Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1430: This dog food is definitely going to last

  The actions of the friends and businessmen almost made the Tengfei system disgusting. What can't you really do? The first place in the knife, 8.75 billion, and the TM is the RMB. This is responsible, this is patriotic?

You know, the profit of the "Ghost Elf" series quadrotor drones has exceeded RMB 12 billion in the past year. If you count the supporting ZDL-16 series of drone jammers, the entire consumer drone field will take off. Revenue exceeds 60 billion.

  Because of this, the international rating agency valued Ascendas consumer drones at US$85.3 billion. As a result, friends did not want to use RMB 9 billion to collect it. It was simply a grab!

   However, not only did the businessmen do this, they also stately claimed that they were trying to help Ascendas to get out of trouble and maintain the stability of the upstream and downstream supply chains.

   The purchase price is a bit less, but will they not need money for expansion in the future? Is it costless to upgrade the supply chain? Is it costless to upgrade the product?

What's more, if the consumer drone business is handed over to them, it is equivalent to leaving the supply chain in the country, which is equivalent to keeping the jobs of millions of people. There is a lot of money sold to foreign capital. The problem is that they will take care of the domestic supply chain. ?

   What about millions of jobs? Where are thousands of companies going? How to guarantee taxation and fiscal reforms in dozens of places?

   As the saying goes, people have no long-term worries, and there must be close worries. Their friends and businessmen are a bit harsh on the take-off system, but what are they for?

   The domestic supply chain, millions of employed people, the prosperity and stability of several places, and the future of the aviation industry!

This “truthful” interpretation by friends and businessmen can be regarded as a classic example of public relations. It not only unites most stakeholders and influences the trend of public opinion, but more importantly, it links the rise to a cross called morality. Served, and then grilled on fire.

  So much public opinion has called for Tengfei to agree to the bids of friends, and those companies in the supply chain continue to put pressure on the Tengfei to continue to cooperate or agree to friends. In short, it must not be controlled by foreign capital.

   Even some local leaders came to personally put pressure, demanding that the Ascendas department should not only care about their own interests and ignore the local reality!

   It can be said that taking off is a time-consuming pressure!

As a result, at this critical point in time, the person who was the first to run to Zhuang Jianye and set off the take-off crisis, the main note writer of a mainstream media once again published a blockbuster article with a direct and bold title called: " Zhuang Jianye, get out of class is over! 》

The article analyzed the decision-making process of Tengfei selling foreign capital, and then turned his pen to point his finger at Zhuang Jianye, saying that Zhuang Jianye ignored the lives of millions of people and insisted on selling foreign capital for his so-called political achievements. Why does such a person hold a high position? ? get out of class must be dismissed!

At the same time, friends and businessmen also began to exert their efforts, and then the article pushed the popularity of public opinion to a fixed point. They finally came up with a killer feature, organized Zhuang Jianye’s economic crime problem, and used all contacts and relationships to prepare Zhuang Jianye to be overwhelmed by friends. The mountain above our heads for more than ten years was completely moved.

   There is no way, Zhuang Jianye has been pressing the aviation and aerospace industries for so many years, and friends and businessmen have been smashed in seconds when they compare with others.

   You must know that the leaders of those friends and businessmen are not ordinary people, and many of them are cadres in charge of the central government. Why should the achievements of your own desperation be dimmed under the aura of your Zhuang Jianye? Why!

   Of course, this kind of resentment because of the feeling of victory is normal. The idea of ​​some friends and business leaders is much darker, and that is to replace Zhuang Jianye.

  Tengfei is definitely a big golden rooster who lays golden eggs. Even if you are a conservative master, you don't do anything, and relying on huge revenue every year is a considerable achievement.

   This is just as fascinating as an aphrodisiac for those who are ready to go further in their careers. After all, running a good business means understanding the economy, and now knowing the economy is the hardest capital in the career.

Because of this, many people have already booked the position of Zhuang Jianye, but Zhuang Jianye’s position was too stable before, and the younger generation did not dare to covet it. Now that the rain is coming, it is natural to move with the wind to see if you can take advantage of it. Get some good things indiscriminately!

   As a result, these speculators seem to have really bet on the right, "Zhuang Jianye, get out of class is over!" After the article was published, people from all walks of life who were waiting for Zhuang Jianye's response did not wait for Zhuang Jianye's sharp response and counterattack, but remained silent for several days.

   The outside world interpreted this as that Zhuang Jianye could not withstand the pressure and began to retreat in a silent way. However, there are also gossips that Zhuang Jianye was taken away by the relevant authorities for investigation.

   But no matter what, one thing is certain, that is, Zhuang Jianye is very likely to be unable to pass this level!

   "Haha...Mr. Yang, you passed the prize. It was Zhuang Jianye's that you found me earlier and solved it!"

In the study room on the third floor of a residential district in Beijing, a mainstream media note-taking person who gained fame for two articles criticizing Zhuang Jianye was sitting at a computer desk, leaning on the text on the computer screen of the interface of Microsoft’s instant chat tool MSN, and couldn’t help but With a knowing smile, he immediately typed a string of English on the keyboard: "The people you were looking for before were too old-fashioned, too old-fashioned, and hard-working, isn't Zhuang Jianye looking for death?

   To do so, we must incite nationalism and force Zhuang Jianye to submit with strong patriotism. This is the correct way to open up moral kidnapping, and everything else is in vain.

   What's more, Zhuang Jianye has been all good people for so many years? Didn't offend others? If you sit in that position, if you are a believing man, the sow can climb the tree, so you must use other forces to intervene so that you can get it done once and for all! "

   After hitting the Enter key, a string of text was sent out, and soon the other person named Mr. Yang responded.

   "You are an expert in this area. I wonder if you are interested in joining our Global Corruption Perceptions Foundation? We are an independently operated non-governmental organization that aims to help people in countries with a lower corruption index get a fairer life!"

   The main note-maker read this passage and sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Don't talk to me about those useless, how does UU reading www.uukanshu.com calculate the reward this time?"

   "US$3,000, plus an interview opportunity for your son at Princeton University!"

   Seeing the text above, the note-maker's face immediately sank, and his hand quickly tapped a paragraph of text.

   "Shouldn't the reward be 15,000 dollars? How did it become 3,000 dollars? Are you kidding?"

   "Be calm, Mr. Chief writer, $15,000 is the price for Zhuang Jianye to step down, but he hasn't stepped down now, so..."

"He's going to step down soon..." The main note-taker angrily knocked out this sentence and sent it up, and then prepared to vent a few sentences, but before he waited for the action, he listened to the panic yelling of his wife in the living room: "The master, Come out soon, that guy named Zhuang Jianye will expose you in his own show..."


The main note taker rushed out of the study, and when he came to the living room, he saw Zhuang Jianye holding a well-designed cardboard in his hand on the TV, which read the Global Corruption Foundation, the main note taker’s name, and the 15,000 USD icon. He knocked, and said in a tone of hating iron but not steel: "I can only show so much, because I am afraid that I will not be able to judge many things even if they are thick. For 15,000 US dollars, it is noisy~~ The main note is definitely for the dog food. Support it, otherwise it won’t work so hard..."

   The main note-taker felt his head buzzed after seeing this scene, and almost fainted...

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