Talented Genius

Chapter 1232: Bronze Monkey Ornaments (Five Watches)

Ye Tianlong stayed in Sun Sizhu's ward for a long time before coming out. No one knew what the two had secretly discussed.

Wang Guoqiang and Song Xiaohui only knew that Ye Tianlong couldn't see any changes when he left, but Sun Sizhu was completely angry and unhappy.

The depression and decadence that everyone had anticipated could not be seen on Sun Sizhu's face. She was like a pit dog, full of fighting spirit in the past.

Moreover, Sun Sizhu ordered her meeting with Ye Tianlong not to be spread.

Ye Tianlong naturally didn't know how Wang Guoqiang and the others sighed, he just figured out the time to get into the car, and then Tianmo went to Gangcheng University.

This weekend, Ye Tianlong went to pick Ding Xiaoqiao home for dinner.

Ding Liuyue originally resisted Ye Tianlong's past, but she was not worried that the two would touch the spark of love, but that Ye Tianlong accidentally broke the relationship between the two.

She still hasn't figured out how to tell Ding Xiaoqiao that she is going to be with Ye Tianlong and has already had a relationship with Ye Tianlong.

It was just that Ye Tianlong gave her one billion, and Ding's company was operating at a high level. She couldn't walk away for a while, so she could only tell Ye Tianlong not to be silent.

Ye Tianlong sent a few WeChat messages to Ding Liuyue to comfort her not to worry too much, and then sent a text message to Ding Xiaoqiao, telling her to pick her up from school.

Almost as soon as the text message was sent, Ding Xiaoqiao called directly and exclaimed, "Ye Tianlong, are you here in Hong Kong?"

"when did you come?"

The little fat girl complained and added: "Don't come to me sooner."

Ye Tianlong rubbed his ears, then smiled and replied: "I have been here for two days, but I am busy with your mother's affairs, so I have never called you."

Ding Xiaoqiao exaggeratedly exaggerated: "Wow, come here to help my mother? Such a harsh environment, so enthusiastic, so kind?"

"I'm not afraid of death, do you want to be my father? I tell you, if you want me to agree, you have to bribe me, or you can't call me father."

Then, she hesitated again in her tone: "But it seems weird to call you godfather."

Ye Tianlong was speechless for a while, then laughed and said, "Helping your mother is important, and seeing you is also important. I won't favor one another."

"No, I will text you when I am free, and I will pick you up in person, which is a kind of compensation."

He glanced at the clock and smiled: "I estimate that half an hour will arrive. Let me tell you, I haven't had lunch yet. Remember to invite me to a big meal."


"Ye Tianlong, you can't make a girl like this. If you want to be my dad, it's a taboo not to pay for it. If you want me to have dinner, it will deduct points."

Ding Xiaoqiao attacked Ye Tianlong unceremoniously: "I tell you, you won't be able to sleep in my mother's bed forever like this."

"Anyone who knows me, hurry up and send a few brand-name handbags or jewelry. This young lady, who is poor in the past few months, dare not participate in the student day meeting."

Ye Tianlong cried inwardly, can't get on the bed and sofa just...

Immediately, he coughed and scowled and said, "Don't talk nonsense, find a place to sit down, and send me the address. I'm starving to death."

Ding Xiaoqiao cursed without annoyance: "Ye Tianlong, you just wait for a lifetime to be a bachelor."

Half an hour later, Ye Tianlong appeared at Gangcheng University, a first-class school in Asia, lined with trees and modern buildings.

The main road and several small roads are also crowded with people, handsome men and beautiful women, everywhere, with the youth and breath that they should be at this age.

After Tianmo parked the car, Ye Tianlong got out of the car. He made three calls to Ding Xiaoqiao, ready to confirm the address again.

But after three fights and no one picked it up, Ye Tianlong felt a little depressed, something happened? Is the phone still dead?

Afterwards, Ye Tianlong followed the address sent by Ding Xiaoqiao on the way to a restaurant called ‘Blue’, and wanted to see if Ding Xiaoqiao was there.

Entering the restaurant, Ye Tianlong looked around and saw Ding Xiaoqiao's shadow, but she was not sitting alone, there was a beautiful woman sitting opposite her.

Table number eight.

Ding Xiaoqiao was wearing a loose long-sleeved shirt with a pair of cropped jeans on his legs and a pair of cloth shoes on his feet, making him look capable and simple.

Compared with Mingjiang, Ding Xiaoqiao was a little thinner, without the swaying feeling of a penguin, but there was still baby fat on his face, which made people want to pinch a few times.

The girl opposite her is much more refined. Not only is she wearing makeup on her face, she is also full of famous brands, handbags, necklaces, and sandals, all expensive.

And compared to Ding Xiaoqiao's restraint, the girl in Chinese clothes is a lot more wanton, and her pretty face also shows impatience.

Ye Tianlong didn't disturb him, but approached slowly. Soon, he heard Ding Xiaoqiao pouring tea for the other party, and his expression was very disturbed:

"Dan Li, you owe me one hundred thousand yuan, can you pay me back? It's been three months..."

Before she finished speaking, the face of the girl in Chinese dress pulled down, and then she snorted, "Ding Xiaoqiao, what do you mean?"

"You came here deliberately to block me, I thought there was something good to introduce to me, so you asked me to pay you back 100,000 yuan?"

Ding Xiaoqiao waved his hand hurriedly: "I didn't deliberately block you, but I happened to meet him, and I remembered the money. After all, it's been three months..."

The girl in Huayi curled her lips and looked very disdainful: "Hehe! Ding Xiaoqiao, you are too indifferent!"

"When I went to Australia City to play cards, I was so tight that you had to lend me money for turnover, and then you said that it would be fine anytime, but now you come to rush me?"

"And just because of your one hundred thousand yuan, I had more money in my hand to gamble, and finally lost that money and owed ten thousand usury."

"If it weren't for my family to help me repay the money, I would be caught by loan sharks to pick up customers."

The girl in Huayi looked contemptuously: "You hurt me, are you embarrassed to ask for this money?"

Ding Xiaoqiao's mouth moved a few times: "Danli, I have an urgent need, my mother..."

"Fart in a hurry."

The girl in Huayi looked at Ding Xiaoqiao with contempt: "I hear a lot of this kind of lies.

Ding Xiaoqiao was furious: "Danli, you..."

The girl in Huayi waved her hand to stop Ding Xiaoqiao from speaking: "Shut up, you are telling lies, I don't want to listen."

"I really didn't expect that I always regarded you as a friend in my heart, but I didn't expect you to think about money, money, money all day long, and never forget to lie to me."

Ding Xiaoqiao was completely dumbfounded. He asked for money. After three months of money, he was so humiliated and beaten up for greed?


Without giving Ding Xiaoqiao too much time to think about it, the girl in Huayi threw her mobile phone and a few jewelry on the table, and then slammed her bag on the table.

Lipstick, sunglasses, tissues, keys, coins, two Australian city chips, a bronze monkey pendant with the big thumb, a piece of red jade, moisturizer...

A bunch of bits and pieces were all placed in front of Ding Xiaoqiao.

"Ding Xiaoqiao, we don't have to talk nonsense anymore, you have already chilled my heart."

The girl in Huayi was very upset: "One hundred thousand, I don't have it now, and I won't have it in the future. I have these things on my body. You can take them away if you see them pleasingly.

"It's worth your 100,000."

These things, together with the mobile phone, can hold up a little more than 10,000, offsetting 100,000, and only the Chinese girl can do it.

Ding Xiaoqiao was also annoyed to vomit blood, but in the face of such a rogue, she had no choice at all: "Danli, why are you doing this?"

The girl in Huayi ignored it, but tapped her finger on the table: "Should I? If I don't want it, I will take it away?"

"But you remember to me, don't ask for any more money in the future."

Ding Xiaoqiao couldn't hold it back, and was about to slap the table. He didn't want anything. It was a lesson. At this moment, a voice came out with a grin:

"Yes, of course, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat."

Ye Tianlong walked over, reached out and picked up the bronze monkey decoration and smiled: "Xiao Qiao, take a little, it's two cleansing."

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