Talented Genius

Chapter 1090: roll

Ye Tianlong's lunch didn't end until three o'clock in the afternoon.

From the mouth of Ouyang Jinyue, he found out all the details of the sixth master, how many elite children and wealthy family members, one by one came into Ye Tianlong's mind.

After the meeting, Ouyang Jinyue returned to the chrysanthemum wing. After staying alone for fifteen minutes, she left the teahouse wearing a hat.

Ye Tianlong did not leave. He slept in the plum blossom wing for more than half an hour, then added a pot of good tea and continued drinking.

It seemed to him that Tiexin was going to have dinner here before leaving. Ye Tianlong couldn't let anyone discover that he had an intersection with Ouyang Jinyue.

The waiter did not say much, and there have never been many guests sitting for a day.

Ye Tianlong sat in the plum blossom room for an afternoon, sitting still on the Diaoyutai, but the chrysanthemum room changed many waves of guests and staged various scenes.

There are business talkers, tea fights, and affair...but Ye Tianlong doesn't pay much attention to it. He drinks his tea and sleeps.


At 5:30 in the afternoon, just when Ye Tianlong felt like he was about to leave, a call came in, and he looked down at Zhao Wenguang.

"Brother Zhao, why call me when you have time?"

Ye Tianlong put on his earplugs to answer, then smiled and said, "Are you coming to China to invite me to dinner?"

Zhao Wenguang's hearty laugh soon came in his ears: "Ye Shao, you are really a god, so I was surprised by your guess."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment: "Are you really here in China?"

"I will fly to China in three hours."

Zhao Wenguang responded to Ye Tianlong with a smile: "I have many enemies in China, but there are only a handful of friends. You are one, so I will say hello to you."

"If you haven't left the country and you are in Huaxia, we will gather together when I finish the task at hand."

His words expressed gratitude: "I didn't thank you well for Jiang Zihao's matter last time. Why should I invite you to dinner this time."

"If it weren't for your help, I don't think he would have the chance to explode his head, nor would he be able to evacuate Mingjiang back to the Golden Triangle smoothly."

Ye Tianlong smiled leisurely: "Last hand, no effort, everyone, brothers, don't worry about it."

"What's the big move in China this time?"

He leaned back in his chair and added: "Is there anything I can help?"

Zhao Wenguang sighed with emotion: "Brothers are brothers. They ask if they need help, but find excuses how far to hide."

"But don't worry, brother, the matter is not big, at least not the first few times, otherwise I won't return to China rashly."

Zhao Wenguang laughed and said, "The Kong family are still staring at me."

"I will mainly go to Jiangcheng this time to clean up a beast. After I get it done, I will fly to Mingjiang to find you, and talk about big things by the way."

Ye Tianlong was startled slightly: "Go to Jiangcheng?"

Then he slapped his thigh and laughed: "What a coincidence, I'm in Jiangcheng, you can come here quickly, I guess you can have a few drinks."

Hearing that Ye Tianlong was also in Jiangcheng, Zhao Wenguang was also very surprised: "Brother, didn't you go to the capital to play? Why did you get to Jiangcheng?"

"It's a long story. I'll talk about it when you come to get together. Anyway, I will stay in Jiangcheng these days."

Ye Tianlong did not expect such a coincidence, and smiled and took the topic: "You can contact me at any time when you are here. I have been very free recently."

"It seems that Brother Ye also has big moves."

Zhao Wenguang obviously also knows Ye Tianlong, knowing that he will not wander around indiscriminately: "I don't know if my brother has any use for my brother?"

"I can handle things in two or three days. If my brother needs to hire someone, just scream, my brother will take someone to support you at any time."

Zhao Wenguang showed strong self-confidence: "Everyone is okay to die."

"Thank you, brother, for your justice."

Ye Tianlong smiled when he heard the words: "There must be a chance to cooperate, but I will talk about the details after meeting. By the way, you come to Jiangcheng..."

Before Ye Tianlong finished speaking, Zhao Wenguang gave the answer straightforwardly: "Chasing and killing a gangster."

"There is a brutal and severely crippled brother who forced his newly married sister-in-law and jumped into the sea to feign death to avoid us from chasing after him."

He didn't conceal the slightest bit of Ye Tianlong: "I just got a clue, knowing that he is hiding in Jiangcheng, I am going to take a look."

"How can you be worthy of a vegetative brother if you don't cut him? How can you be worthy of a suffering brother and sister?"

Ye Tianlong squinted slightly: "It is indeed a beast."

"Okay, brother, let's not talk for now. I will call you today just to say hello, hoping to find a time to get together."

Zhao Wenguang was simply and neatly said: "It's even better if you are in Jiangcheng. We can meet tomorrow morning and talk about a big deal by the way."

"But I'll talk about everything when we meet."

Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded: "Okay, then I will make an appointment tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Tianlong cried secretly that the world is really small, and then he picked up tea and drank a clean drink.


Just walking downstairs, Ye Tianlong heard a scream, and then a little girl fell out of the parking lot, spurting blood from her mouth.

In the next second, she collapsed under Ye Tianlong's feet with a flower basket, her face pale and painful, holding the flower basket with one hand and her abdomen with the other.

The little girl's mouth was still bleeding, and she was obviously injured internally by a kick.

Ye Tianlong also recognized that this little girl was the flower girl that night and Yao Feiyan had bought all the flowers.

The people around and the diners in the restaurant were all in an uproar when they saw this scene. They looked at the injured little girl in sympathy, but no one came forward to help.

"Little girl, are you okay?"

Ye Tianlong squatted down hurriedly, helped the little girl who was vomiting blood, pressed a few times on her body, and then took out a pill for her to take.

After some movements, the little girl's pain reduced a little, she looked at Ye Tianlong with gratitude, but still could not speak, and then she looked at the flower basket.

Seeing that the flowers in the flower basket were in a mess, almost all of them were damaged, and his face turned pale again with a ‘brush’.

"Don't think about these flowers, I will buy them all."

Ye Tianlong murmured relief: "Close your eyes and rest. The doctor will come over later."

He took out his cell phone and made an emergency call.

"I really don't know how to live or die... I hate flowers the most, but I want to lean in front of my eyes."

At this time, seven or eight tall men and women walked out of the parking lot, all dressed up with nostrils facing the sky, looking at extraordinary martial artists.

One of the men is even more arrogant. He is about 40 years old, with a Chinese character face, a hooked nose, shoulder-length hair, and a bit of an artist style.

As he led the people forward, he said coldly: "Go and grab the dead girl, let me kick out my breath again."

Following his words, a woman with Dan Fengyan quickly walked up to Ye Tianlong, and reached out to grab the panicked little girl.

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand to block: "What are you doing? With such a big person and so many people, what does it mean to bully a little girl?"


Dan Fengyan woman shouted coldly: "The water is deep here, you can't afford it!"

Ye Tianlong laughed: "Can't afford to play?"

"Go away!"

The Dan Fengyan woman shouted again: "You can't provoke the Thirteen League!"


Before she finished speaking, Ye Tianlong slapped her face with a slap: "Get out!"

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