Talented Genius

Chapter 1298: Extinguish

Hearing the words thief to save Zhao, Zhuang Mingyan's face instantly paled, and the corners of her mouth were shaking like autumn leaves, and then she hung up the phone.

It took two minutes for her emotions to calm down completely, as if it was not a kidnapper on the other end of the phone, but a monster that wanted to eat people without spitting out bones.

Ye Tianlong looked at her hand that was about to smash the phone, and asked softly: "Madam, are you okay?"


Zhuang Mingyan did not respond to Ye Tianlong, nor did she say sorry to him, and she took dozens of her subordinates to leave with an order.

"Unreasonable! Come as you want, leave as you want, what do you think of Red Moon Villa?"

See the other person to walk in. Liang Zikuan was very angry: "Brother, come on, leave them behind."

He took the Longmen children to step forward, but was stopped by Ye Tianlong. Zhuang Mingyan's domineering is abhorrent, but at this moment Lin Shaoqing's safety is more important:

"Mrs. Lin, did Shaoqing find it? What's the matter? Would you like me to help?"

Ye Tianlong did not hear what the kidnappers said to Zhuang Mingyan, but could change the judgment from Zhuang Mingyan's weird attitude. She was afraid that she was in a difficult situation.

Otherwise, with Zhuang Mingyan's style of protecting the calf, the kidnappers will be seriously warned if they are not alive. How can they suddenly hold back the thunder anger.

Ye Tianlong didn't like Zhuang Mingyan, but regarded Lin Shaoqing as a friend. He didn't want Lin Shaoqing to be surprised:

"Madam, did Huo Ziguang kidnap Shaoqing?"

Zhuang Mingyan ignored Ye Tianlong and hurriedly walked towards the convoy at the door, but after more than ten meters she stopped and turned to Ye Tianlong and shouted:

"Shaoqing is fine, I will take it back safely."

Zhuang Mingyan looked fiercely: "Although this has nothing to do with you, I still want to give you a warning and stay away from my home, Shaoqing."

An astonishing aura pressed against Ye Tianlong, Zhuang Mingyan's cold eyes, with a touch of murderous intent, apparently taking Lin Shaoqing as the flesh.

"Zhuang Mingyan, what are you? What qualifications do you have to teach my men?"

Before Ye Tianlong could respond, an extremely dazzling figure walked out of the hall. Ning Hongzhuang's face was slaughter, and his eyes were unspeakably strong:

"Lin Shaoqing is your Baoer daughter, but she still can't get into the eyes of my man."

She walked sharply in front of Zhuang Mingyan, staring fiercely at Mrs. Lin's family: "I will never let her be with Ye Tianlong."

"Don't think of her as a unique god, that is your mother's illusion."

"The woman next to Tianlong can pick one out, no matter her appearance, character or background, she is ten times better than your daughter."

Ning Hongzhuang said harshly, "For the sake of seeing you lose your daughter today and mess up your mind, I will not leave you here in large numbers."

"But you have to apologize to us. This is not a place where you can leave after your wild."

"And I also want to warn you, next time, if you think you are challenging my man again, I will never let you off Zhuang Mingyan."

She directly showed her bottom line: "If you challenge once, I will slap you. If you challenge twice, I will kill a Lin family."

Ye Tianlong's scalp is numb, the world is really chaotic.

Liang Zikuan and the others were extremely excited, and they didn't expect President Ning to blow up the sky as usual.

Zhuang Mingyan knew Ning Hongzhuang naturally, and when she saw her yelling at herself like this, she instantly laughed angrily: "Ning Hongzhuang, would you dare to criticize me?"

The Lin family has cooperated with Ning Hongzhuang many times, and the Gangpeng Bridge was jointly built by the two, so Zhuang Mingyan is familiar with Ning Hongzhuang.

Ning Hongzhuang smiled proudly: "Can't I challenge you?"

Zhuang Mingyan screamed: "You alone are not enough."

"Add me another Ding Liuyue, don't you know if it is enough?"

Another voice came faintly from behind the crowd. Ding Liuyue stood beside Ning Hongzhuang, holding a simple and elegant umbrella, and said calmly:

"If President Ning and I declare at the same time that Mrs. Lin has offended Ding Shi and Wang Yao, we will retaliate together in the future."

Ding Liuyue Mianli hides the needle: "You said, will Lin's shareholders let you become the general manager?"

Ning Hongzhuang reached out and shook Ding Liuyue's palm: "Good sister."

Ye Tianlong was in a daze. It was hard to believe that looking at the two women who suddenly joined hands, he felt that the wind and rain above his head was much less.

"Very well, you have a kind. If I am afraid of you, I am reckless today. I am very sorry. I will double the compensation for all losses and medical expenses."

The corner of Zhuang Mingyan's mouth moved, looked at the two women fighting side by side, and looked at Ye Tianlong behind, then got into the car and shouted:


She wanted to tear up the darkness with the two women and take good care of her face, but she knew that Ding Liuyue was poking her own weakness.

Once Ding Liuyue and Ning Hongzhuang put pressure on Lin's shareholders, their position as general manager would disappear.

Compared with the death of the two women and incurred serious losses, Lin's shareholders will sacrifice her to calm things down. Capital has always been bloody.

And she has more important things to do today.

The Lin's motorcade quickly left the Red Moon Villa. When Liang Zikuan and the others cleaned up the scene, Ye Tianlong frowned and tilted his head slightly to Ding Jiaxiu:

"Thinking about finding out the location of the kidnappers, and sending someone to secretly stare at Zhuang Mingyan's whereabouts."

Ding Jiaxiu respectfully responded: "Yes."

Ning Hongzhuang looked at Ye Tianlong and asked, "We didn't do it anyway, so why bother to be boring?"

Ding Liuyue also rarely agreed: "Let Zhuang Mingyan suffer a little bit, and I won't be so arrogant in the future."

Ye Tianlong hugged the two women and sighed softly: "Zhuang Mingyan is indeed hateful. I also want to teach her a lesson, but I don't want Lin Shaoqing to have an accident."

"Don't worry, Zhuang Mingyan is a calf protector. It really hurts Lin Shaoqing, she will tear her alive."

Ding Liuyue said softly: "The Lin family will find her back."

"But when it was at the Yaochi clubhouse, Zhuang Mingyan just calmed down..."

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes slightly, and then moved slightly in his heart: "Give me Qi Ji where I am now..."

After half an hour, Zhuang Mingyan returned to Lin's Garden, opened the car door and ignored the umbrella, went straight to her room, and then opened the safe.

"Shaoqing is missing, what is going on?"

While Zhuang Mingyan was looking for something, the study door opened again, and the man in the wheelchair slowly appeared again, with a laptop on his knees.

He looked at the woman rummaging through the cabinet with a solemn expression: "Who kidnapped her? Was it Huo Ziguang that lunatic?"

"She's fine, she will be back soon."

Zhuang Mingyan's movements were slightly stagnant, and she didn't even turn her head back to say: "She will be fine."

Soon, she got a small box in her hand, her fingers trembled, but she put it in her arms and turned to leave.

The middle-aged man shouted: "Where are you going?"

"I'll bring Shaoqing back."

Zhuang Mingyan turned her head and glanced at the man, feeling indifferent and disdainful: "You can't do anything, so don't be nosy."

"You continue to hold your computer and play your games."

After speaking, she opened the door and left, completely ignoring the emotions of the middle-aged man...

The middle-aged man’s mouth moved a few times, but he wanted to say something but finally shut up. Then he looked at the graph of the Toyo Stock Market and tapped his finger.


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