Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1021: TZB—Two thousand early warning drones


"One shot into the soul?"

Both Abdullah and Mahmoud had their eyes widened in disbelief when he heard Zarif's words.

It wasn't because they were surprised to hear such a new thing, on the contrary, it was because they knew so much that it was so incredible.

Although helicopter manufacturers will work hard to publicize, their own helicopters are equipped with so-called air combat capabilities, and they have used airborne air-to-air missiles to shoot down the so-called target drones using pendulum and photography techniques.

But those who really know how to do it know that this thing is just a gimmick that makes people enter the pit.

This is like a developer selling a house, telling you that their house is a city CBD, a central lake view house, and the real school district center is the same routine. Just listen to it, and believe it is a fool.

There is no way, the performance and aerodynamic shape of the helicopter itself are determined. This kind of aircraft is used as a support force for the ground forces and can deal with ground targets such as tanks and armored vehicles.

The core equipment that really serves as the key air defense is not on the table at all, because no matter its speed, endurance or maneuverability, let alone compared with ordinary combat aircraft, it is even better than fixed-wing UAVs. Several blocks away.

Because of this, even if the "Heron" drones in New Delhi can be shot down, they are either anti-aircraft missiles or combat aircraft, but there is no turn for helicopters to do such things.

Even if a helicopter is used to take 10,000 steps back, the range of the air-to-air missile must be far enough, how to guide it? How to determine Zhu Yuan? How to track the damage?

A series of more complicated technical problems behind this are even more difficult than the helicopter shooting down the drone itself.

Because of this, when they heard that Zarif said it was the "Heron" drone shot down by helicopter, the shock of the two could not be concealed.

"I know that the two of you may be suspicious, but it doesn't matter. This time we will disclose the helicopter over-the-horizon strike system developed by China Ascendas Group to the two of you. Please, please!

Zarif looked at the two people who were full of suspicion in front of him, and smiled gently and invited.

"Helicopter over-the-horizon strike system?" Abdullah and Mahmoud glanced at each other, and both saw something called curiosity in each other's eyes, and then both quickly walked under Zarif's signal. Stepped out of the bunker gate.


"Shooted down?"

If Mahmoud and Abdullah were shocked to hear that the "Heron" was shot down, then Anthony, who was on the IL-78 tanker, learned that the "Heron" that had just rushed into the exclusive economic zone was shot down instantly. , It was completely shocked.

You know, according to his estimation, Pakistan has no equipment or weapons that can threaten the "Heron" drone at this time.

Only then confidently let the "heron" go in and learn experience.

As a result, the experience was not brushed, but he was brushed down.

For Anthony, this is no longer a simple face-slap problem, but a matter of making a good hand of cards into a mess.

No way, the unit price of "Heron" purchased by New Delhi is as high as 42 million US dollars, which is more expensive than Su-30MKI, but this is not the most important thing. The key is that this advanced drone's record of being shot down for the first time in the world will be deducted forever On his Anthony's head.

Not to mention that IAI’s huge rebates are gone, and the New Delhi government has to hold him accountable.

Earlier, he thought he was an exhaustive plan, and Anthony, who had gained both fame and fortune, only felt that the world was spinning around at this moment, and there was a tendency to fight.

After stabilizing for a while, Anthony calmed down a bit, and quickly picked up the intercom and asked the "Canberra" electronic reconnaissance plane approaching the reconnaissance: "I wonder what air defense weapon Pakistan uses?"


"No? How could it not?" Anthony was angrily.

"There is no display on the device, sir, I can't help it!"

The commander of the Canberra Electronic Reconnaissance Aircraft replied very simply. He couldn't help but swiftly slipped away. There was no way. The shooting down of the "Heron" drone before really scared them.

We must know that they were only 30 kilometers away from the "Heron" UAV, and that missile could knock down their "Canberra" electronic reconnaissance plane together as long as it was a little further away.

So the commander didn't even think about it, and turned around with the plane and ran into the open sea.

This run doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if there is one signal that could have been collected, it is still causing a huge loophole in the dense reconnaissance network approaching reconnaissance.

It's just that Anthony doesn't know all of this. Even though he is directing all of this on the plane, his technical level is not as advanced as ground guidance and command. After all, ground guidance is supported by radar data.

After all, the Il-78 is a refueling machine, not an early warning machine. The integration of the communication command system is already killing the people of New Delhi. Installing radar... don't be difficult.

So Anthony can see the one-third of an acre outside the porthole, no matter how far away he is from the deaf or blind.

In addition, the New Delhi Air Force has never conducted such a complex training with large formations and multiple types of aircraft, and it can be sustained with a smooth wind, and a little problem will be exposed.

Of course, if all this is just like Anthony, of course, he will not be aware of anything in this mountain, but it needs a kind of God-like perspective to observe the overall situation in order to see all this.

At this moment, there is such a thing hovering over the New Delhi Air Force exercise area. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

The altitude is 11,000 meters, and the speed is 623 kilometers per hour.

If someone can be in this position, you can find that this aircraft has a total length of 10.26 meters and a wingspan of 31.82 meters. The big guy with turbofan jet engines has cruised in this area for more than 8 hours.

In other words, this large aircraft had circled the open sea for a long time before the arrival of the multi-aircraft formation in New Delhi.

The paradox is that the New Delhi Air Force has always thought that this airspace is safe, without any aircraft breaking into it, but it does not know that their every move has long been stared at by this large aircraft.

"This is the TZB-2000 large-scale drone that we have just customized from China Ascendas Group."

Anthony was ignorant of the situation, but in the Karachi air defense underground command room, Zarif pointed to several clear data, influence, radar, electronic and other comprehensive display images to Mahmoud and Abd next to him. Du La said: "The helicopter beyond visual range strike system and core that I said to the two just now is this TZB-2000 large-scale UAV. The FHDL-6 long-range radar-guided air-to-air missile launched by the Zhi-12pro is actually The radar guidance signal provided by the radar on the TZB-2000 large UAV will eventually destroy the target."

"Able to detect, guide, and provide commands..." Looking at the screen in front of him, Abdullah's expression did not diminish in surprise, but became more intense. He turned his head and looked at Zarif: "Isn't that said There is no difference between a drone and an early warning aircraft?"

Hearing that Zarif smiled: "Yes, TZB-2000 is an unmanned early warning aircraft!"


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