Talented Genius

Chapter 1193: The final destination

At two o'clock in the morning, Dong's warehouse.

Madam Dong gave Zhao Wuji a resting place for five hundred people. Although it was late at night, many members did not rest.

The leader of the team leaned against the stone pier at the door, smoking cigarettes in his mouth, and looking at his watch from time to time, his eyes were impatient.

The big head is strong, strong, fast, good at making fire axes, and wearing invulnerable armor for many years. He is a member of the Dong family.

In countless demolitions, he has been on the front line. He dare not say that one enemy is one hundred, but he can afford to be brave and capable.

Mrs. Dong asked him to gather five hundred brothers and wait for the call of the Thirteen League. Although Da Tou Tong was a bit depressed, he still waited for the phone to ring.

It's just that from nine o'clock until now, there is still no notification on the mobile phone. He called back, but the other party was impatient with the word'waiting'.

Da Tou Tong is also a hob meat. He was very annoyed to hear the tone of the Thirteen League, but his wife repeatedly told him to obey unconditionally, and he could only bear it.

"Oh shit!"

After smoking a cigarette, Da Toutong slammed it out: "I will go to bed if I don't come again, and I will demolish two houses in the middle of the night."

At the entrance not far away, several subordinates also smoked and chatted.


At this moment, a van drove over at full power.

Several Dong Jiarui who smoked hurriedly threw cigarettes on the ground, lighting up the parking inspection signal from the traffic police.

Who knows that the driver seemed to be unresponsive, and still rushed towards them.

Several Dong's elite hurriedly pulled out their shotguns. They wanted to shoot but they were too late. The car had rushed over, and they were knocked into the air with a bang and screamed.

These screams immediately alarmed the warehouse, and many people rushed out of it. Datoutong also raised his head and screamed:

"Stop it, stop it."

He imagined something like a car bomb in his mind, instinctively allowing his men to block the van.

In addition to the warning, several members of the Dong family in front dragged out obstacles, and several rows of iron nails were spread out on the road where the van rushed, with sharp tips.


The van smashed on the obstacle nail, the tire burst suddenly, and the car also strayed, hitting a stone next to it and stopped.

Although Da Tou Tong didn't know what was going on, he waved his hand decisively and called dozens of brothers to surround him.

They waited all night for nothing tonight. They were so angry that they were hit by this van. How could they not be angry?


At this moment, the van door was suddenly opened, and a white beard and black shadow shell smashed into the crowd. A dozen people were hit and fell.



Before the people around him could see clearly, the white beard and black shadow had already bounced. With a wave of his right hand, a blade of light flashed by, and only four people's heads landed.

Then, he backhanded again and slashed another Dong family elite.

The five people died instantly, leaving the crowd silent, and then the Dong family members were all beaten up with blood, and rushed up with righteous indignation and brandishing weapons.

The black shadow's eyes were stuck, unable to open and recognize the surroundings, but the ears were still very keen, and the right hand was pierced in a circle, and there were a few crisp sounds.

Four or five long knives were cut off by him, and then flicked and shot into the crowd. The three screamed and fell to the ground, and one shot at Datoutong, who was busy with his axe to block the attack.


With a loud noise, the blade fell, but Big Tou Tong took a step back, his mouth hurt, and his face showed solemnity. I don't know where the blind man is?

Is this strength and skill too abnormal?

It's just that he has no chance and no time to think about it, because the opponent has already swung his army stabs around and slashed, running irregularly, like a headless fly.

But this guy was very domineering, and was either killed or injured by his opponents.

When Da Tou Tong saw this, he could only yell: "Spread a little, take turns to fight against him, we must not let him run away."

In the distance, in a commercial vehicle, Ye Tianlong was eating instant noodles just soaked while watching the scene through the camera on the van.

"I didn't expect the dark demon to be so terrible. Fortunately, he used a trick to take him at the entrance of the hall, otherwise many brothers will die."

Tian Mo also stared at the old man on the screen and praised: "This old guy is indeed terrible, but are you not afraid of him breaking the siege?"

Ye Tianlong stuffed a mouthful of instant noodles: "The eyelids and mouth are stuck, and he can't see the way, and he doesn't know where, how can he get out?"

"Unless he is abnormal and kills all the thugs at the scene, but intelligence shows that there are 500 people in the warehouse."

He faintly said: "No matter how great the dark demon is, it is impossible to retreat all over. He is dead, and the Dong family will explain to the Thirteen League."

"And the Thirteen League will never admit it for the sake of face. The Dark Demon was turned into a chess piece by our calculation."

Ye Tianlong took another bite of noodles: "Zhao Wuji would only believe that it was the Dong family who chopped off his beloved general by playing tricks, and the show will begin soon."

Tian Mo sighed: "I originally thought that booby-trapping the assassins was a good result, but I didn't expect it to have a greater effect."

Ye Tianlong did not speak any more, just smiled, holding the instant noodles and looking at the fighting venue.

At this moment, the Dong family's elite spread out to make the encirclement a little larger. During this period, there were constant charges and attacks, but no one succeeded and all were killed by the opponent.

More and more people came out of the warehouse. The number of people who were originally tens of people later became more than a hundred people, more than 300 people, and finally all of them came out.

Da Tou Tong didn't know the sacredness of the blind man with white beard, but the other party cut vegetables like this and cut his own brother, naturally he could only smash to the ground.

The blind man with white beard is a dark demon, but his eyelids and mouth are glued, his spirit is in excitement, and his right hand is even tied to the army stab.

Ye Tianlong knew that the Dong family had also intervened in the Thirteen League and Longmen's grievances, so he unceremoniously gave the dark demon this generous gift to the Dong family members.

Feeling the opponent's dispersal, the dark demon's expression became more hideous. With a sweep of his right foot, more than a dozen broken knives on the ground shot through the air.

"Swish swish!"

The six turned over and fell.

In the next second, the Dark Demon bowed his right foot and kicked it fiercely against the ground, scoffing! It broke through the air with a single knife, and the strength and accuracy were far better than the previous shot.


A Dong's elite was too late to resist, so he could only watch the broken knife pierce the heart, through his body, dragging a blood into the wall.

The dark demon didn't stop there, and his toes calmly pointed out, breaking the knife with a burst.

"Swish swish!"

Although he only uses his feet, his speed and strength are not lost to holding a bow and shooting arrows, and his movements are quick, so that people can't even think of avoiding.

A dozen or so Dong family elites were full of unbelief, but the hole in the chest, blood pouring like a fountain, cruel and real.

Da Toutong's eyelids jumped when he saw this, so many people died before he joined the battle of the Thirteen Leagues. No matter how depleted, he would be killed by Mrs. Dong.

The direct shooting and the movement was too loud, Mrs. Dong repeatedly urged not to use the gun as a last resort. After all, it is troubled.

The big head thought through it, then made a gesture.

"Swish swish!"

After Datoutong made a gesture, a dozen members of the Dong family came up from behind.

They took out the sickle hook, taking advantage of the dark demon to fight hard, several iron hooks flew out, crossed over the dark demon, and then pulled back.

The iron hook instantly hooked the dark demon's body, and the Dong family members struggled to pull it up, and the iron hook immediately pierced into the dark demon's flesh and blood.

The powerful combat power of the Dark Demon was instantly restrained by the iron hook.


The dark demon endured the pain, and the army stab cut off the two ropes connected to the iron hook with a wave, drew half-free body, and rushed towards the Dong family disciple holding the sickle hook.

The blood-drenching army thorn pierced the Dong family disciple holding the sickle hook, and the dark demon pulled out the four iron hooks from his body and shot at the surrounding Dong family disciple.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

After the four screams, the four Dong Jia elites retreated with iron hooks in their bodies, and their bodies were dripping with blood. Two of them died, two of them were seriously injured, and the iron hooks fell into their bodies.

Da Tou Tong was very angry and waved again.

The dark demon shook his body and approached with a scream, and seven or eight iron hooks crossed again.

"Swish swish!"

The Dark Demon desperately avoided five or six of them, but there were still two or three iron hooks hooked into the Dark Demon's flesh and blood.

Before the dark demon could react, a dozen more iron hooks flew up, entangled his hands and feet, completely restricting the dark demon's freedom.

Immediately, the three Dong family elites stabbed the machete behind the dark demon who was not free to move, waist, thigh, and blood sprayed wantonly.


The Dark Demon made a sound in his throat, very painful and struggling desperately.

"Yeah! Can you move?"


Da Tou Tong also walked over. With a wave of his axe, he struck the shoulder of the Dark Demon, his left arm fell, blood splashed out, and Da Tou Tong smiled a little:

"Asshole, dare to run into Dong's forbidden land, and dare to kill Dong's people, I want you to die!"

"Come here, first chop off his limbs, and then sprinkle salt to let him die slowly. It is too cheap to kill him with a single knife."

Da Tou Tong was almost face to face with the Dark Demon, and at this moment, the Dark Demon roared, and the right hand that had been held by the iron hook gave birth to a huge amount in vain.

He literally pulled the chain to move forward a few feet, which was enough, and enough for the dark demon to stab the army into the chest of the big head.


The army pierced the key to Datoutong.


Da Toutong fell down like a dog, holding his **** heart twitching, warm but terrifying.

Seeing the big head dying, the Dong family elite was taken aback for a moment, and then rushed towards the dark demon with a roar, smashing the corpse...

"Hey, one one zero?"

At this time, Ye Tianlong was holding the video in his left hand and the phone in his right, panicking: "It's not good, it's killing, it's killing..."

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