Talented Genius

Chapter 1279: Boy, it's you

Chapter 1279 Young Man, It's You

Zhuang Mingyan waved her finger and asked the three companions to follow, staring at Ye Tianlong to leave the country: "Give me a good stare. Be sure to confirm his departure."

Seeing Ye Tianlong's car leaving the clubhouse, Zhuang Mingyan's pretty face showed a touch of playfulness, even a touch of disdain.

She thought Ye Tianlong had a lot of bones, but she didn't expect that she would be easily felled by 300 million. Her daughter was really blind. Otherwise, how could she like such a person?

After Ye Tianlong left, Zhuang Mingyan packed the Wanghai Hall and chatted and drank with a dozen of her companions.

"This kid will really enjoy it."

After drinking three glasses of red wine, Zhuang Mingyan's face became more rosy and brighter. She sat down on the sofa where Ye Tianlong had been sitting, and then looked out at the blue sea in the distance.

This position, this angle, can see most of the coast, the wind is light and the clouds are light, the seagulls are flying, and it is refreshing to watch.

At this time, a beautiful woman ran over, poured Zhuang Mingyan a glass of wine, and then whispered: "Madam, the ears are sent back."

"Experts say that within twenty-four hours, the ears can still be connected back, and after a little plastic surgery, Qi Ji will not break the picture."

Zhuang Mingyan nodded gently: "What did Qi Ji say?"

The beautiful woman responded softly: "The madman did not refuse. After a few wild laughs, she said thank you Madam for your kindness. He will remember the great kindness of the Lin family."

"Moreover, he wants us to rest assured that he will never hold Miss and Guo Shao responsible for the death of Kang Ruting."

She continued: "He said that the injury is healed, and he has to go to the door to apologize to everyone. He is the one who is wrong with the Yaochi clubhouse, but he overplayed."

Zhuang Mingyan red lips lightly said: "I thought he would refuse, it seems Qi Ba really scolded him, otherwise, how could that lunatic be so behaved?"

"Qi Ba must be interested."

The beautiful woman chuckled softly: "Although the Qi family has a big business, we are not bad. It's really shameless, they can't take advantage of it."

"Furthermore, this time in the club incident, Qi Ji took drugs and made things crazy. He must teach his son."

Zhuang Mingyan snorted: "Does Qi Ba have any feedback?"

The beautiful woman took the topic: "He has gone to the Red Cross. There will be a donation ceremony in the afternoon. He will donate fifty blood donation carts."

"But he already knows that we sent our ears to the hospital."

She spoke quickly to tell Qi Ba's response: "He said that he is very grateful for his enlightenment and tolerance, and he will visit him in person in two days."

"And he also promised that once Qi Ji's ear surgery is successful and the connection is stable, he will let Qi Ji roll back to the new country."

Zhuang Mingyan said faintly: "I hope so, Ye Tianlong is an unstable factor, Qi Ji is also a lunatic, it is better to leave Hong Kong City for me."


At this moment, a call came in, and the pretty woman answered for a moment, then smiled and spoke to Zhuang Mingyan:

"Madam, Ah Wei and the others called and said that Ye Tianlong had left the country and arrived at the deep city site at this moment."

Zhuang Mingyan smiled upon hearing the words, and then took a sip of the red wine: "Think of that kid who is acquainted, or I will throw it back now."

She negotiated with Ye Tianlong this time and prepared two sets of coercive and profitable plans. She thought that there would be two ways for Ye Tianlong to choose, but she would have succeeded in direct profit and inducement.

This made her ridicule Ye Tianlong's lack of spine, but also made her regret not showing the means.

"Notify Qi Ba for me, Ye Tianlong has been driven out of Gangcheng by me, and I hope he will not break his promise."

Zhuang Mingyan leaned back on the sofa and looked at the sea in the distance: "Daily, it is better to be quiet."

Ten minutes later, the dozen or so Chinese men and women who knew that Ye Tianlong had left the country were all happy and celebrated having sent away a great plague god.

The atmosphere is very harmonious.

An hour later, Zhuang Mingyan stood in the middle, raised her wine glass, smiling proudly: "Come on, to our Hong Kong City."

"Respect us! To Hong Kong City!"

More than a dozen voices shouted, with unspeakable pride and aboriginal superiority.

"Hi, everybody!"

Just as the dozen or so people were clinking glasses to drink, a familiar smile came into everyone's eyes. After that, they saw Ye Tianlong harmlessly running over:

"Hi, Mrs. Lin, good noon, have lunch so soon?"

Ye Tianlong smiled brightly as always: "Can I just eat some food?"

Seeing Ye Tianlong go back and return, Zhuang Mingyan and the others were all taken aback, and there were unspeakable surprises. No one thought that this kid ran back.


Zhuang Mingyan's pretty face was cold, her wine glass was on the table, and her voice raised loudly and shouted: "Ye Tianlong, didn't you leave the country? Why are you back again?"

Ye Tianlong took out the passes for the two places, opened it to Zhuang Mingyan and the others, and smiled: "I did leave the country, don't believe you take a look."

"An hour and a half ago, when I passed the pass at Lok Ma Chau, the chapter above was still warm."

Ye Tianlong showed them the pass in a kind manner: "I am very honest, and promised to take 300 million to leave the country, and I will definitely leave."

Everyone discovered that there were indeed departure records on it, but there were also new arrival records.

Zhuang Mingyan's eyes cold: "Then why are you here again?"

"Take 300 million to leave the country, but you didn't say you can never come back? I remembered that I had an appointment for dinner at noon.

Ye Tianlong looked innocent: "So I passed the customs and sold two cans of milk powder, earned dozens of dollars in tips, and came back non-stop."

Zhuang Mingyan was so angry that she said, "Ye Tianlong, you are shameless, you are shameless!"

More than a dozen men and women also sullen their faces and call Ye Tianlong too treacherous.

"Alcohol can be drunk, but words can't be said.

Ye Tianlong took out his mobile phone and raised his voice: "I recorded all my conversations with Mrs. Lin, and I listened to it five times on the circuit."

"You can swear to God, Mrs. Lin never asked, I can't enter the country again, she only said that I took 300 million to leave."

"I will leave and come back. I will not violate the agreement at all. You can't impose conditions randomly."

Ye Tianlong hummed solemnly: "Oral promises are also contracts. The people of Hong Kong City have the most contractual spirit. You can't shame the people of Hong Kong City."

Zhuang Mingyan almost vomited blood: "Ye Tianlong, don't play word games for me, I tell you, leave immediately and leave the country immediately."

"Within a year, no, forever, never to enter Hong Kong City again."

She shouted word by word: "We don't welcome your arrival."

Ye Tianlong stretched his arms and replied: "You say you are not welcome, you are not welcome, can you represent the entire Hong Kong city? You want me to be blacklisted, referendum."

Referendum Your uncle, for a referendum on whether or not one person will come, it is the work of people who are in the brain, Zhuang Mingyan did not talk nonsense with Ye Tianlong, her face sank:

"Ye Tianlong, let me ask you one last sentence, are you going?"

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Ma'am going crazy?"

"Remember, you chose the road."

Zhuang Mingyan didn't respond directly, just made a gesture, stepped back, picked up the wine glass, and looked at Ye Tianlong coldly.

With this gesture, seven or eight more uniformed men appeared at the entrance of Wanghai Hall. The beautiful woman who had just reported took a step forward and snorted:

"Ye Tianlong, you violated many laws in the port city, and you also involved wounding and killing people. The impact is extremely bad. I want to **** you back for review immediately."

"After the review, in accordance with the relevant laws of Hong Kong City..."

She drew out a gun and pointed to Ye Tianlong and shouted: "According to the facts of the crime, transfer to the division or repatriation."

Zhuang Mingyan added softly: "Don't try to resist, we don't want to hurt you, but there are many people who would like to see firearms escape."

Following this hint, the eight uniformed men stepped forward and pointed their guns at Ye Tianlong together, making a shot at any time.

In order not to cause a big movement, they all wrapped their guns in a napkin, and only Ye Tianlong could see the muzzle.

After saying those words, Zhuang Mingyan took a sip of red wine, squinted proudly, and quietly waited for Ye Tianlong who had no choice to answer.

At the same time, she looked at Ye Tianlong with playful eyes, wanting to see if he would resist.

Zhuang Mingyan still snorted in her heart: toast, not eat or drink fine wine!

"Young man? Young man!"

Just when Ye Tianlong glanced at Zhuang Mingyan and the others disapprovingly, another pleasant voice with surprise sounded behind him, and Ye Tianlong turned his head subconsciously with his face sideways.

I saw Zheng Hongniang and a group of people appear.

Zheng Hongniang saw Ye Tianlong's five senses thoroughly and was ecstatic: "Young man, it's really you, Xiao Dong, this is the young man who saved me..."

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