Ye Tianlong rushing through a corner and disappearing, the pace was even worse.


They quickly rushed through the turn, trying to re-lock Ye Tianlong, but found that they were nowhere to be seen, and then raised their heads to find that there was another person in front of them.

Miao Tiannu!

The eight people couldn't see Miao Tiannu's face, but could feel the aura of the latter, and instantly tightened their nerves, and the snake-head crutches all pointed forward...

Miao Tiannu didn't speak, but looked at the eight people calmly.

"Swish swish!"

The eight snake-head crutches suddenly emitted eight black smoke, and accompanied by eight small red centipedes, they all covered Miao Tiannu who made them feel dangerous.

Miao Tiannu remained calm, neither dodge nor dodge, then opened his mouth, a golden light flashed, and eight centipedes fell to the ground...

When Miao Tiannu dealt with eight black-robed women, the old black-robed woman was sitting in a corner near the roasted sweet potato, looking miserable and pitiful.

She originally wanted to chase Ye Tianlong with her companions, and caught him with cramps and skinning, but her facial features were severely burned, and her movement and vision were inconvenient.

Moreover, there are sparks in the curled hair, and the fire can be strengthened by running a few steps.

She could only sit down and put out the sparks in her hair, and then clean up the ashes on her face with water. She swears that she will let Ye Tianlong and Ten Thousand Snakes eat her heart.

The black robe old woman turned over the owner of the stall next door and snatched them a washbasin and bucket of water. She poured the water into the basin and cleaned the wound little by little.

The wounds on her hands were quickly cleaned up, and a lot of ointment was applied, and then she changed a basin of water, closed her eyes and slowly buried her face in the water...


When this face touched the water in the basin, the black robe old woman not only did not feel the coolness, but instead gave birth to extremely hot pain, accompanied by the smell of chili.

She screamed and bounced her face out of the basin and opened her eyes to see that there was a layer of reddish chili powder in the original clean water.

And next to her head, there is a tube, which is slowly falling with chili powder.

The black robe old woman buried her wounded face in this chili powder, how could she not scream and pain?


Before she could see clearly, a wave of pepper was covered, and the black-robed old woman dodged with all her strength, and instinctively closed her eyes, but she was still stained a little.

Her eyes are burning and painful, and her nose is also very itchy.


Before she took a few steps back, a brick slammed on the back of her head. There was a loud noise, and the old woman in black robe snorted and fell with a **** head.


She yelled and struggled to get up, trying to see who was attacking her, but just half of her body upright, her head hurt again.

The black robe old woman screamed, her head fainted and fell back to the ground, no longer able to fight, she could only squeeze her eyes in grief.

In his vision, Ye Tianlong looked smug, holding a brick in his hand: "Is it deep in urban routines?"

The black robe old woman urged sadly: "Shameless!"

She didn't expect that Ye Tianlong got rid of the eight companions and killed a carbine.


Ye Tianlong didn't talk nonsense. He stepped forward, and another brick smashed her to the ground. He smashed the brick while shouting:



"Threat me!"

"Thousands of swords!"

"Thousands of snakes eat their hearts!"

"Life is better than death..."

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