The blue star world is a very beautiful world, but in this world, there is not only land, only 30% of the world is covered by land, and the remaining 70% is the blue ocean! Flying eastward along the continent, there is a small island with beautiful environment and breathtaking scenery! Although the area is not large, this island is a "holy land" in the eyes of all practitioners in the blue star world! The island has a resounding name, called Tianshen Island! Hundreds of thousands of years ago, there was a strong man named Kasaidong who spent thousands of years to unify the entire blue star world. Holding the artifact Tianshen Sword, he became the first practitioner in the continent to be promoted to a divine spiritual master! He is also a legendary figure. Tianshen Island is the product left by Kasadong!

Because of some special reasons, Kasadong left the Blue Star Realm and went to a more advanced plane.

But he always hoped that someone could inherit his godhood.

This is the origin of the existence of Tianshen Island.

Tianshen Island was created to select strong people who can inherit Kasadong's godhood!

Because it is located in the center of the sea,

There are few outsiders entering here due to the ocean blockage.

But on Tianshen Island, there is never a lack of strong people.

The most awe-inspiring thing is the high priest sitting on Tianshen Island and the twelve guardians of the island.

They are all ninth-grade spiritual masters, and even the high priest has reached the ninth grade and nine stars.

Like Lan Xiuxin before, they are the most powerful existences in the Blue Star Realm!

Quiet, remote, and rarely disturbed by outsiders!

But today, Tianshen Island suddenly ushered in two uninvited guests!

The sudden arrival of the two also aroused the attention of the twelve guardians of the God Island! "Who dares to trespass into the God Island!" "Are you trying to kill yourself?" The people who trespassed into the God Island were a man and a woman. The man was handsome and the woman was elegant. Seeing that someone dared to stop them from entering the island, the woman did not say anything more. After a faint cold snort, her cultivation instantly burst out. With just one move, she defeated the twelve guardians of the God Island! At this time, one of the island defenders saw the woman's true face, and was immediately frightened: "You... You are Lan Xiuxin?" "Lan Xiuxin, why did you come to my Tianshen Island?" On the mainland, the top powerhouses are always just a small group of people, especially the existence of the ninth grade and nine stars, there are only a few of them, as the defender of Tianshen Island, it would be too strange if he didn't even know Lan Xiuxin, the master of the Spiritual Master Hall who ranked at the top of the mainland's combat power! That's right, being able to walk side by side with Lan Xiuxin, the identity of the man next to her is naturally obvious, it is her "good son-in-law" Chen Lie, although she has never admitted it openly, but Chen Lie called her mother-in-law, and she didn't object, isn't this the best proof? Why did Lan Xiuxin come to Tianshen Island with Chen Lie, it all started a month ago! Regardless of whether Chen Lie is good in other aspects, he "loves" every beautiful mother-in-law from the bottom of his heart.

After a period of "deception", he successfully placed Ah Xing and Tang Rou in Tongquetai.

Chen Lie did a big thing,

that is, he made some physical transformations on Lan Xiuxin!

Don't get me wrong, the so-called transformation of Chen Lie is definitely a well-intentioned transformation.

Lan Xiuxin was hunted down by the Spiritual Master Hall, not only was she seriously injured, but her cultivation level also dropped a whole realm.

Chen Lie can naturally help her restore her cultivation easily.

But in fact, why restore cultivation?

It's just a small world, and the cultivation system is so poor.

Chen Lie's so-called transformation is to transform Lan Xiuxin in the direction of the Sky Continent.

It has to be said that Lan Xiuxin is also experienced enough.

She originally had a good foundation, and Chen Lie transformed her thoroughly and instilled her cultivation.

Now Lan Xiuxin has also undergone a qualitative transformation in terms of combat effectiveness!

Divine Ability Realm!

That’s right, this is Lan Xiuxin’s current level of cultivation.

It has been said before that the Blue Star Realm is just a small world.

A ninth-grade nine-star spiritualist does not even have the qualifications to travel through the boundary wall to explore the outside world. His actual combat power is only equivalent to that of the Tianlun Realm of the Sky Continent!

After inheriting the godhood and becoming a divine being, he initially possessed the ability to explore the outside world.


But in fact, this so-called God Realm Spiritual Master is only equivalent to the first level of the Divine Ability Realm.

What do I want to express by mentioning this matter?

I just want to express that Lan Xiuxin's long-cherished dream was finally realized with the help of Chen Lie, a good son-in-law.

Although she was exposed to a new cultivation system, she finally broke the shackles.

After being promoted to the Divine Ability Realm, she already has the strength to be on par with the God Realm practitioners!

With strength, the next step is naturally to realize her second dream.

Although she refused to admit it, she might be willing to accept Chen Lie's "transformation" of herself, which means that Lan Xiuxin also recognized Chen Lie as a son-in-law in her heart.

Not only to help herself realize her wish, but also to help Chen Lie.

Lan Xiuxin directly started the journey to unify the Blue Star Realm!

It took only one day to clear the Spiritual Master Hall.

Lan Xiuxin sat in the position of the master of the Spiritual Master Hall again.

Not only was she invincible, but she also had Chen Lie as her backer.

It was too easy for the Spiritual Master Hall to conquer all the major forces.

Under absolute force, all the major forces in the Blue Star Realm chose to surrender.

It was very smooth to unify the entire continent.

Chen Lie was also preparing to set off back to the Sky Continent.

But before that, he had one more thing to do.

That was to completely "refine" this world!

Chen Lie's Xumi Hua Qiankun was actually a small world that was refined into a storage ring, and it was finally formed.

If the area was small, this method could be used.

But the Blue Star Realm was too large, it was a complete world, and it was impossible to refine it into the ring!

In fact, the so-called refining of the small world by those outsiders was to refine the boundary wall of this world and let the boundary wall be contaminated with their own breath!

If other powerful people from outside the domain discover this world in the future, they can feel whether this place has been occupied by someone from the breath of the boundary wall.

If you feel that the other party's breath is stronger than yours, then go around it.

If it is not strong enough, you can also plunder directly!

After refining the boundary wall and leaving your own breath on it, any person who does not belong to this world will break in, no matter where you are, you can detect it at the first time!

Refining the boundary wall, leaving your own original breath on the boundary wall, and then directly returning to the Sky Continent,

Chen Lie originally planned to do so,

But he never thought that Lan Xiuxin's words directly attracted his attention:

"All major forces are willing to choose to surrender!"

"I have also destroyed all the forces that are unwilling to surrender!"

"But there is only one force that I feel is a bit tricky!"

"Chen Lie, what are you going to do about Tianshen Island?"

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