Talented Genius

Chapter 1155: offend

Ye Tianlong? Lan Xiaomo's boyfriend?

Seeing Ye Tianlong's appearance and moving out of his future son-in-law status, not only Lan Tian was stunned, Lan Tianxin and Jin Siwen were also stunned.

Afterwards, King Siwen and their faces showed a touch of contempt, as if they felt that Ye Tianlong didn't know how to live or die.

Lantian Core first raised his old face and shouted: "Are you Xiaomo boyfriend?"

Lan Xiaomo rushed over, smiling and holding Ye Tianlong's arm: "Aunty, his name is Ye Tianlong, my boyfriend, my father asked me to bring it."

Hearing the meaning of the blue sky phase, the woman who was going to scold Lan Xiaomo could only turn her eyes to the blue sky phase: "Tian phase, you let him come?"

"Who? What's your identity? Is there any attempt? Have you investigated?"

She hates iron but not steel: "Everyone is close to Xiao Mo, who are not afraid of harming Xiao Mo? Are you afraid of offending guests tonight?"

"Auntie, although I am a soft food, I am definitely a good person who is harmless to humans and animals."

Before the blue sky could speak, Ye Tianlong hugged Lan Xiaomo with a gentle smile: "If it were a bad person, the police would have arrested me early."

"As for hurting Xiao Mo, it is even more impossible. I have to rely on her to eat soft food. How can I hurt her?"

His words stimulated the blue sky core: "It's too late to hold the thigh."

Speaking of this, Ye Tianlong also deliberately bent his legs and buried his head in Lan Xiaomo's chest, looking like a little bird:

"Xiaomo, don't abandon me. I will love you so much. By the way, my car is broken. Will you buy me a car like my cousin tomorrow?"

Lan Xiaomojiao laughed: "Okay, okay, I will support you, and I will buy you a Ferrari tomorrow."


Lantianxin was almost killed by anger, everyone was afraid of being said to be eating soft rice, but Ye Tianlong directly admitted this, making her unable to say anything next.

The most important thing is that Ye Tianlong wants to buy a car like Lan Pingping, which is simply a rebellion for Lantianxin, just like digging her meat.

Because in her eyes, Lan Xiaomo's money is Lan Family's money, and Lan Family's money is Lan Family's assets, and Lan Family's assets also have her share.

It's okay for Lan Jia Assets to buy a car and house for Lan Pingping, but Ye Tianlong won't be able to grab it, but she can't express it directly like this.

"Tianxiang, have you seen it? If you eat soft rice, Xiao Mo can't find a good person? Why do you find such a soft rice king?"

Lantian core can only teach Lantian Xiang: "Isn't this embarrassing the Lan family?"

When King Siwen chuckled, Lan Lanxiang smiled and said, "Xiao Mo is eighteen and is an adult. It's normal to find a boyfriend to play around."

"And this kid is nice, not only is he handsome, handsome, but also considerate and frank."

"Seeing that I was tired from playing cards, I would take the initiative to take the place and dared to admit that I was eating soft rice with my thigh. These two points are commendable."

"Furthermore, as long as he treats Xiao Mo well, what about soft rice?"

Blue sky pinched out a cigar: "The Lan family has a big business, there is no problem raising a few people."

Lantianxin was almost out of anger, and tapped his finger on the table: "I think you are really confused, otherwise you won't say these things."

King Siwen and the middle-aged fat man glanced at each other, with a smile in their eyes, but did not penetrate the Lan family's internal affairs.

"Thirty-one rounds of play, it is indeed a little groggy, this last round, let my future son-in-law play."

Lan Lanxiang left the position at the right time, and then pressed Ye Tianlong: "How much he loses, it is all because of my Lanxiangxiang."

"Golden Bureau, Wuke, do you have any comments?"

He bit his cigar and said, "If you have to ask me to play, then I will sit back and play with everyone."

King Siwen laughed: "It's right for Lan Dong to rest when he is tired. It will only hurt his mind and body if he keeps on fighting."

The needle is still hidden in the cotton.

The middle-aged fat man also waved his hand: "Lan Dong's future son-in-law is equivalent to the heir of the Lan family. He is qualified to be on an equal footing with us."

After stimulating the blue sky core, he directly shouted: "Start, President Lan, start."

The corner of Lan Lanxin's mouth moved endlessly, and then he touched the mahjong tiles and looked at Ye Tianlong with sharp eyes, which was obviously stimulated by the heir.


When several people next to him subconsciously took aim at Ye Tianlong's card, Ye Tianlong who had drawn the card did not open the card, but instead yelled and put it on the edge of the table.

Not to mention letting other people watch the cards, Ye Tianlong didn't watch it himself, making Lan Lanxiang and Lan Xiaomo interested.


When Ye Tianlong drew four more cards, he shouted again, attracting everyone's attention, but he still did not reveal his cards...

Seeing that Ye Tianlong didn't show his card, the three spectators had nothing to gain, and Lantian core showed a joking expression: "You are not only the king of soft rice, but also a pretender."

"You don't even look at the cards, and you don't know what you touch. Do you still want to win for the heavens? Dream."

She turned her head to the blue sky again: "Tianxiang, your two hundred thousand, I'm afraid it's not enough."

King Siwen pushed his glasses, arranged his own cards neatly, played four small pairs, very close to victory, and then echoed:

"Perhaps he is a master, he will remember the cards as soon as he is passed, so there is no need to read it, but there are such people, but I don't believe it will be Ye Tianlong."

The middle-aged fat man took a glance at a spectator, then grabbed a card and stuck it on his wrist: "Young and frivolous, normal, but I hope he won't lose too badly."

Ye Tianlong ignored them and continued to yell when he drew the cards, as if he had drawn some good cards, disturbing Lantianxin's mind.

After the cards were drawn, Lantian Core throws a ‘20,000’, which looks good.

After Jin Siwen touched the card, he also smiled and threw a ‘50,000’.

When it was Ye Tianlong's turn, he swiped his finger behind a pile of cards, then picked out a ‘tube’ and threw it out.


The middle-aged fat man also threw a card, and then put his hidden card close to the blue sky core, Ye Tianlong suddenly slapped the table and shouted:

"Wuke, you're done, you have one less card, Xiaoxianggong."

After being beaten by Ye Tianlong, the middle-aged fat man's arm was shaken, stabbed like a needle, and the card in his palm fell with a ‘pop’.

Ye Tianlong shouted again: "Ah, Wu Ke, your card dropped?"

"So you didn't miss a card? I thought you had less, just why you keep holding it in the palm of your hand, which is misleading."

The middle-aged fat man moved the corner of his mouth, picked up the mahjong tiles on the floor and awkwardly replied: "It's nothing, this is 80,000, I want to save some luck."

Lan Tianxiang and Lan Xiaomo squinted their eyes almost at the same time, with different rays of light in their eyes.

Ye Tianlong suddenly realized: "Oh, that's good, come, play cards, play cards."

Then he shouted another sentence: "Hey, Gold Game, President Lan, you also have one less card, do you also hold it in your palm to save luck?"

King Siwen smiled and flashed the card in his left hand: "This is a bad card. No matter what I touch later, I will be ready to play it, so I hold it in advance."

Lantian Core was very annoyed: "What does it matter to you if you have more cards and less cards? Just play your own cards."

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