
Fruit World

“Could it be that Gray Wolf was kicked to death by Feiyangyang?”

Shangguan Ziyi said fearfully

“He was kicked to the moon, so he is definitely dead.”

Pineapple Blowing Snow took a deep breath and said

“Gray Wolf is so miserable. He just went to the Sheep Village to drink some wine, but he was kicked to death by Feiyangyang.

Li Huashi had tears in her eyes and a face full of sympathy………….

Naruto World

“Is this terrifying power something a sheep can really do?”

“”Are we under some kind of illusion?”

Sasuke gasped.

Feiyangyang and the other sheep looked nothing special.

They looked ordinary, but their power was really terrifying!

He even suspected that he was under an illusion, so he could see such an incredible scene!

“I feel pity for this Gray Wolf. He just stole some wine and died in the Sheep Village. The sheep in this village are really terrible!”

Naruto sighed and said

“According to the normal food chain, wolves eat sheep, but the sheep on this Green Grassland are so powerful, I feel that on this Green Grassland, the sheep should bully the wolves!”

Sakura expressed her opinion.

Feiyangyang’s kick sent Gray Wolf to the moon!

There is no doubt that on this Green Grassland, the food chain between wolves and sheep should be reversed!

【”Finally we got rid of him, now we can have some peace and quiet”】

【Feiyangyang is in a good mood】

【”Come on, we should go back to bed.”】

【Pleasant Goat also has a smile on his face】

【The sheep all planned to go back to their rooms and sleep again.】

【But only Lazy Sheep stood there】

【A look of horror appeared on his face】

【”What’s wrong, Lazy Sheep?”】

【Pleasant Goat looked at him with some doubt.】

【Then he noticed】

【The Gray Wolf that was kicked to the moon】

【I don’t know when I returned to the door of the wine cellar.】

【Pleasant Goat’s face suddenly changed】

【”Look at me!!!”】

【Feiyangyang rushed over】

【Once again, he was kicked to the moon!】

【But it’s only a second】

【Gray Wolf returned from the moon to the door of the wine cellar】

【Feiyangyang kicked Gray Wolf away more than ten times】

【But every time, he only needs one second】

【Back to the door of Yangcun Wine Cellar】

【”I…..I’m so tired. I can’t do it anymore.”】

【Feiyangyang was panting heavily due to exhaustion】

【Just finished speaking】

【He fell directly to the ground】

‘Oh shit!’

‘Uncle Wolf was kicked to the moon by Feiyangyang, but he was not injured?’

‘Not to mention being injured, Uncle Wolf didn’t even have a scratch on his body!’

‘Feiyangyang’s kick could blow up the continent, but Uncle Wolf took it without any injury. This means that Uncle Wolf’s physique has probably reached the surface level!’

‘And the most outrageous thing is that Uncle Wolf directly returned to Earth from the moon’

‘Uncle Wolf is using teleportation!’

‘The distance between the Earth and the Moon is 384,000 kilometers, and the speed of light in a vacuum is about 300,000 kilometers per second.’

‘Therefore, it takes about 1.28 seconds for light to travel from the Earth to the Moon!’

‘But it only takes Wolf uncle one second to return from the moon to the earth, which means that Wolf uncle’s speed is faster than light!!!’

‘Holy shit! Uncle Wolf has surpassed light!’

‘To be precise, the speed of a drunken Uncle Wolf will exceed the speed of light!’………….

Alien World

“Fake……Is this fake? This Gray Wolf was kicked to the moon by Feiyangyang, but he didn’t even have a single injury on his body”

“And it only took him one second to go directly from the moon to the earth! ?”

Zhang Chulan was shocked.

That was flying from the earth to the moon!!!

You know, on their planet, no human has ever been able to reach the moon so far.

They have only achieved rockets to the moon, but not manned missions. It can be said that the moon is mysterious and out of reach for them! And what about Gray Wolf? He has reached the moon more than a dozen times!!! He didn’t know whether he should be surprised at the power of Feiyangyang to blow up the continent with one kick, or at Gray Wolf. He withstood the power that could blow up the continent but was unharmed, and that he himself had the power to surpass the speed of light!


Pirate World.

Ghost Island

“This wolf is not dead!!!”

Kaido was horrified.

He thought that Feiyangyang’s kick would definitely kill Gray Wolf.

But who would have thought that he was unharmed!!!

When he saw Gray Wolf being blown into the sky without any injury, he still didn’t take him seriously.

After all, he could do such a thing easily.

But being kicked to the moon without any injury has touched his blind spot!

Although Kaido claimed to be the most recognized creature in this sea, after seeing the physique and strength of Gray Wolf, he suddenly felt as small as an ant!

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