After hearing what Teacher Chen Gang said, Liu Qingwu took a deep breath and told everyone about her experience during this period. Chen Gang and the others quickly figured out what Qingwu had experienced during this period! She was taken away by the man named Chen Lie. Originally, even Qingwu herself mistakenly thought that she would be bullied by Chen Lie. She might even never come back to [Invincible Academy] in her life. But who would have thought that there was a huge deviation between reality and expectation. After being "forcibly" taken away by Chen Lie, he did not force Qingwu in any way! On the contrary, whether it was Chen Lie or his other women, they were all very friendly to Qingwu. Because of some special reasons, Liu Qingwu not only had a very good relationship with Chen Lie, but also recognized him as a "brother" of the opposite sex! This was also the reason why she called Chen Lie "geigei" just now! Maybe she was afraid that Tang Xiaoqi and the others would have a psychological burden. Liu Qingwu chose to conceal the fact that Chen Lie threatened her to go with him with the lives of Tang Xiaoqi and the others. But she chose to tell the truth about other things! After listening to Liu Qingwu's description, Chen Gang was relieved. In any case, Qingwu was not "bullied" by others, which was the best news. But Tang Xiaoqi's face was full of haze at this moment! Because he really didn't dream that during the time Qingwu was missing, she not only had a "hot" relationship with Chen Lie, but also recognized him as a "brother" of a different surname! The anger in his heart really accumulated to an indescribable degree.

If there weren't so many people here, he would probably have asked Qingwu angrily,

Why did she get so close to her enemy?

Don't she know that she was injured by Chen Lie, the old thief?

Don't she know that Oreo and Bai Dafei's women were all taken away by Chen Lie, the old thief?

He was so angry, but with Teacher Chen Gang here, Tang Xiaoqi didn't speak rashly.

After learning the truth of the matter, Chen Gang breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with relief:

"No matter what, it's good to be able to come back safely!"

"Qingwu, you may not know that during the time you were missing, Xiaoqi and the others were worried about you!"

Do Brother Xiaoqi and the others care about me?

Hearing this, Liu Qingwu couldn't help but feel a little sweet in her heart.

But just when she was about to say something,

Oreo suddenly rushed to her and looked at her with hope:

"Qingwu... did you come back alone?"

"Did she... come back with you?"

You could tell who Oreo was caring about with your toes.

Seeing that he was concerned about whether Lin Xixi had come back,

At this moment, Liu Qingwu's face changed.

But in the end, after a sigh, she still told the cruelest truth to Oreo and Bai. Dafei:


"Brother Dafei!"

"For Sister Xixi and Sister Yingxue,"

"You should stop having any hope!"

"It's your fault. What you did back then made them give up,"

"During this period, I often chat with them. I can feel that they no longer have any feelings for you!"


Hearing what Liu Qingwu said,

At this moment, Oreo's face turned pale in an instant.

Similarly, Bai Dafei, who was standing aside, also looked extremely disappointed.

To be honest, seeing several disciples in such a mess,

Chen Gang felt bad,

However, feelings can't be forced,

Thinking of this, Chen Gang asked a question he was more concerned about:


"Xixi and Yingxue, do you plan to continue to return to the academy to practice in the future?"

Liu Qingwu shook her head gently:

"They probably won't continue to return to the academy to practice!"

"But, this time they came back with me!"

What? Came back with Qingwu?

Hearing this, Chen Gang subconsciously asked:

"What about the two of them?"

"Sister Xixi and Sister Yingxue accompanied Brother Chen Lie to go shopping in the city. I was in a hurry to return to the academy.

Come back first!" Seeing Chen Gang's eyes, Liu Qingwu guessed what he was concerned about. The next second, Liu Qingwu also explained the reason why Lin Xixi and Zhu Yingxue returned to the academy: "Teacher... Sister Xixi and Sister Yingxue came back to prepare for the withdrawal procedures!" "Did they go through the withdrawal procedures? Although he was a little sad, Chen Gang was not too surprised by the result. After all, how could he stay here if his heart was not here? The seven geniuses of the Invincible Academy, the seven disciples he was proud of, still could not walk hand in hand to the end! Thinking of this, Chen Gang did not say anything more. Seeing Liu Qingwu hurried back all the way, she seemed to be very tired. He said: "Let's talk about Lin Xixi and Zhu Yingxue's withdrawal after they return to the academy!" "Qingwu, I see you are also very tired, take a good rest today! "

"I have to go to the principal and tell everyone about your return,"

"You are missing, everyone is worried about you, I have to report that I am safe!"

Liu Qingwu was also very touched, and immediately said:

"Thank you for your concern, teacher!"

"Well, then I won't disturb your rest!"

Not long after, Chen Gang turned and left, and ran to talk to the principal.

As Chen Gang left,

Now, outside the dormitory door, only Liu Qingwu and Tang Xiaoqi and the other four "brothers in distress" were left!

The atmosphere became a little quiet,

I don't know what Liu Qingwu thought of,

Suddenly whispered:

"Brother Xiaoqi, can you accompany me to the pond behind the college for a walk?"

"I have something to tell you! "

You have something to say to me, right?

It just so happened that Tang Xiaoqi also had a lot to say to Liu Qingwu.

At this moment, he did not hesitate and said directly:

"Okay, let's go to the pond! "

The three of Oreo, feeling disheartened, went back to the dormitory to continue licking their "wounds".

Liu Qingwu followed Tang Xiaoqi to a pond behind the academy.

Why did she choose to come here to talk to Tang Xiaoqi?

It was because Liu Qingwu liked this place. This was the place where she and Tang Xiaoqi "got to know each other".

In fact, the reason why Liu Qingwu asked Tang Xiaoqi to come here was mainly for two things.

One was to share "a certain joy" with Tang Xiaoqi, and the other was to ask him to do something.

The night was charming and there was no one around.

Now, seeing that only she and the person she liked were here by the pond,

Liu Qingwu was also happy to speak.

However, before she could open her mouth,

Tang Xiaoqi's words froze Liu Qingwu on the spot!

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