The floating city is located in the boundary between the Sky Continent and the foreign land.

There are 12 floating cities in total, which can be said to be a transit station.

After leaving here, it is the endless void.

Under the leadership of Yun Ji,

Chen Lie did not spend much time to arrive at the No. 7 floating city.

Floating in the void, the No. 7 floating city is really quite large.

It can be compared with a small holy land.

In the floating city, many people live, and the weakest ones are at least in the Heavenly Wheel Realm. Existence,

No way, without mastering the power of the law, there is no qualification to come to the floating city,

Of course, the existence of the Tianlun realm comes to the floating city, that is just to do the most basic work, such as doing business and doing odd jobs,

They don't have the strength to explore the outside world,

At least you have to be in the supernatural realm to barely walk outside the domain,

And you don't dare to go too far,

So only when you reach the saint realm can you be considered to have the qualification to explore the outside world!

Tianxiang Restaurant is located in the center of No. 7 floating city. It is the largest restaurant in this floating city.

After Yun Ji, wearing a moon-white slim cheongsam, walked into the Tianxiang Restaurant with Chen Lie,

Soon walked into a private room.

I saw that in this box, there was already a woman waiting here for a long time.

Seeing Yun Ji finally coming, the woman also stood up and showed a charming smile:

"Yun Ji, what took you so long to come back?"

"If you come later, I guess I will go home to sleep!"

"It's not like you to be slow in doing things!"

Hearing the woman say that she was late,

At this moment, Yun Ji was also a little amused:

"Qing Ning, do you know how far our Daluotian Holy Land is from the No. 7 Floating City? Is it far?"

"Choose this broken place to talk, it's such a long distance, I can come so quickly, I've already used the fastest speed, okay!"

The woman who was talking to my mother-in-law was very beautiful,

She had a slim figure and skin like cream,

Not to mention the charming and mature temperament of a young lady,

What surprised Chen Lie the most at this moment was the other party's clothes and hairstyle,

Like his beautiful mother-in-law, this woman was also wearing a dress similar to a cheongsam,

It was also a slim fit, but the color was black!

The black tight cheongsam set off the woman's figure like a peach,

Waste waist, long legs, charming little face,

Especially the two smooth and white calves revealed at the slit of the skirt, and she was wearing a pair of shoes similar to black stilettos on her feet,

Damn, my mother-in-law really knows how to make friends,

Is her best friend so beautiful?

Especially the "wife-style" hairstyle with thick black hair tied together in a simple bun,

It's really a bit dangerous,

For some reason, at this moment, after seeing the beautiful girlfriend of his mother-in-law, Chen Lie inexplicably said in his heart:

"Madam, your hairstyle is dangerous!"

Not only is the hairstyle dangerous, but the temperament and appearance also remind Chen Lie of a legendary "special" physique,

Such appearance and temperament are really the style of "widow's body"!

Chen Lie also took the system evaluation and scored 98 points!

It's really on the same level as the beautiful mother-in-law!

It must be said that women, especially beautiful women, are very sensitive to the gazes from the opposite sex.

Chen Lie was looking at her long legs and slim waist.

The "amazing" look in his eyes was naturally noticed by the woman.

I don't know what she thought of, but a playful smile appeared on the beautiful and "dangerous" face of the woman:

"Finding a remote place to talk is naturally to ensure safety!"

"But let's not talk about this for now!"

"Yun Ji, the one next to you is the one you talk about all day long. 's son-in-law?"

"Sure enough, you didn't lie to me,"

"He is really handsome and suave,"

"Oh, look at this handsome face!"

"If it wasn't for your Tan Er who got him first, I might have wanted to snatch him away!"

Naturally, she noticed the "playful" smile on her best friend's face,

Knowing what kind of personality she had, Yun Ji also smiled faintly at this moment:

"Love doesn't distinguish between first and last,"

"Qing Ning, if you want to be with me,

I don't mind if the relationship changes from best friends to mother-in-law and daughter-in-law!"

"I can even host your wedding on the spot!"

"How about it, do you want to consider calling me mother-in-law now?"

"I can arrange for you to enter the bridal chamber immediately!"

To be able to say such things, it seems that the beautiful mother-in-law was not simple when she was young.

Of course, she is still very beautiful now!

Yun Ji knows her best friend's personality well,

The best friend is also familiar with Yun Ji's personality,

The next second, the woman laughed and said:

"It's okay to enter the bridal chamber!"

"Your son-in-law is really very attractive to her!"

"But if I really do it, aren't you afraid that your Tan'er will make trouble with you?"

Hearing the woman's words, the beautiful mother-in-law smiled lightly and said:

"It's okay, I think Tan'er shouldn't mind being sisters with her aunt Ning! "

Hearing this, the woman laughed even harder:

"Forget it, forget it, I'm not kidding you! I know I can't take advantage of you with words. It's rare for you to find a good son-in-law, so I won't get him to harm you. Otherwise, if he really harms you to death, you and Tan'er will ask him for compensation, but he won't have anything to compensate you!"

The joke ended here.

Because of the tight time, Yun Ji also spoke directly to Chen Lie:

"Lie'er, I forgot to introduce you,"

"This woman is my good girlfriend, her name is Song Qingning, you can just call her Aunt Ning!"

"Your Aunt Ning is not only my girlfriend, but also one of the 36 ancient immortals, the current head of the Song family! "

What? This woman is actually one of the 36 ancient immortals, the current head of the Song family?

Hearing this, Chen Lie didn't know what he was thinking of.

He was stunned for a moment.

But the next second, before he could make any special reaction,

Song Qingning, who had the style of "widow's holy body", smiled and said:

"Oh, what head of the Song family!"

"Before I was officially promoted, I was just the acting head of the family!"

Acting head of the family, right?

Hearing this, Yun Ji didn't know what she was thinking of. A strange smile appeared on her face. The next second, she heard her say something meaningful:

"Although it is only the acting head of the family now, Ning'er can use your skills to remove the word "acting". Isn't it just a matter of time? "

Hearing this, Song Qingning's smile remained unchanged, but she said with a smile:

"Let's not talk about what will happen in the future. At least, I haven't succeeded in doing this yet!"

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