Palace Gate Arena.

Seeing Keldeo covered in blood with fighting spirit in his eyes, the audience was slightly moved.

"The little water horse head is really iron......Obviously knowing that I can't beat him"

"If you awaken the power of the Holy Sword, you might be able to fight. Now Keldeo, no matter how hard he tries, he can't be Kyurem's opponent."

"I don’t know what it was thinking. It couldn’t even defeat the Three Swordsmen. How could it have the courage to challenge the gods who were far above them?......"

But this point made the audience immediately think of that naive boy.

He is also like this. He never knows how to write about fear and moves forward indomitably.

But Xiaozhi has companions who fight and grow together, but Keldeo does not....

"He could only endure a severe beating, but fortunately Kyurem had no intention of killing Keldeo."

This is a fortunate place. Keldeo is at least still alive.

"Humph, these are the consequences of its arrogance. If it hadn't lied about being a Holy Swordsman,...Kyurem would probably not attack the weak."

Many trainers said coldly.

In their view, Keldeo is just a hot-blooded idiot who is eager to prove that he is a qualified Holy Swordsman.

Although Natsu and Naruto who appeared before were also like this, but they Becoming stronger is to protect the things you hold dear in your heart......But Keldeo had no idea what his responsibilities were as a Holy Swordsman.

Like this, it will never understand the weight of the sword!

Only when he becomes a true Holy Swordsman can Keldeo be qualified to challenge Kyurem!

【Screen continues】

【Keldeo exhausted all his cards and was unable to scratch Kyurem at all, and a sense of powerlessness filled his body....】

【This also gradually weakened its momentum...】

【"how? Is it about to end? It’s too fast!"】

【Kyurem snorted heavily and stepped forward slowly, with a look of dissatisfaction on the corner of his mouth....Obviously Keldeo's strength made it a little disappointed...】

【The Holy Swordsman who protects Pokémon...Has he become so weak now?】

【Keldeo shook his dizzy head, climbed up with difficulty, looked directly at the approaching Kyurem, and growled with a twisted expression:"I am......Holy Swordsman!!!"】

【Hearing these hoarse words, the three swordsmen who came over looked startled, and they all looked like they hated iron....】

【This idiot!】

【How can you lie!】

【He actually did such a thing!】

【Keldeo, who was in the arena, also felt the sight coming from behind and turned around suddenly....】

【He saw the Three Swordsmen looking at him with stiff expressions....】

【But it's too late to say anything now...】

【"I can still keep fighting!!!"】

【Keldeo's eyes burst into flames, and he rushed towards the strongest without giving up....】

【This reckless man-like momentum did not make Kyurem take a high look, he just looked at it indifferently....】

【Then he raised the dragon's claw, and the dark lightning wrapped around it suddenly expanded, sending out a cold power, and slapped forward wantonly....】

【Keldeo's eyes suddenly widened, terrified, but unable to escape....】


【With a heart-breaking scream, Keldeo's proud horn was snapped off in an instant....】

【For a time, its self-esteem and arrogance...Being completely crushed, a strong fear arose in my heart, and the fighting spirit in my eyes was gone....】

【He is a completely frightened foal at this moment...No longer a high-spirited fantasy Pokémon! 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Go ahead, now Keldeo was beaten to the point of suspicion!"

"There is no way, Kyurem is too powerful! Even if it only uses two short moves, it is not something it can resist!"

"It's okay if the horn is broken, but if it never recovers from this......Then it's really over!"

The audience who saw this were not surprised....Just seeing Keldeo's miserable end, everyone showed sympathy.[]

At the same time, I also have a clearer understanding of Kyurem.

【Screen continues】

【Keldeo was trembling with fear....】

【When he heard the thunderous sound of hooves, he was so frightened that his face turned pale, his pupils shrank into a ball, he gasped for air, and he staggered back....】

【There is absolutely no energy like before...】

【An oppressive feeling like a tsunami poured onto that petite body...】

【At this moment, Keldeo only had one thought:...】


【The glory of the Holy Swordsman has all been forgotten by it...】

【But the trembling body made it unable to move...I can only look at the big terror coming towards it in horror...】

【Seeing it in this state, the Three Swordsmen also knew that Keldeo was in fear....】

【Terrakion, who cared about his disciples, couldn't bear to watch anymore and couldn't sit back and ignore it, so he decided to intervene in this sacred battle....】

【".Kyurem, that’s it for now!"】

【"Don't get in my way!!!"】

【Derakion's intervention made Kyurem angry....】

【Instantly spitting out blazing flames at the opponent, even the surrounding ice crystals began to melt....】

【At this time, Gopalluon ducked beside his companions and neutralized this terrifying blow....】

【The grumpy Terrakion responded by spraying flames in an attempt to calm down the opponent...(Okay, okay). Tell it this is not a real battle! Gong】

【But to no avail...】

【Kyurem, who is extremely angry, is serious!】

【The next moment!】

【As its tail burst out with scorching light, its whole body was wrapped in endless flames....The flame that symbolizes the power of Reshiram melts with Kyurem....Change form - Flame White Kyurem!】

【"I will never forgive anyone who dares to hinder the battle, no matter who they are!!!"】

【With a turbo-like roar from the rear, the temperature of the entire old factory suddenly increased....】

【The next second, Kyurem released a thick orange and white thunder and lightning that was as thick as a round. With infinite power, it hit the Three Swordsmen like a violent wind and rain....Instantly frozen!】

【Seeing this situation...】

【Keldeo was completely frightened and ran away without looking back....】

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