Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1557: True status

Is Liszt pretending to sleep?

No, he knows better than anyone that the problem between freedom and beauty lies in the divergence of the rich and the poor, and the infrastructure is in disrepair. Compared with the foreign shit, domestic problems are the root cause.

But the problem is that knowing is one thing, and really doing it is another.

The freedom and beauty are indeed divided between the rich and the poor, and the infrastructure is in disrepair. But what about it, as long as the people can eat and eat without delaying their lives.

For today’s free beauty room, it’s the best strategic moment in the past two centuries. A single family dominates the solar system. At this time, if you don’t gather more wool around the world, you really miss this village without this shop. Child.

Therefore, in this so-called period of strategic opportunities, not only must we realize the dream of "best friends cooking" that has been planned for many years between freedom and beauty, but at the same time, we can still make a fortune, realize self-worth, and have both public and private. Why not for?

What's more, domestic problems are not resolved. It is said that the domestic issues must be settled first. The issues in Iraq and Afghanistan have not yet been settled. Can domestic issues be given way first? There is always a priority, right?

Therefore, Liszt fundamentally understands Merlinz’s desire to worry about the country and the people, but how to achieve it requires a strategy. Without strength, money, and capital, the people can be relieved with just one mouth. Well?

Because of this, Liszt didn't bother to talk to Merlinz for any reason, took a deep breath, and said in a slow tone: "I heard that your wife has opened a new trading company?"

Merlinz didn't know why Liszt suddenly asked such a question, and nodded: "Yes, Jenny mainly imports some daily necessities from China. You know, where are the cheap things."

Liszt nodded: "Recently, the Army Procurement Bureau hopes to purchase a batch of thermos cups for the army units in Afghanistan. The quantity should be at least 200,000. I can say hello to them and take care of Jenny’s business, if possible. , You ask Jenny to write a contract and make an offer. I will talk to the Army Procurement Bureau."

"4 dollars a piece, very cheap, there is no need to write any cumbersome quotations, Chinese daily necessities are not expensive!" Merlinz saw Liszt taking care of his wife’s business, and he did not intend to postpone it. Anyway, it was just a small amount of money. Son, waved his hands casually.

Liszt nodded: "Okay, I see, a vacuum flask for $400, just tonight I am going to have dinner with the Director of the Army Procurement Bureau, I will talk to him about this!"

With that, Liszt got up and walked towards the office door without looking back. When he opened the door handle, he suddenly stopped, turned his head and added: "Oh, yes, Mr. Merlinz, as Your investment adviser, I suggest you clear out the stocks of Raytheon and Boeing these days, because some actions of the two companies will cause their stock prices to fall sharply. After a month, the stock prices will bottom out. , Nearly ten million dollars can be credited to the account, well, I am leaving, good luck to you, Mr. Merlinz!"

Before he could speak, Liszt opened the door and left the congressman's office without looking back.

Merlinz sat in his office chair blankly, unable to say a word for a long time.

A $4 thermos cup, after being handed over to the Army, is $400, and 200,000 is $80 million. Even if Liszt and several army generals are exploited, Merlinz has almost $10 million in income.

Think of him on the international aerospace black market back then, risking losing his head to smash various sensitive equipment and materials to North Korea and Persia, but in a few years he could not get 10 million U.S. dollars.

But now, an ordinary thermos cup allows him to count money and get cramps.

That's all, and what's more important is that you can become a stock **** and make a fortune in the stock market. With hundreds of thousands of dollars in the account, Buffett is simply second.


Of course my heart is moving, after all, everyone can't live with money.


Of course ashamed, because doing so is tantamount to hollowing out the country, and the future will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

However, Merlinz had to accept Liszt's "kindness" for a simple reason. Those words seemed to benefit him, but they were actually a warning to him.

A huge interest group that gathered finance, military industry, politics and the military gave him a silent warning!

Join, let’s sit down and share the money, hello and I’m hello everyone; I’m sorry, not only you, Merlinz, will be wiped out, but the whole family will be wiped off the earth.

Does Merlinz dare to resist?

No, because everything in front of him is too precious to him. He also wants to pass on to his sons and grandchildren, even like Kennedy, Bush, Rockefeller and other families, for generations to become masters.

Compared with this, what is the welfare of the people, what is the suffering of the people, and what is the destiny of the country really so important?

So Merlinz leaned on the large office chair and closed his eyes for a long time. Finally, with a sigh, he picked up the cruise missile research and development budget report submitted by the military, flipped two pages, and finally silently threw it to the side. In the shredder.

Then Merlinz opened the drawer again, took out a drafted infrastructure maintenance bill from it, and finally threw it into the shredder with a helpless sigh...

The expansion of freedom and beauty is still continuing. Similarly, the expansion of China’s take-off has not stopped, but compared with Liszt and Merlinz’s simple digging of the corner of the country, enriching one’s own pockets, and fattening one’s own public, China takes off. The expansion is not obvious.

After all, technical expansion is often invisible and intangible, and investment is huge. Compared with the routine of making money easily, it is obviously much harder, but it is also much more practical.

So these days, Zhuang Jianye can be at ease. After all, the army, navy and air force’s orders are enough for the UAV factory in Huancheng to produce for three years; the supporting semiconductor chips are enough for WHNB to work for a year and a half; plus -200-400 The 120-class branch line \\main line passenger aircraft developed by the type regional passenger aircraft is also progressing smoothly; the FC-23 carrier aircraft has also successfully passed the ground static test and is about to make its first flight; of course, the most important thing is the success of the No. 20 project...

Everything went smoothly, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, so Zhuang Jianye routinely took a round in China's take-off, then handed over the burden to several members of the leadership team, and ran with a small family. Going on vacation at the End of the World.

There is no way. After running for so long, I always have to rest. What's more, Zhuang Jianye is not too young now, always working with high intensity, both physically and mentally.

Therefore, if there is a chance to rest, Zhuang Jianye will absolutely not say anything, just lie flat.

It’s just that Zhuang Jianye’s heart is a bit irritable this time compared to the happily vacation life of a family in the past. There is no other reason. His baby girl, Zhuang Tengqiu, who is about to graduate from college, is holding a big family and fighting with herself, so that she is crying out. , Zhuang Jianye, who knows the crowning of the king, knew that his position in the family was actually the lowest sixth.

Lao Da Zhuang Tengqiu, Lao Er Zhuang Tengdong, Lao San Ning, always Ning Xiaohui, Lao Wu Zhuang Tengqiu's cat Feifei, the last one is the master Zhuang Da understand the king!

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