Talented Genius

Chapter 1135: conflict

At seven o'clock in the evening, when Confucius' special plane arrived at Mingjiang Airport, Ye Tianlong was walking into the night bar with Zhen.

With the improvement of living standards, people have more entertainment time and bars open earlier.

Although the weather has just darkened, artificial fog has been sprayed all over the sky on the stage led by the bar, and heavy and powerful drums have rang.

Many animals leaned on their chairs with their wine glasses and glanced across the stage of the performance, but most of them looked around, looking for suitable prey tonight.

Ye Tianlong also looked around, and when he came to the bar, he felt sorry for himself without looking at the beauty.

Zhen Zhiqu followed Ye Tianlong, doing his best to protect his safety.

On the stage, various colored lights overlap, a graceful red-clothed woman with a strong aura appears in the gathering place of the lights.

The appearance of this woman immediately made many people's eyes bright.

The figure is tall, well-proportioned and refined, with a slender waist like a willow, and a white and smooth waist. A glance makes people feel the heat.

A red feather was inserted on top of her head, she was only wearing a thin red dress, but on her feet were a pair of knee-high leather boots.

One thin and one thick, forming a huge contrast, making people's eyes stiff. She stepped on the gentle drums and walked forward in a graceful posture.

The woman in red twisted her waist and walked to the center of the stage. She put her hand on a steel tube in the middle, and she directly performed a sultry pole dance.

The audience was boiling.

Many men and women on the dance floor raised their hands and shouted at the woman in red:

"Sister Hong, goddess, goddess--"

"Sister Hong, one more song!"

"Sister Hong, I love you!"

A few drunk alcoholics wanted to rush up to wipe the oil, but before they could touch each other, they were blocked by a few Chinese-clothed youths, and then kicked away.

It seems to have some origin.

Ye Tianlong memorized the name with great interest, and then went straight to the booth that Zhao Yaoyao and Zhang Qingmen had booked early.

Zhen sat at the next table, and covered half of her face with her hair to reduce the approach of the mad bee and butterfly.

Zhao Yaoyao is wearing short sleeves, a shawl, and then a short skirt, revealing two white and slender **** legs.

Wearing a pair of high heels on a pair of tender feet, sitting there shaking with toes, it is both charming and intellectual.

"Ye Shao!"

Seeing Ye Tianlong appear, she was playing with her mobile phone and drinking Zhao Yaoyao, her face raised a respectful greeting: "Good evening."

Although Zhao Yaoyao was stunned by Confucius during the golf shootout and didn't know what happened, she could judge many things based on the current conditions.

Cai Jinyin and Song Donghua died, but Ye Tianlong was alive. What does this mean? It shows that Ye Tianlong's hands can reach the sky.

Cai Jinyin moved his fingers to crush Zhao Yaoyao and the others, but Ye Tianlong got rid of such an awesome man, how could he not let them respect?

What's more, it was Zhao Yaoyao and Zhang Qingmen who started the incident.

"Sit down, you are hurt, don't stand up."

Ye Tianlong stepped forward two steps, holding on to Zhao Yaoyao who was not well injured, and let her sit down: "Everyone is old friends, don't be so polite."

"The kindness of dripping water will be reported by Yongquan. Ye Shao has helped us more than once, and we should be courteous."

Zhao Yaoyao joked: "Besides, you are still my big boss."

First, Ye Tianlong helped her a lot without asking for anything in return. Second, Ye Tianlong's attitude has always been humble and equal, and there is no such thing as a bluff.

"Don't talk about etiquette, everyone is friends."

Ye Tianlong waved for two bottles of good wine, then smiled and asked, "How is your injury? Is it better?"

He glanced around and found that Zhang Qingmen was not there. He thought he was going to the bathroom, so he didn't ask questions for the time being.

"Ye Shao can rest assured, although I am not very flexible, but I can already take care of myself."

Zhao Yaoyao smiled sweetly: "I just saw nothing serious, so I called you to chat and talk about the next job."

Women not only exude that kind of elegance and well-being, but also exude a kind of rich connotation of beauty.

Ye Tianlong poured red wine on her: "Why bother to work in such a hurry? Healing the wound is the most important thing."

"It really doesn't get in the way, and I'm idle."

Zhao Yaoyao smiled and took the topic: "The most important thing is that Ye Shao is going to participate in the National Top 50 competition next week, so I have to prepare."

"Although I know that as soon as Ye Shao's voice comes out, it is not difficult to advance, but we still have to deal with the relationship between all parties."

Zhao Yaoyao smiled very calmly: "Otherwise, people will say that we are not popular and our tempers will rise first."

Ye Tianlong sighed: "It doesn't matter whether you are promoted or not. I am worried about your injury. After all, it is a gunshot wound."

Zhao Yaoyao smiled and waved her hand: "Ye Shao doesn't have to worry about my fatigue, I can hold it, and the degree of tossing is not comparable to Zhang Dao.

"Director Zhang is as injured as I am. During the past half month, he has finished the later stage, released the title and edited the theme song."

Zhao Yaoyao added: "Now I'm waiting for the release date."

"is it?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Director Zhang is good enough." He asked again: "When will the movie of Director Zhang be staged?"

Zhao Yaoyao took a sip of red wine: "He wants to spend money to get a try on the summer vacation, but the other party directly refused, saying that it can only be performed next month."

"He also contacted the four major theaters, begging grandpa to tell his grandma to divide himself up to the cost, but the four major theaters only agreed to three percent of the film."

"No, two minutes before you came, he saw Qiao's Shaodong, one of the four major theaters, and said that the two had drunk before and had a friendship."

She slenderly pointed her finger at the luxurious deck diagonally opposite: "He will go over and say hello."

"By the way, let's see if we can get the help of Qiao's Shaodong, so that the Qiao's theater line will rise a few points."

Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded: "It's really hard enough."


At this moment, Ye Tianlong and Zhao Yaoyao suddenly heard a movement, and then saw a few burly youths coming out of the luxurious deck with one person.

They threw the person who was holding them into the aisle, and then unceremoniously kicked them. The person staggered and almost fell to the ground.

A flat-headed young man walked forward with a cigarette in his mouth, pointing at the man who almost fell to the ground and shouted:

"Fuck off!"

"If you don't bring a few actresses to show respect, and you want to help you arrange the film, your mind is flooded?"

Having said this, he stepped forward and knocked the man to the ground again: "Hurry up, don't let Joe see you again, or I'll see you once."

The flat-headed youth also took a bottle of wine: "Give you back the bottle of wine you bought."


After speaking, he twisted the cork of the bottle and poured it all on the opponent's head. The wine splashed and dyed the opponent's body red.

It's just that this behavior not only failed to stop, but also caused everyone around to laugh and laugh, and some even whistled, lest the world would not be chaotic.

The flat-headed youth also sneered with a strange yin and yang, and continued to pat the face of the fallen man unscrupulously: "Remember, next time you ask for help, show some sincerity."

"If you don't have a beautiful actress, you can hire a few young models at a high price. If you don't have money, please invite a young model. Your sister and your niece can also be honored."


The feller stood up in silence, first clenched his fists, then loosened, touched his face, ignoring the ridicule of everyone, and turned his head down...

It is Zhang Qingmen.

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