Talented Genius

Chapter 1296: One game decides the world

In the next two days, Confucius, the Yip Group, and Ding Liuyue worked with all their strength, and the battle on the mountain road gradually became a terrorist attack.

In the media report, the Kong family came to Hong Kong to discuss business, but they were locked in by Jacks and the others, who wanted to kill the Kong family to test China's bottom line.

The underground world tried to break the taboo of the "mercenary forbidden land," but Confucius led the Confucian elite, the Hong Kong police and the garrison to counterattack forcefully.

Confucius not only frustrated the Jacks team's plan to disrupt the Port City, but also killed Jacks, the top soldier, to maintain the peace of China Port City.

This battle also declared to the underground world again that even if Zhao Ditian was seriously ill, China would be able to kill the invading enemy.

For a time, Huaxia once again kept the underground world secretive, and the forces that wanted to share the cup again weighed their own weight, and Confucius became a hero.

He frequently appeared on the screen and was interviewed continuously. At the same time, he changed his rebellious attitude and became a model of China.

As a result, the Kong family has gained a lot of respect and interest.

Confucius naturally did not forget to repay Ye Tianlong. He originally bought two seaside villas, one of which was the gift that day.

After this incident, Confucius not only gave him the villa, but also bought him a yacht. The Kong family's interests in Hong Kong were also divided into three parts by Ye Tianlong.

This villa instantly solved Ye Tianlong's dilemma, whether it was to return to the Ding's villa or the Hongzhuang Hotel, which also gave Ye Tianlong a foothold.

Ye Tianlong also gave it a name: Red Moon Villa.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Tianlong, who was discharged from the hospital, found a hot pot restaurant to eat in a nearby alley. It was light for two days, and it was time to have a good meal.

Ding Liuyue and Ning Hongzhuang, who were originally going to pick him up, called to tell them that they had something to deal with, and they seemed to deliberately want to avoid each other.

Today, Tian Mo and Ding Jiaxiu were discharged from the hospital with Ye Tianlong.

Not only did Ye Tianlong not give birth to regrets, but he exhaled a long breath, the whole person was a lot easier, and he could be quiet for a long time.

You know, in the past two days, Ye Tianlong drank two glasses of water, took two servings for meals, and took two showers in the bath, almost taking two servings of medicine.

Now that there are no two women fighting, Ye Tianlong is naturally happy, and ordered a dozen side dishes in one breath: "Boss, one chicken, three beef."

"Boss, half a dozen more beer."

Ding Jiaxiu exhorted: "Ye Shao, your injury is not completely healed. Don't drink so much alcohol."

"The Battle of the Mountain Road has nothing to do with me. I was discharged from the hospital smoothly today. I am in a good mood. It's okay to drink some beer."

Ye Tianlong directly opened three bottles, giving Tian Mo and Ding Jiaxiu each one: "Come on, toast to me when I leave the hospital."

Ding Jiaxiu and Tianmo knew Ye Tianlong's character, they smiled helplessly and touched him, then took a big mouthful: "Congratulations."

"By the way, is there any whereabouts of Tang Jiajun?"

When Ye Tianlong waited for the hot pot to boil, he raised his head and looked at Ding Jiaxiu and asked, "He really ran to Dongyang?"

Ding Jiaxiu nodded: "I really went to the East, he took away the Shark Group's 300 million cash, and also took away the son of Tang Shenghui."

Ye Tianlong asked the waiter to bring some Shacha sauce: "Aren't we someone staring at him? Why didn't we find a clue?"

Ding Jiaxiu was very ashamed: "He walked quickly and was prepared. You still left when you were attacked, so the stalking brother was dazzled by him."

"When he was surprised that he was going to run, the four brothers tried to intercept, but his driver was so powerful that he dumped them after a few turns."

"The most important point is that he has the green light all the way. There are many forces covering him, including members of the Royal Sword Association."

She expressed a trace of regret: "We still had a chance to follow him on the plane at the airport, but we were blocked by three Orientals to cause trouble."

"Then it was taken away by secret service personnel for investigation."

Ye Tianlong watched the boss pour the chicken into the hot pot: "It seems that I underestimated Tang Jiajun. I always thought that he was the one who died."

"Unexpectedly, there are so many forces to assist me, which makes me more curious, who is behind this attack?"

Ding Jiaxiu hesitated: "Is Qi Ba suspected?"

"should not."

Ye Tianlong shook his head: "If Qi Ba is really behind the scenes and things get to this point, he will leave Hong Kong City first, whether he is sure of it or not."

"After all, whether there is a mistake or Tang Jiajun is arrested, Qi Ba and his son will be crushed to death by the official Thunder."

He made his own inference: "But now, not only has he not left, but Qi Ji still has it."

From the Cai family flight speculation given by Confucius, Ye Tianlong felt that Tang Jiajun and the Song and Cai family could not be separated, but unfortunately there was no substantive evidence.

Then, Ye Tianlong sighed: "Ding Liuyue's innocence will be in trouble if Tang Jiajun leaves like this."

Ding Jiaxiu said with relief: "Don't worry, Shao Ye, the leader of Baili has already arranged manpower to go to Dongyang, and the master of Shangguanmen has also sent ten masters."

"When necessary, lock Tang Jiajun and kidnap him directly."

She speaks with confidence: "As long as you grab him back and hold him in your hand, President Ding will be innocent."

At this time, the door of the hot pot restaurant was pushed open again, Ye Tianlong was taken aback, his eyes widened, and he looked at a person in his vision.

Zheng Hongniang.

She held an umbrella in her left hand and a bag in her right hand with Chinese medicine in it. She asked the boss for some hot pot ingredients and two catties of beef balls.

Zheng Hongniang is so simple that people can't see her identity at all, just as ordinary and kind as neighbors and grandma.


After shopping, Hongniang Zheng, when she saw Ye Tianlong who was eating hot pot, she was startled at first, then she was overjoyed. She moved and walked over and laughed:

"Eating so late?"

Ye Tianlong hurriedly smiled and got up to greet her, and pulled a chair to sit down for her: "Grandma, hello, hello, what a coincidence."

"You sit down."

"Yeah, I'm a bit busy today. I've been so busy until now. I'm hungry. When I see it raining, I came over to eat hot pot. Why are you here?"

Ye Tianlong is very enthusiastic: "Have you eaten? Let's eat together, the local chicken is just cooked."

Ye Tianlong asked Ding Jiaxiu to take a pair of chopsticks, but was stopped by Zheng Hongniang: "I have eaten, and I ate egg tarts just now, so I'm not hungry at all."

"I also saw rainy days and my family wanted to eat hot pot, so I came to get a few packets of hot pot ingredients. The boss has been my friend for many years."

Afterwards, she patted the back of Ye Tianlong's hand, smiling very kindly: "Young man, you did a good job, really good."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback, and immediately realized that she was talking about the battle of the mountain roads. He smiled, without much concealment: "It's the right thing."

"Being meritorious but not greedy, famous but not charming, it's rare."

Zheng Hongniang burst into a smile: "Vote for peaches, repay plums, Tianlong, you voted for peaches, now it's time for us to repay plums."

"Is there anything I can help?"

She looked kind: "You don't have to be polite to me. If you have any difficulties, let's talk about it. If you help each other, the world will be better, right?"

Ye Tianlong originally wanted to say that there was nothing wrong, but when he heard the next sentence from her, he nodded in agreement. It is better to help each other rather than face it alone.

"Grandma is interested, but I do have a difficulty, about Ding Liuyue's innocence..."

Ye Tianlong briefly described the matter, and then sighed: "At first, Tang Jiajun was the best proof of his innocence, but it's a pity that he fled to the East."

"Escape, then let him go back."

Zheng Hongniang showed a slight smile, her tone was very calm: "Tianlong, don't worry, I will take care of this."

"Tang Jiajun will be back three days at the latest."

After speaking, she shook Ye Tianlong's shoulder and smiled very kindly: "You eat well and heal your wounds, don't worry about Tang Jiajun."

Zheng Hongniang smiled harmlessly, then waved goodbye to Ye Tianlong, opened the wooden door and disappeared into the vast rain...

At nine o'clock that evening, Zheng Hongniang appeared at the card table again in the VIP room of the Yaochi clubhouse, chatting and laughing, with playing cards in his hand.

Dong Xiaohua glanced at the three cards of Zeng Xiaoquan, and finally dropped five cards: "Five six seven eighty-nine!"

Zeng Xiaoquan tapped on the table: "Pass!"

Zheng Hongniang smiled and put down the only five cards in her hand: "Six seven eight ninety!"

Dong Xiaohua looked at Zheng Hongniang with a wry smile: "Matchmaker, you...you are too risky."

"If I can't draw a straight, I play a card and tear you down. If your card is so small, wouldn't it be dead?"

Zheng Hongniang chuckled: "How can there be so many ifs in life? The reality is that I won and you lost."

"Xiao Dong, those who wish to accept defeat."

Her tone was very calm: "Tang Jiajun will return to Hong Kong within three days."

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