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Her black hair was piled high in a typical palace-dressed young woman's hairstyle.

She wore a moon-white slim-fitting cheongsam, which set off Yun Ji's plump and round figure.

She was graceful, with a protruding front and a curved back, just like Like a ripe peach,

Her skin is as white as snow, and her charming face is dotted with a blush, just like a peach blossom.

She has a very beautiful face, and these words are not enough to describe Yun Ji. Now her temperament and appearance,

If Chen Lie were to describe it,

the so-called beauty that could make fishes sink to the bottom of the water and geese fall to the ground,

especially her noble and holy temperament like a peony,

it could make any man in the world, They all had a heart-pounding feeling!

Didn’t you see Jiang Tan’er standing next to Chen Lie, who couldn’t help but mutter to herself: “Mom is so beautiful!”?

Slowly opened a pair of beautiful eyes, and the gentle temperament like water slowly flowed over Yun Ji.

Has he successfully ascended to the earthly immortal realm?

He also felt the qualitative transformation that occurred in himself,

But Yun Ji didn't pay attention Jiang Tan'er didn't pay attention to herself either.

Instead, she immediately shifted her gaze to Chen Lie.

Her eyes were like water, showing a little tenderness.

Yun Ji restrained her whole body's momentum, and walked to Chen Lie with lotus steps. ,

The next second, I heard her voice with a bit of inexplicable feeling, saying gently:

"Lie'er, I succeeded for you!"

Waiting here for several months is nothing at all,

Seeing Yun Ji said she succeeded.

At this moment, Chen Lie was also very happy for her. Xing:

"Yes, it succeeded!"

"Now, mother also has the capital to ascend to heaven!"

"Congratulations to mother, and congratulations to the Yun family. From now on, there will be a second earthly immortal in charge!"

Yun Ji She smiled gently and said softly:

"Yes, and all this is all thanks to Lie'er!"

"Lie'er, how can I thank you?"

Chen Lie was also a little embarrassed and said :

"What is there to thank? Can we be so different from each other as a family?"

Yun Ji blinked her beautiful eyes and said:

"That won't work. Lie'er, for your mother's sake, After giving so much, I must thank you!"

"Well... let me think about how to thank Lie'er better!"

I don't know what she thought of, Yun Ji's face suddenly bloomed Bright smile:

"I got it, let's just thank Lie'er like this!"

After saying this, Yun Ji walked to Chen Lie and tiptoed gently.

I don't know what she was thinking, nor do I know What did she do?

The next second, Chen Lie felt his face suddenly moisten, but it was only for a moment!

"Ah, this!!"

"Lie'er, this is a sincere expression of my mother's Thank you, don't let your imagination run wild!"

While speaking, a seductive blush had already appeared on Yun Ji's beautiful face.

At this moment, Chen Lie was completely confused!

Don't let your imagination run wild, and don't think too much.

Although she kissed Chen Lie, Yun Ji was really sincere and was expressing her gratitude to Chen Lie in her own way.

It's normal for elders to like their juniors and kiss them to express their love. Right?

We are all innocent people. If you think wrongly, then you are wrong!


Time flies.

Several weeks have passed in the blink of an eye.

Dukong Holy Land, this is the headquarters of the Song family among the many families of the ancient immortal clan!

Today is the day when the Song family convenes a family meeting.

I don’t know what happened.

Even the Song family, who have not been concerned about worldly affairs for a long time, Ancestor Cangming came here in person to attend the meeting.

It can be said that all the top leaders of the Song family have gathered.

But now, this should have been a solemn meeting, but for some reason, a burst of shouting and cursing was heard!

"Isn't Song Qingning too much?"

"Doesn't she know that today is the day when our Song family holds a family meeting?"

"In such an important occasion, she still has the time to visit the Yun family?"

"Is there anything in her eyes? Without our Song family, does she still have the old ancestor in her eyes? "

"It's really too much!"

"Old ancestor, I am here to formally propose to you to remove Song Qingning from the position of acting head of the family,"

"You Look at her, is she qualified to sit in this position? ? "

Song Family

People were cursing not only because Song Qingning did not arrive in time,

but also because everyone had coveted the "power" in Song Qingning's hands for a long time.

The person who spoke was Song Qingning's "fourth uncle",

his name was Song Feilun, and his cultivation had reached the third level of the Saint Realm.

Recently, his son returned from the Time Wheel Cave. After accepting the inheritance of his ancestors, his cultivation had reached the ninth level of the Divine Power Realm.

Song Feilun felt that it was time, and he also wanted to sit in the position of the head of the family.

He had long been unhappy that the Song family was ruled by a woman, or a woman from another family who married into the Song family.

So at the meeting, without even thinking about it, he stood up and attacked Song Qingning!

Maybe it was because many elders were bribed by Song Feilun.

Many of them immediately stood up to agree with Song Feilun:

"I think what the Fourth Master said is right!"

"Song Qingning is really too much!"

"Does she still consider herself a member of the Song family?"

"This generation of the head of the family is too unqualified,"

"If it were me, she should be deprived of her position as the acting head of the family!"

A large group of Song family members were there to denounce Song Qingning,

But from beginning to end, the ancestor Cangming, who was sitting in the main seat, did not speak.

Maybe he felt that the ancestor was too silent.

Song Feilun made a gesture to signal the elders to stop talking.

Then he looked at the ancestor Cangming carefully and asked:

"Ancestor, what are you doing here? What do you think about this matter? "

"I think our Song family has developed very well now, and there is no need for Song Qingning to continue to interfere in major events,"

"Do you still want to tolerate her?"

Hearing Song Feilun talking to him, at this moment, the ancestor Cangming, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

He slowly opened his eyes and said in a slightly hoarse voice:

"Song Qingning hasn't come yet?"

"Have you asked someone to call her?"

Hearing the question from the ancestor Cangming, Song Feilun replied:

"She hasn't come yet,"

"It is said that she went to the Yun family to play a few months ago,"

"We have sent someone to call her!"

She went to the Yun family to play a few months ago, right?

After all, he ran fast enough.

I don't know what he thought of, but Patriarch Cangming said calmly:

"She probably won't come back to the Song family!"

"In that case, let's just pretend she doesn't exist in the Song family!"

"Continue to preside over the meeting. Just choose a new head of the family at the meeting today!"

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