Talented Genius

Chapter 1258: Jump into the sea

The yellow croaker that Rong Xueli caught was not small, at least two and a half catties, and threw it in a bucket to'plop and plop'.

"It seems lucky today. Yellow croaker can still be caught in this kind of place."

Rong Xueli is very satisfied with his record: "I will come here two more, I will clean up the scene, grill and eat, and enjoy this rare time."

Ye Tianlong laughed loudly when he heard the words, with a bit of disbelief: "Fishing is not a problem. The problem is that Rong Shao, you will kill fish?"

Rong Xueli put on the bait again, and his smile looked beautiful in the warm wind: "People can kill, let alone a fish?"

"It seems to make sense."

Ye Tianlong nodded, and then shook his wrist, the fishing rod was pulled up, a fish jumped out of the sea, and Ye Tianlong shouted:

"I caught fish too."

He hurriedly got the fish up. It was also a yellow croaker, less than two catties, but it was too big. Ye Tianlong was very happy:

"The dinner is over."

What I harvested is far more fulfilling than ordering directly, and the appearance of this fish dilutes all the melancholy that Ye Tianlong killed the five people.

"Ye Shao had good luck today. It's just that two fish are not enough for us to stuff our teeth. We have to catch a few more fish for dinner."

Rong Xueli smiled and threw out: "Here are two more, I will cut the fish myself tonight."

Ye Tianlong put down the fish and smiled leisurely: "This is what you said."

Afterwards, the two men laughed and talked while fishing, and occasionally glanced at a yacht not far away, double decker, looking very luxurious, and there were people walking around.

It's just that the two of them didn't pay much attention, and they focused on fishing after scanning.

The two were really lucky. Half an hour later, Ye Tianlong caught another sea bass, which also weighed two catties.

Not long after, Rong Xueli also yelled, and a catty and a half of yellow croaker jumped out of the sea. After another five minutes, Rong Xueli caught another fish.

There were five fish in the bucket, and it was very noisy to plop. Rong Xueli did what he said and asked someone to bring water pipes and knives to clean up four fish on the spot.

In Ye Tianlong's surprised gaze, Rong Xueli began to show off his skills. Those women's hands were like two butterflies flying up and down.

Extremely flexible.

Scraping, opening, cleaning, pickling, and piercing, each process is extremely skilled.

What's even more amazing is that Rong Xueli also knows how to control the heat, and in a blink of an eye, the fish on the fire rack is fragrant.

Talents, talents, Ye Tianlong felt that Young Master Rong was really unexpected. He did a great job and pretended to be a cook, and he was still a good fisherman.

The fish was quickly baked, and the browned **** shreds filled with a peculiar aroma, which gave Ye Tianlong, who was not hungry, an appetite.

"Young Master Rong is really good at craftsmanship. I didn't expect you to have this skill. I underestimated you."

When it was time to eat, Ye Tianlong threw a fish to Tianmo, and then he took a yellow croaker and gnawed it up: "We will gather more later."

He looked at the yacht again, and it hadn't left yet, but there were fewer people walking on it, but there were two more drones hovering in the sky.

"When I was young, I was too disciplined in eating, and I also ate too nutritiously."

Rong Xueli, who took off his gloves and washed his hands clean, smiled: "So I am often dissatisfied, so I secretly study the servants to kill chickens and fish."

"Then I am hungry, so I can not ask others to have a full meal, or the servants will report to the father and them, and the report is forbidden."

Ye Tianlong nodded, expressing understanding, and then the two talked freely, and they didn't remember the past until the five fish were clean.

At this moment, Ye Tianlong suddenly remembered Wu Lingshuang, and asked in a low voice: "Young Master Rong, how is Lingshuang recently?"

Rong Xueli seemed to have guessed this question early, and immediately replied without thinking: "Very well, she has been transferred to the security bureau, and she has worked well."

"The Wu family was originally the spy king's family, and Wu Lingshuang's blood, the background of the Wu family, and her connections are all destined to become famous."

"It's just that the old lady does not allow her to participate in the 4S incident, let alone lead her out of the country to perform tasks."

Rong Xueli told Wu Lingshuang of the current situation: "The Wu family has no men, but you can't even have offspring."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "It's too dangerous outside the country. It's normal for the old lady to think about it."

Rong Xueli laughed: "The old lady has a good opinion of you, saying that you are a reliable person. If there is a chance, she hopes to let you join the Zuiwu family."

"In this way, you can be with Ling Shuang, and the Wu family will have the support of a man."

Rong Xueli wiped her hands: "But she said that hope belongs to hope, and finally decided to see you two."

Ye Tianlong's eyelids twitched: "The old lady seems to be panicking leisurely."

He was in the field of vision, and found a woman's figure in a glass of the cabin, but soon disappeared.

Rong Xueli's expression became serious: "Tianlong, as a brother, I sincerely hope that you will join Lingshuang."

"Although I would offend Jin Shao by saying this, it is worth it for you."

"The old lady is not idle, but she knows that she is old and time is running out, hoping to see a happy event."

He tapped his finger on the railing: "Tianlong, I sincerely hope you can consider this marriage."

"Lang Youqing concubine intends to work together, and you can fight each other for ten or eight years. After the old lady goes, you will still be in charge of the Wu family."

Rong Xueli's tone was sincere: "Why hesitate?"

Ye Tianlong did not directly respond to Rong Xueli. He and Wu Lingshuang were affectionate and would not resist their love, but he always hesitated when it came to getting married.

Of course, this is not enough to resist, Ye Tianlong just feels that it is not time to get married.

He sought the inner answer, but didn't know what it was. Finally, his eyes were blank, staring at the white yacht on the sea in a daze.

"Are you still thinking about Lin Chenxue?"

Rong Xueli did not answer when he saw Ye Tianlong, he thought about it for a while and asked: "You just want to marry Lin Chenxue, right?"

Ye Tianlong gently shook his head: "No."

"I can see that you never forget her."

Rong Xueli leaned back on the seat, with a look of helplessness on his face: "Tianlong, don't think about Lin Chenxue, she is my grandfather's baby bump."

"It can be said that if Lin Chenxue and I fall into the water, neither of them can swim. My grandfather can only save one..."

Rong Xueli gave a wry smile: "I tell you clearly, my grandfather will save Lin Chenxue 100%."

"He even said during family dinners that if the third generation did not let him discover outstanding talents, he would let Lin Chenxue be the first heir."

He sighed: "He also transferred three laboratory properties to Lin Chenxue's name."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback: "It seems that your grandfather really values ​​President Lin."

Rong Xueli looked at the drone flying by at low altitude, and took the topic with a chuckle: "It's more kissable than a granddaughter."

"Of course, this is also inseparable from Lin Chenxue's abilities. The drugs she has developed over the years have made Rong's hair like a pig."

"The annual patent fees account for 30% of the total profit of the Rongjia industry, and it is still on the rise. How can Grandpa not pamper her?"

"It's our Rong family nephew. Although he feels that he is not as good as a foreigner, and his grandfather is partial, he still has no resentment and jealousy towards Chen Xue."

He sighed softly: "Who calls someone a weak woman who can match the creative value of hundreds of us?"

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes slightly without much doubt. He knew that if Tianyao No. 1 could be universally deserved, the Rong family would be a world predator in the future.

"Back to business."

Rong Xueli coughed: "Look, my grandfather loves Lin Chenxue so much, how can he marry this baby pimple to you?"

"The worst is also the right standard, and it must be the kind of excellent first heir."

He patted Ye Tianlong on the shoulder: "Tianlong, you can give up Lin Chenxue."

Ye Tianlong raised a smile: "Thank Shao Rong for advice, but I don't want to get married for the time being, it's not because of Lin..."



"Someone jumped into the sea!"

Before Ye Tianlong had finished speaking, there were several screams not far away. The two turned to look and saw a young woman floating on the sea.

Behind her, it was the double-decker white yacht, with five or six heads protruding from the boat, but no one went to the rescue. Instead, they laughed and pointed.

Although many people on the shore wanted to rescue them, they did not dare to take risks because it was evening, the wave became bigger and their vision was blurred.


Rong Xueli frowned, tore off his coat, jumped into the sea with a swish, and swam towards the other side swiftly...

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