Taking the Mafia to the Magic World

760 Growth of the Sentinels of the Order

Soon after the short celebration of the relatives of the 22 young people who had awakened talents that were great by continental standards, Vicente led his group back to Dresbert.",

The train ride between Dresbert and Metal City 2 was quick, taking less than 40 minutes.

The train Vicente created in this area was even better than those running in the Seidel Kingdom, being much faster and safer.

Upon returning to Dresbert later that morning, Vicente would leave the young people and their relatives in town to spread the news about his Awakening Altar, as well as the local rulers, to spread the word about Metal City 2.

Without much conversation with the locals, he set off alongside Lauren and Torne, beginning his journey out of Dresbert, towards the nearest city, about 180 kilometers to the east.

In a few minutes, he and his sister would pass one of the border posts around Dresbert, where 15 men were in position to deal with threats to the integrity of the city's current security territory.

Most there were High-level Mages, since their weapons, armor and the defenses generated by the fences were too efficient to require the most powerful in the city to stay there.

Currently, 500 of Dresbert's men stood around the city's security area, prepared to defend the area and, perhaps in the future, expand their domains.

The aim of this security area was to guarantee local security and stability in the short term. There were two possibilities for the future: an increase in monster forces in the surrounding area or the maintenance of enemy forces.

In the first case, the local group would have to work hard to defend what Vicente had helped them to achieve. In the second case, it would be interesting for the city to prepare itself to expand its domains, at least to the point of reaching the domains of other nearby cities.

That was Vicente's plan, to create a large territory of safe cities in this area, which could secure humanity's position in the Kingdom of Eternal Dawn to stop the monsters' advance south.

Whether this would work, he didn't know. In any case, it wasn't now that these forces would begin to exploit their enemies' capabilities, so as they passed the border, Vicente and Lauren saw the men just standing in position to observe their surroundings.

He would carry Lauren in his arms all the way to the next city, still unwilling to release his sister. He didn't want her to run away or do dangerous things until he was sure that she would at least be convinced that fighting alongside him was for the best.

Unsure of that, Vicente would carry her for the next hour, until he spotted the first post-Dresbert city where he would stop.


This time, Vicente didn't save someone before entering the city on his way. Carrying the symbol of Dresbert with him, he entered the city already allied with the old Dresbert Magicians' Society.

His men in Dresbert had sent letters to their allied cities nearby, warning them about Dresbert's new leader and Vicente's plans.

The local leaders already knew about Vicente, but frankly, they were still in doubt as to whether the news coming from Dresbert could be trusted.

But as soon as Vicente presented himself in that city, the local leaders, Sovereigns similar in numbers to the one in Dresbert, realized that the news was indeed true!

Vicente didn't go directly to the leaders of the area. When he flew in, he revealed his first magical form, showing his pentagrams to all the locals before healing the wounded in the hospital.

Watching Vicente's actions in shock, the local leaders saw hope coming to their city.

It would cost them their freedoms, as they would have to follow Vicente's rules and orders. But hell, their freedoms hadn't belonged to them for months!

Fighting back and live minimally better was worth any cost Vicente was going to charge them!

When he finished healing the 800 or so wounded people in this city of 250,000 inhabitants, the local leaders would bend the knee to Vicente without even being asked!

"Senior Fuller, thank you for coming to our city. From now on, our Wildview is at your disposal," said the strongest man there.

Vicente smiled as Lauren watched yet another domination by her brother. Internally, she couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of seeing all those people on their knees around her.

Vicente would ignore his sister, once again steering a city towards what he wanted, ordering the local leaders to gather metal for him, but also a group to leave with him later that day to build the security area.

Wildview wasn't like Dresbert, which had an agricultural area around the city, where it was easy for both humans and monsters to settle. This city was between mountains, with several uninhabitable rocky areas.

There were a lot of monsters in some key places in this area, but there were probably fewer places for Vicente to clear and fewer outposts for him to build.

Even if he were to create a security area in Wildview as large as Dresbert's, his work there would be smaller and less dangerous for his allies.

Thinking of building the armor and weapons he would leave for these men only after building the security area, he would soon set off from there to begin his journey of 'revolution' around the central part of the ancient Kingdom of Eternal Dawn.


In the blink of an eye, 19 days would pass from the start of Vicente's crusade to win allies and ensure the stability of cities around Dresbert.

In an area with a radius of 400 kilometers, Vicente would conquer 5 cities in those days, creating areas of security, armor and weapons in each of them, similar to what he had already done in Dresbert.

The remaining forces in each of these cities would become new units of the Sentinels of the Order, as well as learning about the possibilities of awakening magical powers in Metal City 2.

There was no train between these cities to provide a safe way to reach Metal City 2, but some of these locations were less than 50 kilometers away from the city.

Others were further away, but if one traveled from town to town, it might be possible to safely reach Metal City 2.

So, at this point, Vicente was saying goodbye to the last city he had conquered, preparing to return to Dresbert and direct his group to Trevora Kingdom!

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