Talented Genius

Chapter 1046: Stepped on together (seven more)

Chapter 1046

Made me look bad?

Kong Polang's face changed slightly, as if he didn't expect Cai Jinyin to be so strong, and at the same time secretly scolded this guy that his brain was flooded.

Lin Bella and Qing sister secretly called Cai Shao to force.

Song Dongzhong also smiled yinly: "Confucius, now we either fight on the spot, or you get out of here with someone, don't be nosy."

"It's just that I want to remind you that we have fallen out and things have become a big deal, and you and I may not be able to eat."

Song Dongzhong looked at Confucius playfully: "No, you are more troublesome. I have this special card from the Cai family, and it will favor me somewhat."

"Young Master Kong, they are right. You still don't want to mix up this matter."

When Confucius was about to go crazy, Ye Tianlong, who had been silent, suddenly said, "I can settle the matter with them."

Song Dongzhong laughed: "Kong Shao, did you hear him? He can settle it by himself. What are you doing nosy for?"

Confucius looked at Ye Tianlong: "Ye Shao——"

"I'll take care of my own misfortune. I just ask you to help me with a little thing."

Ye Tianlong swept over Zhang Qingmen and Zhao Yaoyao: "My two friends are innocent. They shouldn't be victims. You protect them for me!"

Zhang Qingmen and Zhao Yaoyao wanted to speak, but Ye Tianlong shook his head to stop them from speaking, but looked at Confucius, "Don't let them be hurt."

"no problem!"

Confucius waved a big hand, and made people help Zhao Yaoyao and Zhang Qingmen in a neat gesture: "I must protect them."

Song Dongzhong wanted people to stop him, Ye Tianlong said faintly: "Let them leave, I will let Cai Jinyin go, otherwise I will abolish him now."

The deal was a good deal, the hostages were released, and Ye Tianlong was taken over. Song Dongzhong smiled and waved his hand to let his subordinates clear the way.

The Confucian elite quickly helped Zhao Yaoyao and Zhang Qingmen over and walked to the corner to treat the wound.

"Kong Shao, thank you for your help today, but don't worry about the rest. It's my grievance with Cai Shao and Song Shao."

Ye Tianlong tilted his head to the Kong brothers and motioned them to stay away from the battlefield: "By the way, clear the field for me."

Confucius looked hesitant, and finally led someone to withdraw from the center of the incident.

But they did not leave, they watched more than ten meters apart, wondering how Ye Tianlong got away.

Confucius' eyes were sharp, and today's love was helpless, making him believe that he owed Ye Tianlong a great favor.

Then, he waved to let people clear the venue, and drove away all irrelevant personnel and waiters.

"Boy, you two friends, I let go, shouldn't you let Cai Shao also go?"

Song Dongzhong said coldly: "I have a promise, don't play tricks with me."

"Of course let him go."

When the Confucian brothers thought that Ye Tianlong hijacked Cai Jinyin to kill him, Ye Tianlong unexpectedly released Cai Jinyin.

Cai Jinyin was free and immediately twisted his neck. Instead of rushing back to the camp, he turned and looked at Ye Tianlong sneered: "You're done."

He didn't believe that Ye Tianlong dared to hurt himself from beginning to end, and now the ending proved once again that his guess was correct.

Ye Tianlong faintly said, "Do you really want my life?"

"You bullied Bella, wounded my brother, and kidnapped me again, that's the worst evil."

Cai Jinyin sneered: "Do you think you still have a way to survive? Hurry up and put the gun down. I will let your family go, otherwise they will suffer."

"it is good!"

Ye Tianlong stuffed the gun into Cai Jinyin's hands: "Aren't you trying to kill me? Come on, shoot."

Cai Jinyin and the others all looked at Ye Tianlong with idiot eyes, feeling that this kid was really flooded in his head, letting go, and stimulating himself to shoot.

Lin Bella and the others also joked: Ye Tianlong was panicked and messed up, so his behavior was weird.

Zhao Yaoyao and Zhang Qingmen are full of pain, but they are helpless.

Cai Jinyin waved his hand to retreat. He carried the gun and smiled: "Stupid, play to advance or retreat? Want to scare me like this?"

"Do you think I dare not kill you? Do you know who I am?"

"Ben rarely has a special identity. I killed you just like killing a wild dog. No one will want my head."

Cai Jinyin looked proud and shook the gun twice: "This is your life."

Song Dongzhong said faintly: "Cai Shao, behave a little more neatly. We will have dinner later."

"Before shooting, do me a favor and let me die without regret?"

Ye Tianlong ignored his gunpoint and issued a request to Cai Jinyin and the others: "Can you give me a few things to my family?"

"Is there any funeral?"

Cai Jinyin chuckled: "Okay, take it out, I'll pass it on to you, Song Shao."

This is not his generosity, but to find out someone who has a close relationship with Ye Tianlong, and kill the latter to bring out today's evil spirit.

Song Dongzhong also smiled playfully, watching the show as well as Lin Bella and the others. They all knew that Cai Jinyin would report and have a crazy temperament.


In the complicated eyes of everyone, Ye Tianlong took out a bunch of things from his arms. He took out a Wujia door card and put it in Song Dongzhong's hand:

"This is the door card my grandmother Wu gave me to enter the Houyuan. Please return it to her by Song Shao and Cai Shao, and tell her to cut the flowers in the Houyuan."

Song Dongzhong's body was shocked: Grandma? Mr. Wu?

"This is my elder brother Zhao Ditian giving me the pass, and I ask Song Shao and Cai Shao to give it to him, and let him take care of his health by the way."

"This is the first special envoy and first adviser certificate issued to me by my brother Tutuhaci, the President of Hungary and Mongolia..."

"Please hand in Shao Song and Shao Cai to the embassy so that they will not affect the relationship between the two countries because of my death."

Zhao Ditian?


Each and every word, like lightning, smashed the crowd outside and the inside was tender, and their spirits couldn't stop trance, they were all big shots.

Looking at the two tokens and the two diplomatic certificates in their hands, Song Dongzhong and Cai Jinyin smiled stiffly, and even opened their mouths in shock.

Lin Bella and the others are also stunned, their faces are so wonderful and wonderful, they did not expect that there are so many backers behind Ye Tianlong.

The Kong brothers slapped their thighs, their faces were slapped happily.

"Song Shao and Cai Shao, please hand over these four things to them, thank you."

Ye Tianlong stood in front of Cai Jinyin, picked up the gun in his hand and pointed at his heart, harmless to humans and animals: "Cai Shao, shoot."

Song Dongzhong’s cold sweat came out, and he felt hot in his palm, and wanted to question whether the thing in his hand was fake, but when he saw the steel seal, he knew that there was no water.

Cai Jinyin's hand holding the gun was also shaking.

Everyone knows that if the gun goes down, the Cai family and even the Song family will be destroyed, not to mention Zhao Ditian and the old prince, even the status of Hun and Mongolia is enough for them to die.

The first special envoy and first adviser are equal to the vice president. They shot and killed the Hungarian and Mongolian vice president. Who can take shelter? Besides, there are two mountains, Zhao Ditian and Lao Taijun.

"Shao Cai, shoot!"

Ye Tianlong patted his chest lightly, smiled and approached Cai Jinyin, with a disdainful face, Cai Jinyin trembling and holding a gun backed back again and again.

His face was blue and white, losing the courage and arrogance of shooting.

The backbones of the Song family and the Cai family who were watching were complicated.

Lin Bella and the others also moved the corners of their mouths, and they seemed to smell a bad breath.

"Don't dare to move me? Don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

Ye Tianlong smiled coldly, and suddenly bullied him close. Those who watched only felt that their eyes were dizzy. Ye Tianlong had already taken the gun in Cai Jinyin's hand.

Then, the gun was aimed at Cai Jinyin's brow.

Cai Jinyin felt a hint of coldness spreading, but immediately squeezed out a touch of disdain: "Ye Tianlong, I dare not kill you, and you dare to kill me?"

Song Dongzhong said: "Cai Shao is Cai Shao from Taicheng..."


Before Song Dongzhong's words fell, Ye Tianlong pulled the trigger and a bullet was nailed into the center of Cai Jinyin's eyebrows.

Song Dongzhong subconsciously raised his gun and shouted, "Shao Cai!"


Ye Tianlong's muzzle was deflected, the trigger was squeezed, and two bullets shot out, directly blasting Song Dongzhong's two knees.

The burst of blood was shocking.

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