Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1392: Large-scale ZBDL test bench

And this is the reason why the high-altitude simulation test bed is only played by the five biggest gangsters of the Security Council.

Because in many cases, this kind of toy that only big countries are eligible to buy is not a technical and financial decision, but whether one has the ability to be independent.

Japan and Germany do not lack funds and technology. Even if it is energy that is a headache for many countries, these two countries can easily solve it if they want to. After all, where the developed nuclear power is located, it can completely solve this problem.

But the key question is that Japan and Germany are guilty of original sins. The American troops stationed on the territories of the two countries do not eat dry food. You want to develop an advanced aviation industry and compete with American fathers for food. How can it be possible?

So not to mention that the two countries want to build high-altitude simulation test benches, which are general aero-engine interview vehicle benches. American fathers are unwilling to do so.

Of course, the Americans will not say that he does not want Japan and Germany to enter aero engines. It is just that when the two countries make breakthroughs in a certain key area, there will always be one or another moths, which will directly change your progress. Interrupt.

The situation in Brazil is actually similar to that in Japan and Germany. After all, it is the backyard of the Americans. The natural influence lies there. If you want to climb to the high end of the industry chain, American dad can kick it with just one kick.

As for India, from a geopolitical point of view, it is much better than Japan, Germany, and Brazil. The problem is that apart from being able to speak out with a single mouth, India has nothing to do with it. It needs funds without capital, technology without technology, and the most important thing is. Electricity can't keep up even more. It is even threatened to produce high-performance domestic aeroengines before the 1920s. Apart from encouraging the brainless domestic people in India, it is basically just a joke.

He turned his gaze back to the high-altitude simulation test platform where China took off.

The investment and technical difficulty are so great that China Ascendas did not intend to build it by itself at first. After all, in 1995, a high-altitude simulation test platform code-named "Equipment-01" was built in the mountainous area of ​​northern Sichuan in the southeast of cotton. In the mid-1960s, it was part of the third-line construction. Due to the huge investment and complicated technical difficulties, the construction was finally completed in the 1990s after two generations of unremitting efforts over the past 30 years.

The entire project covers an area of ​​400 acres, with a total installed power of 220 megawatts, or 2.2 million kilowatts.

What is this concept?

The total installed capacity of the Gezhouba Water Conservancy Project completed in 1988 is only 2.71 million kilowatts. The power consumption of a "Equipment-01" high-altitude simulation test bed is almost equivalent to that of a Gezhouba hydropower station. It can be seen that the high-altitude simulation test bed is completely electricity. Lao Paixiu, there are so many rhythms.

But even so, this "Equipment-01" high-altitude simulation test bench is not enough to look at compared to the other four rogue high-altitude simulation test benches of the same period. After all, the largest high-altitude simulation test bench has a cabin diameter of only 3.7 meters. , The air flow can only be 120 kilograms per second, the simulated environment can only be maintained at an altitude of 200 million meters, and the speed is only Mach 2.4.

Compared to the United States and Russia at an altitude of 30,000 meters, the speed above Mach 3 can only be regarded as a younger brother.

Even so, the "Equipment-01" high-altitude simulation test rig is also incalculable for the development of domestic aeroengines, and because of this, after the completion of the "Equipment-01" high-altitude simulation test rig in 1995, turbojet- 7. Turbojet-13; the imitation model "Qinling" of the "Speey" engine; the newly launched turbofan-6; the turboshaft imitated from France-8 and the turboshaft-13; the "Taihang" heavy-duty vortex just put into development Fan engine...

It can be said that the entire domestic aeroengines have gathered to the newly completed "Equipment-01" high-altitude simulation test bench in northern Sichuan, and they are all ready to use this set of advanced test equipment to fill in the shortcomings of their own aeroengines.

At that time, the Tengfei Department also had many military and civilian turbofans and turboshaft engines in the high-altitude simulation test rig that needed to be further theoretically verified, especially the high-altitude data of the second, 2.5 and third generation core engines. The development of aero engines to take off in the future is crucial.

However, many high-altitude situations could not be achieved before, so that the performance of many aviation equipment of China Ascendas only stayed on paper, so that many fixed models were put into actual use and problems and deficiencies were discovered, which led to many air accidents. Occurs, so to make up for this shortcoming is also a major thing that China needs to do to take off.

However, even if the "Equipment-01" high-altitude simulation test bench is fully loaded, there are only four high-altitude simulation test cabins, namely the No. 1 cabin with a diameter of 2 meters, the two No. 2 and No. 3 cabins with a diameter of 3 meters, and the largest one with a diameter of The fourth cabin of 3.7 meters.

This number simply cannot meet the test requirements of many domestic aircraft models. It is important to know that the test duration of an aircraft engine on high-altitude platforms is at least 2,000 hours.

This is fairly smooth. If there is some accident, 4000 to 5000 hours is normal. In other words, if an aero engine wants to be fully demonstrated and reach mature performance, it will have to stay on the high-altitude platform for a year. Half a load.

If China Ascendas has only one or two models, it’s enough. Work hard and wait for the first class to be ranked. The key is that China Ascendas’ aeroengines are of a full spectrum. Just one WD series will derive twelve seed models. If “equipment” If the -01" high-altitude simulation test platform grants all the places to China to take off, other aviation development units will not have to live, because waiting for the 21st century will not wait for the news that China takes off to complete the high-altitude bench test.

But if you don’t take off for China, wouldn’t the early investment in so many sub-models be a waste of water?

In addition, the "Equipment-01" high-altitude simulation test bed cannot meet the simulation of speeds above 20,000 meters~www.readwn.com~~ Mach, which is in line with the aerodynamics of China's next-generation aero-engine and aero-engine-based ram-turbofan The research and development of the "Equipment-01" high-altitude simulation test bench at that time did not provide any help. Therefore, Zhuang Jianye decided to take advantage of the favorable opportunity of the domestically built "Equipment-01" high-altitude simulation test bench to fully absorb the technical success and engineering experience in it, and invest heavily in the construction of a higher-level high-altitude. The test rig is designed to meet China's growing demand for aviation testing.

In this way, under Zhuang Jianye's various efforts, a huge high-altitude test bed covering an area of ​​782 acres and a total power consumption of more than 435 megawatts was erected in the depths of the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains.

In order to show that China Ascendas has built the largest project since its inception, the head of China Ascendas, self-reliance, aerospace and aerospace knows the king, naming madness, Jianye, NB, Zhuang, and naturally cannot let go of such a good name. Opportunity, so he gave a domineering and elegant name: ZBDL!

As a result, I don’t know if it’s the superior leaders’ innocence, or Zhuang Jianye’s naming method is not obvious enough. After the report was submitted, the superior functional departments directly transliterated ZBDL into "headquarters building", so the "headquarters building" project came into being. Give birth to...

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