Seeing that Cao Qingna was mentally prepared, Lan Xiuxin didn't say anything more at this moment. Soon, Cao Qingna helped Lan Xiuxin to the deepest part of the valley. Not only were there flowers in full bloom, but there was also a lake at the deepest part. Not to mention the beautiful scenery, what caught Cao Qingna's attention was that there was an ancient and unique courtyard beside the lake. Hmm? There are people living in such a remote place? Seeing this unique courtyard, I don’t know what she thought of.

Cao Qingna was subconsciously happy in her heart, and then hurriedly said to Lan Xiuxin:

"Palace Master, there is actually a family here!"

"It’s tiring to run all the way,"

"I don’t think the Spiritual Master Palace can catch up here for a while,"

"No, let’s go to this family to ask for a bowl of water, rest for a while, and then continue on our way!"

Lan Xiuxin, who was seriously injured, knew that if she delayed for one more minute at this time, she would be in danger of being caught up by the Spiritual Master Palace.

But now, she is also physically and mentally exhausted enough.

If she doesn’t rest, she can’t run far anyway.

Thinking of this, Lan Xiuxin also responded softly:

"Okay, let’s go to this family to rest first!"

"Remember to knock on the door and see if there is anyone at home first!"

"I know, Palace Master!"

Then, Cao Qingna supported Lan Xiuxin, walked to the door of this family, and knocked on the door a few times!

"Who is it?"

After hearing the knock on the door, a pleasant female voice soon came from the courtyard.

For some reason, Cao Qingna felt that the voice was very familiar.

But for a moment, she couldn't remember whose voice it was.

But the next second, Cao Qingna still responded:

"We are travelers passing by, passing through this place, and we are extremely tired!"

"Can this family let us in to ask for a bowl of water and rest for a while!?"

"We can pay money!"

Hmm? Travelers passing by?

How could a traveler come to such a place?

Although she was a little confused, the woman in the courtyard still walked to the gate and opened it.

It didn't matter if they didn't meet.

Once they met, whether it was the woman who opened the door or Cao Qingna,

they were both stunned instantly.

Two pairs of beautiful eyes stared at each other.

They said in unison:

"Why are you here?"

The gorgeous clothes on the woman who opened the door had completely disappeared.

Instead, she was wearing a very simple cloth.

She looked like a village girl, but she was beautiful and her clothes were ordinary, which could not cover up the stunning beauty of this "village girl".

Cao Qingna was extremely surprised. The woman who opened the door must be her acquaintance.

Yes, the beautiful woman in coarse cloth in front of her was none other than the daughter of the Spiritual Master Hall, Ming Yexue Ming!

A few days ago, Ming Yexue cried and stopped Chen Lie, which prevented Chen Lie from killing Ming Wandao on the spot. However, Ming Yexue didn't know what Chen Lie was thinking. He actually brought her to this valley, saying that the scenery here was beautiful and she should stay here for a few days. There was no other way, Ming Yexue could only stay here with Chen Lie. She changed into coarse cloth because it was convenient for work. These days, Chen Lie was the master, and Ming Yexue was like a personal maid, washing clothes, making fire and cooking. She didn't know how she got used to this kind of life. But feeling this kind of comfort that she had never felt before also made Ming Yexue feel a very special taste in her heart! It seems that she has fallen in love with this kind of comfortable life without intrigue. But Ming Yexue never thought that such days would not last for a few days. When she opened the door, she saw her old enemy and mother! "Ming Yexue, why are you here?"

One is the eldest daughter of the Spiritual Master Hall, and the other is a saint.

It would be strange if they didn't know each other.

Of course, although they were both born in the Spiritual Master Hall, the relationship between Ming Yexue and Cao Qingna has never been very good!

To put it bluntly, this matter is still related to Lan Xiuxin.

Ming Yexue is Lan Xiuxin's daughter, but she doesn't get any love from Lan Xiuxin.

On the contrary, Lan Xiuxin treats Cao Qingna very well.

It is impossible not to be jealous.

Under such circumstances, it would be strange if the two girls could get along well!

And Cao Qingna

Lan Xiuxin's reaction was the same as that of Cao Qingna.

Ming Yexue was also surprised at this moment. Why did the Saint Lady Cao from the Spiritual Master Hall come to such a remote place?

Subconsciously, she also asked:

"Cao Qingna, what are you doing here?"


Without even waiting for Cao Qingna to answer, Lan Xiuxin snorted coldly.

Seeing Lan Xiuxin was also there, at this moment, Ming Yexue's face suddenly became extremely pale.

Not only hatred, but also fear,

But she still reluctantly asked:

"Mom... are you here too?"

"Don't call me mom! Ming Yexue, you should still remember that I have told you many times that I am not your mother, and I don't want to recognize you as my daughter at all!"

Although I don't know how many times I have heard similar words,

But seeing that her mother was so heartless to her,

Ming Yexue's heart, Still feeling as if pricked by a needle,

Now, her face became even paler:

"Mom... I..."

But before Ming Yexue could speak,

Lan Xiuxin said to Cao Qingna:

"Qingna, let's go to another place!"

"Don't rest here!"

But before Lan Xiuxin could take a few steps,

suddenly, she felt dizzy and fell down.

Seeing this, Ming Yexue didn't know how to react.

Subconsciously, she rushed over and supported Lan Xiuxin. After some investigation, she found that her mother was unconscious.

Not only was she unconscious, but she was also seriously injured!

What's going on?

Ming Yexue was anxious now, and looked at Cao Qingna:

"Saint Cao, what's wrong with my mother?"

"Why is she so badly injured?"

"She is so strong, who can hurt her?"


Perhaps because of the different situation they were facing,

Cao Qingna didn't continue to confront Ming Yexue at this moment,

She looked at the anxious Ming Yexue and answered softly:

"It's the Spiritual Master Hall!"

"This is impossible, isn't my mother the master of the Spiritual Master Hall? How could it be a Spiritual Master? Did someone from the Spiritual Master Hall beat her up?"

Seeing that Ming Yexue seemed to know nothing,

Cao Qingna was also stunned for a moment:

"Ming Yexue, don't you know that something happened in the Spiritual Master Hall?"

"I don't know. I have been living in seclusion here these days. What happened in the Spiritual Master Hall?"

The next second, Cao Qingna told Ming Ye about the change in the Spiritual Master Hall expressionlessly:

"Miss Ming, your father is resurrected!"

"It was he who brought your grandfather and a group of ninth-grade spiritual masters in the hall to beat up the hall master!"

"Congratulations, from now on, you will probably become the real eldest lady of the Spiritual Master Hall!"

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