The old man was very happy.

"Brother Ye Tian, ​​Tan'er may have to leave you for a while,"

"Go somewhere to get some secret medicine that can restore Brother Ye Tian's elixir and cultivation!"

"I won't be away for too long. Tan'er will definitely come back to find Brother Ye Tian in half a year at the latest!"

"As for this period of time, Brother Ye Tian should live well here!"

"Tan'er has asked her friend to take good care of you!"

Will the broken elixir in her body and the lost cultivation ever come back again?

Hearing this, Ye Tian's empty eyes regained some spirit.

But at this moment, Ye Tian didn't know what he was thinking of.

After taking a deep breath, he turned his head and looked at Jiang Tan'er with a slightly hoarse voice:

"Sister Tan'er... In your heart, do you really regard me as a brother?"

I really didn't expect Brother Ye Tian to say such a thing.

The smile on Jiang Tan'er's face froze instantly.

After a long time, she heard her whisper:

"Why did Brother Ye Tian ask this?"

"Could it be that Brother Ye Tian thinks that Tan'er didn't do well enough?"

She did a good job, but Ye Tian didn't expect Sister Tan'er to deceive him anyway.

Do you really think that he is angry because the elixir is broken?

In fact, Ye Tian doesn't want to talk to Jiang Tan'er at all now, because he feels that he has been fooled!

"Cousin... do you know how you are lucky enough to live until now?"

"It's all thanks to sister Tan'er!"

"If sister Tan'er hadn't served our master so happily, how could the master have mercy and spared your life?"

"Thank sister Tan'er for your kindness, otherwise you would have been turned into a corpse in the mass grave by the master!"

"Hehe... cousin is really pathetic, thinking about sister Tan'er every day, but he would never dream that she had been turned into the shape of our master!"

The above words were the "heart-breaking" words said by Ye Qingqing and Ye Mei'er before they officially killed Ye Tian.

Sister Tan'er... what happened between her and the old thief Chen Lie?

She was turned into the shape of that old thief?

Unwilling to speak, there is nothing more sad than a dead heart, Ye Tian is feeling pain because of this now!

Obviously, the relationship with that old thief has developed to this extent, but he is still "pretending" in front of him. How can Ye Tian feel good? So now, seeing Jiang Tan'er asking him if she has not done something well, Ye Tian also made up his mind and stopped beating around the bush. He said in a hoarse voice: "Sister Tan'er... What is your relationship with that old thief Chen Lie?" What is your relationship with that old thief Chen Lie? When Jiang Tan'er heard this, she felt like she was struck by lightning, and her whole body froze! What... What is going on? Why would Ye... Brother Ye Tian ask me this question? Could it be... Could it be that he knew something? No... It shouldn't be very likely. I have never told anyone about this. Maybe Brother Ye Tian is just guessing? Although she was a little nervous, Jiang Tan'er still forced herself to calm down.

She didn't know whether Brother Ye Tian really knew something.

At this moment, she could only pretend to be puzzled and asked softly:

"Why would Brother Ye Tian ask Tan'er such a question?"

"How could Tan'er be related to could she be related to that old thief?"

It's come to this point, but you still don't tell me the truth?

Ye Tian was so angry that he actually laughed.

Perhaps because of this self-deprecating smile that aggravated his injury, Ye Tian couldn't help but cough violently a few times, and even blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this, Jiang Tan'er, who was anxious, subconsciously wanted to step forward to help him wipe it,

But the next second, what she got was Ye Tian's cold voice:

"Don't come over!"

Jiang Tan'er's delicate body trembled, and she finally stopped:

"Brother Ye Tian... I..."

"Okay... Stop teasing me... Do you really think I don't know anything?"

Perhaps in the past, Ye Tian would choose to bury some things deep in his heart,

But after all, the fact that his cultivation was abolished and his cousins ​​stabbed him in the back brought him a heavy blow,

At this time, Ye Tian only wanted to know the truth,

So after a few violent coughs, he looked at Jiang Tan'er and spoke expressionlessly:

"The elixir in my body was pierced, and my cultivation was destroyed. Sister Tan'er, do you know who did it?"

"Yes... it was my good cousin, Ye Mei'er and Ye Qingqing, those two bitches who did it!"

"I can feel that they really want to kill me,"

"I'm really sad, but sister Tan'er, do you know?"

"What makes me sad is not this!"

"Maybe they also expected that I was doomed,"

"Before killing me, In front of me, those two bitches told me everything!"

"Wuji Sect Patriarch Chen Lie wanted to kill me,"

"It was Sister Tan'er who dissuaded him!"

"As for how she dissuaded him, Sister Tan'er should have offered her body!"

"I know Sister Tan'er did all this to save me, and I am very grateful for it, but why did you hide it from me? Am I also a waste in Sister Tan'er's eyes and not worthy of knowing the truth?"

Finally, Brother Ye Tian knew the "truth".

At this moment, Jiang Tan'er's face turned pale in an instant.

The atmosphere seemed to become a little frozen.

Jiang Tan'er was an extremely smart girl.

She knew that there were two choices in front of her now.

One was to tell Brother Ye Tian the truth without missing a word, letting him know that he was also a "victim" in exchange for Brother Ye Tian's understanding and sympathy.

The second choice was to never admit it and choose to conceal it to the end!

To be honest, Jiang Tan'er knew that the first option was the best.

As the ancients said, once something happens, it cannot be changed. Even if it can be concealed for a while, it cannot be concealed forever. After all, the truth is always the truth!

But even if I confess the truth, will Brother Ye Tian understand my difficulties?

Maybe Jiang Tan'er, as a woman, can't escape the nature of being a girl.

After thinking hard, she gave up the first option in her heart.

Prepare to use the second method to stabilize Brother Ye Tian.

I don't know how long she was silent. Jiang Tan'er gently raised her head and looked at Ye Tian quietly with a pair of watery eyes.

The next second, Ye Tian heard the "feeling" voice of Sister Tan'er:

"Brother Ye Tian... have you really cared about Tan'er in your heart?"

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