Talented Genius

Chapter 1063: Accept thirty-six dogs

At dawn, Ye Tianlong opened his eyes and looked at the tired woman with tenderness in his eyes, then bowed his head and kissed.

The next second, Ye Tianlong got up and took a bath, went out unobtrusively, and then came to the Dalmatian's room.

The Dalmatian was still lying on the bed, his wounds had been cleaned, and the whole bedroom had a strong smell of alcohol besides the **** smell.

Ye Tianlong walked over, first looked at the various instruments beside the bed, then pulled a chair to sit down, and stretched out his hand to get the Dalmatian's pulse.


Dalmatians have a strong instinct. Although they haven't opened their eyes yet, Ye Tianlong reacted as soon as they touched him, bending his fingers.

Responsively grasping Ye Tianlong's wrist, the technique is very sharp, just like a dog's paw.


Ye Tianlong seemed to have anticipated what he was doing earlier, and drew his wrists to avoid the Dalmatians' attack.

The Dalmatian's fingers fell to the ground and grabbed on the light gray bed sheet with a click. The bed sheet was abruptly scratched by several holes, which looked scary.

Ye Tianlong pressed the back of his hand, and his voice came out calmly: "Don't move, I'll show you the injury."

At this time, the Dalmatian had opened his eyes. The original vigilance and fierceness disappeared instantly when he saw Ye Tianlong, and there was a touch of softness and anxiety.

There is still the expectation that has not dissipated.

Ye Tianlong checked the Dalmatian carefully, then took out a few pills and gave him some warm water:

"Your bodily function is very abnormal. It is about 70% of my level. This injury will not be a big problem for you. You will be well after ten days of peace of mind."

Although the days of the dog camp are hard and cruel, the Dalmatians are mentally insufficient and the strong are bloodthirsty, but they also cast their abnormal bodies.

So as long as there is a breath, the Dalmatian can survive, although this is an overdraft of the future lifespan.

The Dalmatian didn't hesitate, took Ye Tianlong's pill in one bite, and chewed it hard, as if he had eaten something good.

But when he drank the warm water, the Dalmatian frowned, a little cramped and resisted.

"Sorry, forget that you can only eat cold food and cold water."

Ye Tianlong poured the warm water, then made a glass of cold boiling water, and handed it to the Dalmatian's mouth, and the Dalmatian immediately drank it.

Soon, a glass of water bottomed out, and the Dalmatian's expression became more relaxed.

Ye Tianlong looked at him and exhorted: "It's just that you must lie down for the past ten days, and you can't fight anymore, or you will really die."

"A dog that is aggressive and strong will lie in a corner and lick the wound after a dry fight."

The Dalmatian nodded: "Understood...thank you."

"By the way, aren't you all killed?"

Ye Tianlong suddenly remembered something: "How did you survive?"

Three generations of dog kings were killed by Ye Tianlong one after another, especially the third dog king was cut by Ye Tianlong in public, which caused a huge impact on the entire dog camp.

Moreover, Ye Tianlong killed the Queen of Dogs, killed a dozen more managers, and then yelled at the more than 2,000 people in front of the gathering square: Freedom.

Although many growing vicious dogs cannot understand what freedom means and are still stupidly staying in the camp waiting for the new dog king, the Dalmatians know how valuable it is to be out of the cage and that is the only opportunity to change the tragic trajectory of their lives.

So more than 400 people took the opportunity to leave the dog camp, but Ye Tianlong later heard that they were brutally hunted down by the local military.

The military will not let its stains be seen by the world.

The last news Ye Tianlong received was that not only the vicious dogs staying in the camp were shot and killed, more than 400 people who escaped were also captured and shot dead.

In order not to leave any remnants, the military also dispatched the ‘viper’ special guards to help clean up, so Ye Tianlong was very curious about the dalmatians’ survival.

"We... more than forty vicious dogs who were going out of the cage, took care of each other and ran away, then grabbed a fishing boat and camouflaged it in the boat and was shelled by them."

The Dalmatian did not conceal Ye Tianlong's experience, and told his own experience: "We changed our appearances after feigning death, and finally escaped into China to survive."

"We deliberately change our appearance, words and deeds, and we also specialize in life without sunlight."

The Dalmatian's thinking was not clear, but he still tried his best to let Ye Tianlong hear clearly: "So I have lived to the present."

Ye Tianlong let out a long breath: "How many of you are there?"

"Thirty-six people...Everyone is mentally insufficient, almost literate, nothing except brute force and biting."

The Dalmatian whispered: "They are security guards, brick movers, and garbage pickers. I think they are the best."

"I thought no one would recognize us anymore, but I didn't expect to be seen by you."

He suddenly struggled to get up from the bed, then knelt down with a plop, with a touch of sadness and expectation in his eyes:

"We don't know anything, we don't know anything, and there is no leader and no one to lead us. We can't live in this society."

"We fled to Huaxia with a total of 47 people. Although we tried to be a dog with our tail sandwiched, many brothers died one after another."

There is a sadness in the eyes of the Dalmatian: "Either he was beaten to death, or he died of confusion and melancholy. We have already died of eleven brothers."

"If no one leads us, we will all die soon."

Although they are extremely fierce, and the bite is even better, but they have never had too much of their own thoughts and are used to obey orders.

Therefore, once they let their own lives decide, they will become confused and fearful, do not know how to live, and then become mentally broken.

"I hope you can take us in!"

The Dalmatian grabbed Ye Tianlong's hand, with unconcealed expectations and fears in his eyes, looking forward to Ye Tianlong's promise, and afraid that Ye Tianlong shook his head.

That feeling, that kind of look, was like a dog being taken to the slaughterhouse, afraid that the owner would never take them away.

The reason why he chose Ye Tianlong instead of the others to take in was because only Ye Tianlong had the qualifications, and only Ye Tianlong could understand them.

Ye Tianlong didn't say anything, the Dalmatian's hands were shaking, and the despair in his heart was overwhelming his injuries.

"Notify them!"

Ye Tianlong suddenly held the Dalmatian's hand: "At eight o'clock tonight, I will invite them to eat in Jianglou."


The Dalmatian knocked his head directly, absolutely respectful...

After Ye Tianlong came out of the Dalmatian's bedroom, he ran around the Yao's Garden to get familiar with the environment, and he was familiar with the guards and servants.

When he came to the front bungalow, Ye Tianlong stopped. In his vision, eight burly foreign men were dancing with swords and guns for morning exercises.

Their movements are simple and practical, and every whistling of the strength of the weapon in their hands, it seems to have the tragic breath of death soul hiss.

The eyes of each of them were unspeakably flying.

"These 80% are the mercenaries Feiyan said."

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at it. The foreign man's sturdy body was covered with various scars. Although it was morning, he was sweating.

In the flow of sweat, under the shining of the rising sun, every scar shone with pride.

The move is a murderous move, the momentum is the murderous momentum.

Ye Tianlong knew from a glance that this was definitely the master who had killed many people, and was definitely not comparable to the two fake soldiers seen in the Beijing Teahouse.

How much did he think last night that Yao Feiyan's so-called overseas mercenaries are 80% watery, after all, how can truly powerful mercenaries protect the homes of millions?

But now, Ye Tianlong knew that he was wrong, judging from their punching posture, at least he was a person who had performed three S levels.

It's just these people, how can they curl up in Yao's Garden for three million a year?

At this time, Ye Tianlong saw another young man walking behind the crowd. His figure was not as tall as the others, but he had broad chest muscles like them.

Under the shining sweat, every green vein was like an earthworm, and full of power.

He stretched out his hand and jumped up a stone from the ground. This kind of stone was unusually hard, but when he blasted it over with a punch, it made a crisp sound.

The stones fell apart one after another.

When everyone around saw his hard work, they couldn't help but applaud.

From a distance, the youth felt Ye Tianlong looking at him, so he looked sideways, and Ye Tianlong also glanced at him, catching the sharpness in the opponent's eyes.

At the same time, Ye Tianlong felt a touch of familiarity, he felt as if he had seen this person somewhere...

At this moment, a blonde girl walked out of the hall and shouted to the young man who was doing morning exercises: "Katto, I have dinner."

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