Marvel world.

Tony, who had successfully created new elements, came to Pepper's office.

Inside the company, the weird expressions of the employees made Tony feel numb!

"oh! Damn video, it actually shows kissing!"

"And Rod, you bastard, ruined such a beautiful moment!"

"Next time I won’t invite him to drink and pick up girls!"

Tony walked to Pepper's office angrily and straightened out his clothes.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Pepper's gloomy expression!


But before Tony could finish speaking, he was pulled into the dark room by Pepper......

Accept the judgment of fate!......



Odin sat on the throne, extremely majestic, and Thor stood below him.

The Asgardians looked at Iron Man's deeds and felt that there was nothing special. He didn't look like a savior, he was almost the same as the savior. Not up there!......

Earth in the past.

Howard, who had just learned that his wife was pregnant, saw his future son on the screen.

While stunned, I was extremely relieved. It seemed that even if the future was difficult, Tony would still make it through.

As a father, he is very proud that he can become the savior!

"Jarvis, my son is awesome!"Howard showed off to the butler on the side.

"Yes, sir!"

"However, his kissing style is a bit poor. I blame him for not teaching him well in the future!"


How can you teach this? Haven’t you seen him bringing all kinds of women home every night?

If it weren't for the sake of giving Howard face, he would definitely retort that your son spends more time playing tricks than you!.......

【Screen continues】

【Loki from God's Realm attacked the Americans and made them kneel before him...】

【For the sake of their own lives, Americans knelt down one after another...】

【Loki was very satisfied with the current situation, but the next moment, a shield with stars appeared in front of him!】

【Captain America is officially here!】

【After a physical fight, Captain America is no match for Loki...】

【At this moment, as a piece of dynamic music sounded, a red armor fell from the sky!】

【Loki was instantly knocked away, and Tony aimed at Loki with all his strength, jokingly saying:"Move again, you reindeer!"】

【Loki swallowed, raised his hands, and expressed his surrender calmly....】......


When the gods saw this scene, they frowned. Why is Loki so cowardly?

It shouldn't be. Is there any plan?

Odin looked at his young son quietly, feeling helpless. Will there be no change in the future Ragnarok?

"Loki, why did you go to Earth! He actually wants to enslave them!"

The God of Thunder looked at Loki with a displeased look on his face. Why did he think of running to rule the earth? He would be a fool if he didn't get beaten into a fool!

Loki quickly shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

But his little heart was a little panicked now. The one he took was Thanos's Mind Stone, right?

How could it be in his hand? Could it be possible?

For a moment, Loki thought a lot. Could it be that there are other Infinity Stones on Earth!

It seems that the next plan is going to be speed up............

【Screen continues】

【Loki was imprisoned by Tony and Captain America on the plane, ready to be taken back...】

【But at this time, a thunder sounded!】

【Natasha was confused. Why was there lightning in this place? There was no sign of rain just now!】

【Loki couldn't help but trembled at this moment and looked around...】

【When Captain America saw him like this, he thought he was afraid of lightning.】

【"What's the matter, are you still afraid of lightning?"】

【Loki straightened his body and sighed:"I don't like that guy who thundered all of a sudden...."】


【There was a burst of thunder and lightning outside the plane, but there was no one in the distance. The lightning was only around the plane!】


【Just then, the plane shook, as if something hit the top of the plane. Tony and Captain America stumbled....】

【Tony opened the hatch and saw a blond man in a red cloak, holding a hammer in his hand and looking at them fiercely!】

【The blond man pushed Tony away with a hammer, grabbed Loki, grabbed him by the neck, and flew out while swinging the hammer!】

【"This guy came as soon as he said he would!"】

【Tony shook his neck and prepared to follow. After all, the Cube was going to be gone....】

【"Stark, we need a battle plan!"】

【Tony turned and glanced at Cap and said,"The plan is...Fight!"】

【As soon as the voice fell, the person flew out...】

【On the other hand, Thor threw Loki to the ground!】

【"Long time no see, brother..."】

【"Do you think I'm here to catch up with you?...Where is the Cosmic Cube! ?"】

【Loki chuckled, lying on the ground and said slowly:"After the Rainbow Bridge was destroyed, do you know how much dark energy Odin needs to mobilize to transport you to your beloved Earth?..."】

【"You should thank me!"】

【Thor pulled Loki up and said with a hint of tears:"Loki, I thought you were dead!"】

【"Did you mourn?"】

【"we all mourn...Father..."】

【Lokilian interrupted Thor and said with a gloomy face:"That's...Your father!"】

【Thor grasped Loki's arm tightly and shouted:"Listen to me, Loki...."】

【But at this time, Tony arrived and kicked Thor away!】

【Loki looked at the empty space in front of him, raised his eyebrows, and said calmly:"I'm listening....elder brother..."】.......

"Father, what did Loki mean by what he just said?"

The God of Thunder was a little dissatisfied with what Loki said to him, what do you mean by just being my father?

Loki's expression on the side had already changed. Sure enough, he was not Odin's child.

Odin looked at the two of them, sighed helplessly, and did not continue. What

"You are all my children and that is enough!"

The queen walked down the stage and came to the front of the two children. She stretched out her hands to caress them and said softly:"You two are my good children....".......

【in the screen】

【Thor and Tony fought together. Even Tony's armor was not enough in the face of Thor's power.】


【The armor fired a laser and knocked Thor away, hitting the tree stump behind him!】

【Thor angrily punched the ground, and raised the hammer in his hand towards the sky...】


【The power of endless thunder poured into the hammer and blasted towards Tony in an instant!】

【However, this attack directly increased the energy of Tony's armor several times!】

【You deserve the Thor brand power bank!】


【Thor was knocked away again, but he was not injured at all!】

【Just as the two were about to fight together again, Captain America's vibranium shield flew in and stopped the two....】

【The scene turned and everyone came to Nick Fury's place. Here Tony met Banner, and the two hit it off....】

【When geniuses meet, they always cherish each other...However, Tony's last words made Banner's face completely darken....】

【He actually said he could turn into a big green giant...】......

Those who have seen the Hulk can't help but tremble in their calves.

Why would such a monster talk to Tony so calmly?

How terrifying it would be to suddenly transform into the Hulk!......

【Tony and Banner were cracking the secret of the scepter in the laboratory, when the captain walked in...】

【Tony's exaggerated and flamboyant character made the captain very dissatisfied, and he could only keep mocking him....】

【But Tony didn't care about this, he just wanted to know the secret of coming to him...】

【Captain America saw that his words were of no use to Tony and left here....】

【After that, Loki took the opportunity to escape from here. Loki had previously used the scepter to control many people, but at this moment, it broke out. For a while, they were controlled and began to cause chaos....】

【The giant spaceship was controlled by Hawkeye and destroyed a flight system. Tony risked his life to protect the people in the spacecraft....】

【Tony and Captain America cooperated to bring the spacecraft up again...】

【At the same time, Hulk also fell from a high altitude, and Hawkeye fell into a coma....】

【After a long time, Tony found Loki, and the reaction of the Cosmic Cube was also at Stark Tower!】

【Tony rushes back to Stark Tower...】

【"Sir, I have shut down the reactor, but the Rubik's Cube continues to provide energy..."】

【"See it..."】

【Tony looked at Loki who was staring at him below, landed on the stage, and walked towards him...】

【"Sir, the Mark 7 type has not yet entered actual combat...."】

【"Don't worry, it's an emergency now!"】

【The two faced each other and kept taunting each other. One had an army and the other had the Avengers....】

【Loki, the god of trickery, looked at Iron Man with a smile, looking calm and calm, not taking the so-called Avengers seriously at all....】

【At the same time, the space tunnel caused by the Cosmic Cube caused a huge hole to appear in the sky, from which countless fleets poured out, and the number was extremely large!】

【A battle is about to begin! 】

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