Taking the Mafia to the Magic World

765 Spinning Wheels: Efforts in Vain

The next day, Vicente had already conquered a few dozen square kilometers of border between the mountainous area that protected the kingdom and the region dominated by monsters.",

He set up a few kilometers of defensive fence 5 kilometers away from the base of the mountain range, where he created new watchtowers for groups like the one that stopped them before they entered Stormhold to work from.

With 90 kilometers of fence and five outposts built in the last 24 hours, Stormhold now no longer needed to keep its Perseverance Tower so close to the city.

There was still a long way to go for Vicente to make this area safe, but with just the slaughter of the last few hours and the establishment of these fences and outposts, the city would already be further away from danger.

This not only helped the city immediately, but made the locals trust even more that Vicente's group was there to help them. Seeing the construction of the first dozen kilometers of fence up close and understanding what they were capable of, the local leader couldn't help but put more trust in the young Low-level Paragon.


At dawn that day, the white-haired woman was sitting next to Vicente and Lauren as they ate in front of a fire in the patch of woods where they were standing.

No longer able to contain her curiosity, she asked. "Why are you doing all this? I'm truly grateful for your help, but I don't understand your motives."

Vicente smiled as he looked at her, finishing chewing what was in his mouth before answering her. "This is for my own good, so don't thank me so much.

What I'm doing is to slow down the flow of monsters to the south. My family and friends are in the south of the continent and I intend to live there for a few more years before venturing further north. So it's in my interest to protect the south.

I'm not naive enough to think that my current actions will completely stop the flow of monsters south. Some weaker and even some stronger monsters will bypass the defenses I've set up in this central area of the continent and flee from the forces I've helped and will still help prepare. But as long as the magicians' forces in the central area of the continent persist, you will be the focus of the monsters, not the south.

That's my goal, to keep as many of the powerful monsters as possible between the central area and the north of the continent. If I can at least keep that up for a few years, I'll be successful in everything I plan."

"So that's it... It makes sense. You want us to stop the monsters for you." That white-haired woman sighed, seeing that Vicente wasn't just helping them for free. He wanted them to fight and die for the peace of the south!

But she didn't think his plan was bad or even negative for her people. They themselves had stayed and fight to keep their state. Vicente's actions were a help to them!

They would have done what he wanted even without his help, so she didn't feel used at all when she discovered Vicente's real objectives.

"Unfortunately, I can't stay here for long, otherwise I'd build a big fence dividing the north from the central region. But something like that would take years to complete and the monsters we'd be facing would be much stronger than the ones I killed recently." Vicente muttered before sipping his hot drink.

"Your actions are useless. You're just spinning one's wheels. When Demien Bloodthorne leaves his lair, none of these defenses will make any difference to him or the high level monsters." Lauren said after Vicente and the leader of Stormhold were silent for a moment.

They both looked at her, with the woman wondering who this girl with sealed cultivation was, while Vicente felt a bit of Lauren's sharp tongue once again.

"Demien Bloodthorne is absorbing blood of Archmages. His strongest subordinates are doing the same, while the most powerful monsters are preoccupied with controlling the northern region in the short term. By the time any of them make a move, years will have passed." Vicente said as he looked at his sister's face.

"I just need to keep the south of the continent safe until then. At that time, I will embark on the journey against the continent's strongest and do my best to keep the fight from the strongest in the north."

Vicente was returning south, but he knew he couldn't stay in his home region forever. His goal was to allow Lauren to recover and Nina to grow stronger. He would establish powerful defenses around Seidel Kingdom, leaving behind methods for his forces to defend themselves when he left for the north again.

But eventually, he would return north to hunt down the pentagrams of the Throne of Darkness and pursue his advance to the 6th stage.

Lauren looked strangely in Vicente's direction, but said nothing to him.

The white-haired Low-level Paragon sighed at the thought that there were still many enemies much stronger than the monsters currently terrorizing the central region of the continent.

"So you intend to go north? I think that's the only possibility if we want to beat the monsters one day. Defeat their leaders in the north." She commented in a low voice as she clenched her fists, remembering the many companions who had died in front of her or disappeared since the beginning of The Purification.

"Do you intend to go alone?" she asked as she looked at Vicente.

"I won't invite anyone to join me. It will be a very dangerous journey. But any Archmage who wants to accompany me is welcome. Below this cultivation, I think the risks would be too great for anyone to accompany me." Vicente was sincere.

He himself already had the power of a Beginner Archmage at this point and didn't see himself being able to stay in the northern region for long. So Paragons definitely shouldn't be aiming for that place as long as creatures like Demien Bloodthorne exist!

"Sigh... Are there any Archmages left of our kind?" She closed her eyes and lamented, imagining that Vicente would have to go north alone.

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