Talented Genius

Chapter 1301: Ten years of wealth

"Qi Ji, you can eat rice but you can't talk nonsense!"

Hearing Qi Ji's words, Zhuang Mingyan looked cold: "You are framing and humiliating my personality. I will complain to your father!"

"In the car accident five years ago, I was killed nine times. The police and the Lin family both intervened in the investigation and determined that it was an accident."

"A drunk truck driver was distracted, resulting in the tragedy of the Lin family's two deaths and one maimed. I was almost knocked into the sea."

"Qi Ji, you can't just assume that I acted on the Lin family and even my husband just because I am profiting now."

Zhuang Mingyan was extremely angry: "No matter how much you dare to talk nonsense, I will complain to your father. If he dares to protect the calf, I will never end with the Qi family."


Qi Ji had already made all kinds of preparations. He was waiting for the prey to fall in today, so he smiled slightly, "Madam, do you want to deny it at this time?"

"Will this be boring?"

Qi Ji took a sip from his wine glass and ran his throat with a smile: "The investigation result was indeed a tragedy caused by a container driver who was drunk in a car accident."

"The site survey and the handling of the tail of the hand, everything seems to be useless."

"Neither you nor Mr. Wei killed someone, or released him on bail in advance, but allowed the media to follow up, the court sentenced him, and was imprisoned for ten years."

Qi Ji's eyes gleamed: "It's just something that the police and the Lin family couldn't find out. It doesn't mean that Qi family doesn't have this ability."

"After receiving Situ Zhe's sincerity, Qi Shi investigated the container driver for the first time. Of course, to prevent you from discovering that we did not force him to confess."

"My subordinates got the information, which showed that the container driver lacks an enzyme in his body, which makes him only one-third of ordinary people drunk."

Qi Ji made a judgment: "In other words, the amount of drunkenness investigated by the police at the beginning is of little significance to him."

"He is sober."

Having said that, he went to a cabinet, took out a report and threw it in front of Zhuang Mingyan: "This is a laboratory report, you can look at it."

"If the lady is going to pretend to be crazy and stupid, I don't mind calling the Lin family and asking them to send the container truck driver for a good medical examination."

Zhuang Mingyan could no longer remain calm, her pretty face became paler, she didn't go to get the report, just silent...

At this point, it would be a shame to pretend to be deaf.

"Qi Ji, make a price."

For a long time, Zhuang Mingyan whispered: "My daughter's safe departure, and this matter will sink forever."

"Actually I have a lot of prices I want to open, but after seeing you, I have only one thought."

Qi Ji smiled and walked towards Zhuang Mingyan: "As long as you promise me one thing, Lin Shaoqing can leave safely, and the container driver can disappear forever."

"I don't know what Qi Ji wants?"

The corner of Zhuang Mingyan's mouth couldn't stop shaking. Although she understood the other party's bad intentions in her heart, her red lips softly squeezed out:

"If you want money, Zhuang Mingyan has a few batches of antique jewellery worth one billion, you can use it first."

She made a promise to the other party: "If you want the Lin family's property, when I become the general manager in the future, I can give you 30%."

"What do you need my help in the future? As long as I can do it without harming my fundamental interests, I will definitely go all out."

Zhuang Mingyan tried to make herself weak and let Qi Ji feel harmless to humans and animals: "I wonder what Qi Shao feels like?"

"Very sincere."

With a faint smile on Qi Ji's face, he slowly walked to Zhuang Mingyan with the wine: "Is a smart woman."

Zhuang Mingyan saw his evil smile like a beast with an open mouth, and took a half step back subconsciously, Qi Ji took a step closer in time, and smiled badly:

"But it doesn't appeal to me much, because I really don't lack those things."

Zhuang Mingyan bit her teeth slightly: "Zhuang Mingyan will still miss your great kindness, and will follow Qi Shao's instructions in the future."

Qi Ji smiled and approached Zhuang Mingyan, spraying a strong scent of wine, and said, "I don't need money, and I don't want you to be grateful. Those are not the least tempting to me."

He suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged Zhuang Mingyan's waist: "I only need your body, one night, one night is enough."

"Qi Shao respects himself!"

Although Zhuang Mingyan guessed the pervert's request, she took a step back to avoid him when she touched her hand, "I am Mrs. Lin."

"I just played Mrs. Lin!"

Qi Ji naturally guessed her resistance, and the huge body instantly stepped forward and cheated in, touching Zhuang Mingyan's plump body with one hand.

After sleeping this woman, recording the video, she will be in complete control of her, and the benefits promised just now will naturally follow. Qi Ji is very deep.

Suddenly, the avoiding Zhuang Mingyan suddenly came forward.


With a sweep of her hair, she exploded more than a dozen blades, one that was faster than the meteor.

At the same time, her left hand had flashed out of the box found at home, snapped a snap, and nearly a thousand silver needles exploded out, spreading the world.

Then, she poked her right hand, and a folded soft sword flew out.


The sword light is like a flying rainbow, flying out of the blade and silver needle, more anxious than the meteor.

Blades, silver needles, and soft swords have sealed Qi Ji's all paths!

No one can resist the power of this blow, and no one can dodge it.

At this moment, Zhuang Mingyan showed a terrible means, a snake-scorpion means, nothing more than that.

Qi Ji has never believed that Zhuang Mingyan can calmly sit down on Mrs. Lin's position without showing that the situation in Hong Kong is in control.

When she first entered the hall, Qi Ji still wondered how could such a stunner be regarded as an axis chess piece by Mr. Wei?

How could the Lin family's third son be killed and maimed by her?

Now he believed it.

Zhuang Mingyan's attack not only chose the most unexpected timing, but it was also unimaginable.

The most unexpected timing is the most correct timing. As long as you make a move, the thunder will be fierce and will never leave the opponent with any retreat.

Vicious, accurate and fast.

This is Zhuang Mingyan.

Zhuang Mingyan is also confident that this move can knock Qi Ji to the ground, then kidnap him and take his daughter away.

However, Qi Ji didn't have much fear or panic. When his head dropped and his hands were wrong, he still roared:


The blades and silver needles fell almost half of them in an instant, and they fell on the ground densely, which was shocking.

There were also some hidden weapons that hit Qi Ji's limbs, but there was no blood splashing as imagined. They all seemed to hit a hard steel plate and landed.

Then, Zhuang Mingyan's soft sword was snapped by his hands with a creak.

Zhuang Mingyan was shocked, and she also knew the power of this trick.

No matter who was hit by her hidden weapons, they would fall immediately, and they would either die or be injured after falling.

Unexpectedly, Qi Ji would still be fine after head-on.


Zhuang Mingyan didn't have time to think about it. She raised her leg and kicked it out, hitting Qi Ji's abdomen.

She thought she would be able to retreat Qi Ji, but this step was hard, just like a stone, Qi Ji did not retreat, but her foot was trembling.

At this moment, Qi Ji raised his head and smiled like a beast.


In the next second, Qi Ji grabbed Zhuang Mingyan's ankle, and then slammed to the sofa next to him.

Zhuang Mingyan snorted, threw a big tumble and fell on the sofa, and her clothes were in a mess.

Before standing up, Qi Ji clicked again. Zhuang Mingyan wanted to resist, but she clicked, her arms were in pain due to the cracked bones.

Then, Qi Ji hit her shoulder blade on the tip of her toe, causing her to fall down again, spitting out blood and losing her combat effectiveness.

Zhuang Mingyan endured the severe pain and looked at Qi Ji in surprise: "You--"

"I'm surprised that I have such a powerful skill, right?"

Qi Ji disappeared from the toughness he had just now, and returned to the dude's smile. He patted the place where his body was shot by the hidden weapon and spoke slowly:

"You really think that you are seldom, eating, drinking and having fun every day, not doing your business?"

"Do you know that what the world can see is what I want them to see."

Qi Ji looked at the glamorous woman with fiery eyes: "That is also a kind of confusion, just like you confused the Lin family, confused the world and the Seven Kings."

"My father is already so good. If I were the son of Tiger and Leopard again, how many people in the Seven Kings can feel at ease? How can the veterans continue blood transfusion?"

"I'm a little dull, a little incompetent, a little mad, so that they look like I'm going to die a little earlier, so that Qi's defense is low."

"How much heat, how much cold winter, when you thought I was holding a woman and having fun with wine, I was actually practicing hard in the basement."

Qi Ji told Zhuang Mingyan: "From the age of six to twenty-four, for 18 years, I never forget to practice qigong every day."

"Even if a woman is beautiful or stunner, she must roll off her when the time comes, and finish her homework."

He smiled playfully: "So, do it with me, you are insulting yourself, even though you are strong."

"Mrs. Lin, stop resisting, resist again. I will not only play with you, but also fly with mother and daughter for one night, and then reward me a group of diehard loyalists."

He directly threatened Zhuang Mingyan: "Finally, I will tell the Lin family that you killed the dazzling third Lin family."

Zhuang Mingyan's body is shaking, she is unwilling, but more helpless, she underestimates the bastard.

"Tsk tusk, what a stunner."

Qi Ji slapped Zhuang Mingyan, who was still trying to struggle, and then stretched out a finger and skillfully opened the first button of her dress.

The tight clothes were loosened, revealing a dazzling white greasy, and mature fragrance.

Zhuang Mingyan's body shook instantly, her red lips biting tightly and shouting: "Qi Ji, if you dare to touch me, you will not die."

"Don't threaten me, or I will even play with Lin Shaoqing... Besides, I will die under the peony flower and be a ghost."

Qi Ji looked at the white shirt under his clothes, his smile became more exuberant, his fingers gently slid down, and he picked up the second button on Zhuang Mingyan.

The white shirt reveals a small half, and the snow-white skin is faintly visible. Together with the two slender legs, Qi Ji's whole body is completely manic and skyrocketed.

Zhuang Mingyan closed her eyes, a suffocated tear dripped from the corner of her eyes...


Just as Qi Ji watched the charming woman about to pounce on her, a metal bang like a gong suddenly sounded like a bomb without warning.

At the door, Ye Tianlong held two old-fashioned pot lids, knocking on the gongs and drums, showing his spirit:

"Being rich for ten years, messing around!"

"Young Master Qi, do you want a safe one?"

Qi Ji is dead...

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