After a long time, the two of them finally got married.

Seeing Chen Lie holding her hand and taking her home,

Song Qingning not only did not struggle, but was still thinking in her heart,

She had struggled for her fate for most of her life, and was always on guard against this and that. Now she finally had a "home",

This feeling was really good!


Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was several weeks later,

Xianyunzhou, a first-class sect called Yunmeng Xianzong,

There was a young man in a gray cloth shirt, holding a handful of weeds, working hard to weed in a spiritual field!

"Junior Brother Yun, you've been busy for a long time,"

"You don't have to work so hard,"

"Take a break and continue working!"

A girl wearing pink clothes and with a face of about 70 or 80 points, probably because she saw that Junior Brother Yun was working too hard,

couldn't help but bring him a towel and a pot of tea.

Seeing the girl bring these to him, the man who was called Junior Brother Yun also said thank you happily.

Perhaps because he was a little curious about Junior Brother Yun's "background",

the girl couldn't help but ask:

"Junior Brother Yun, you and Her Highness the Saint, where did you go? What is the relationship?"

"Her Royal Highness the Saint? What Her Royal Highness the Saint?"

Seeing Junior Brother Yun's bewildered look,

the girl was speechless,

perhaps thinking that Junior Brother Yun wanted to hide something on purpose, and the next second she snorted with a little dissatisfaction:

"If you are not related to Her Royal Highness the Saint, how did you join our Yunmeng Xianzong?"

"We have all heard about it,"

"It is because of Her Royal Highness the Saint that the Sect Master approved you to join our Yunmeng Xianzong!"

The Yunmeng Xianzong is a first-class force,

There is a Supreme Elder in the sect, who is a Saint!

Of course, this is not the main point,

The main point is that the Yunmeng Xianzong is a sect composed entirely of female cultivators,

The sect is full of women from top to bottom,

To be honest, Yun Che did not expect that one day he would become a disciple of the Yunmeng Xianzong,

Could it be related to the previous letter that he could successfully join this sect?

Thinking of this, Yun Che couldn't help but ask the girl:

"Senior Sister Xu, the Saint you just mentioned, is her name Lei Xinyue?"

"Yes, you even know the full name of the Saint, and you still say you don't know her!"

Seeing that Senior Sister Xu seemed to have misunderstood something,

At this moment, Yun Che was also a little bit amused,

The next second, he hurriedly explained:

"Senior Sister Xu, you really misunderstood!"

"I really don't know the Saint!"

"Maybe... maybe it's because a friend of mine knows her,"

"She wrote a letter for me, and the Saint may have specially approved me to join the Yunmeng Immortal Sect!"

Hmm? Junior Brother Yun's friend knows the Saint, right?

Senior Sister Xu asked curiously:

"What friend?"


A beautiful and pure figure flashed through Yun Che's mind subconsciously, but he still concealed the identity of that woman in the end.

He said to Senior Sister Xu:

"Senior Sister Xu, I really can't tell you the name of my friend,"

"And even if I tell you, you definitely don't know her!"


Seeing that Yun Che seemed to be in trouble, Senior Sister Xu didn't ask any more questions.

However, at this moment, a girl in green clothes suddenly ran over in a hurry and shouted:

"Junior Brother Yun!"

"I've been looking for you for a long time, and you're actually here!"

Seeing the girl running to him breathlessly, Yun Che couldn't help but ask:

"Senior Sister Fang, what's wrong?"

Senior Sister Fang took a breath and said:

"The Sect Master wants to see you, come with me quickly!"

? ? ?

The master wants to see me?

Although he didn't understand why a small errand disciple like him was summoned by the master,

Yun Che followed the girl obediently the next second.

Not long after, he met the master of Yunmeng Xianzong in the sect hall!

"Disciple Yun Che, meet the master!"

The master of Yunmeng Xianzong was a middle-aged beautiful woman with a good image and temperament.

However, after Yun Che came, she didn't pay attention to him immediately.

Instead, she faced the sect hall.

Behind a screen on the side, he said respectfully:

"Sir, I, Yun Che, the errand disciple of Yunmeng Xianzong, have been brought here as you ordered!"

Hmm? Who is the master talking to?

Perhaps out of curiosity, Yun Che secretly glanced at it with the corner of his eye.

I saw two people sitting vaguely behind the screen embroidered with a picture of a white crane spreading its wings.

From their figures, it seemed to be a man and a woman.

The woman was leaning in the man's arms, as if she was feeding him grapes!

Because of the screen, Yun Che could not see the true faces of the two people.

Finally, he could only move his sight back.

But he never thought that at this moment, the man who was lazily leaning against the screen suddenly spoke:

"Sorry to bother you, Sect Master Su!"

"Since the person has been brought here, you can leave first!"

"Next, let me talk to this little guy alone!"

"Yes, sir!"

After hearing the instructions of the man behind the screen, the Sect Master of Yunmeng Xianzong also left respectfully after paying respects.

But before leaving the hall, she still looked at Yun Che deeply with a complicated look.

That look had disgust and pity.

In short, it was quite complicated.

Yun Che, who was confused, did not know why the Sect Master looked at him with such eyes before leaving.

But he did not dare to ask more.

He could only continue to kneel on the ground respectfully!

In the silent hall, the atmosphere was a little subtle.

Perhaps because he had been kneeling for too long, and was also curious about who wanted to see him,

Yun Che could no longer bear it and asked softly:

"Sir, may I ask who you are?"

This time, someone finally answered Yun Che,

It was a charming female voice:

"Yun Che, are you curious about why we want to see you?"

"Come on, raise your head,"

"Look at my face,"

"Then tell me if you are surprised or not!"

The woman's voice was really good. Listen, charming and numb, as if a kitten is constantly scratching your heart,

For some reason, Yun Che always feels that this voice is extremely familiar,

Hearing the other party asking him to look up at her,

Yun Che also subconsciously did it,

The screen was slowly moved away,

Seeing that exquisitely charming little face,

Seeing that charming and brilliant smile,

At this moment, Yun Che's eyes almost popped out,

Then, he saw him stand up immediately, his eyes red and shouted:

"Poisonous woman, it's you!"

"Why are you here??"

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