Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1375: Absolutely black technology

"What are you talking about? You can fight for half a month in the hot and humid environment of the southeast coast, and you don't need to maintain the surface of the airframe?"

"In this case, the stealth effect on the surface of the body can still be 90% effective?"

As soon as Zhuang Jianye’s voice fell, a naval aviation unit leader and an air force aviation unit chief exclaimed one after another. But before these two words were finished, other army chiefs and leaders whispered in private: "How is this possible? Doesn’t even the Americans seem to be able to do this."

"Who can say no? The southeast coast is originally high temperature, high humidity and high salt, and it corrodes the surface of the airframe very greatly. The stealth aircraft is so expensive, how can it not need to be maintained?"


There are many similar words. I feel that Zhuang Jianye’s words just now are a bit exaggerated. There is no way that the benchmark of stealth aircraft is the United States. In addition to the strong combat capabilities of the US stealth aircraft, the biggest one is two expensive, temporary purchases. The unit price is high, and the other is the high maintenance cost.

Needless to say, the purchase unit price, for all aircraft that are in contact with stealth, regardless of the basic performance, because of the use of stealth materials and the setting of special aerodynamic layouts, processing costs and production costs have risen linearly.

However, compared with the purchase cost, what really makes the stealth aircraft famous is the expensive post-maintenance cost. Taking the B-2 stealth bomber as an example, 20 hours of system maintenance are required for every hour of flight.

That's all, the key is that these maintenance are ultra-precision maintenance far beyond ordinary aircraft, not only the price is outrageous, but also the quality requirements of the maintenance personnel are also extremely high, because the right structure of the airframe may be damaged even with slight scratches. Stealth effectiveness.

Because of this, the stealth fighter can become a ghost that makes the enemy fearful on the battlefield. It can return to its own base. It is delicate like a newborn baby. It needs a constant temperature hangar. It needs to be coated with a coating that can absorb radar. To replace damaged parts in time, you need to...

It can be said that the stealth combat aircraft is just like a toothless tiger without the strength to scream.

Even the American stealth aircraft has a headache in maintenance. The TY-22 stealth drone that has taken off in China can actually be released for half a month in a high-temperature, high-humidity, and high-salt environment without any loss of performance. How can this sound a little bit? Science fiction, is it possible that China's stealth technology has surpassed that of the United States?

It's impossible to think about it!

Zhuang Jianye did not explain these questions and remarks. Instead, he went to the military leaders and invited them: "Old chief, the TY-22 stealth drone and the vertical take-off and landing verification machine are not counted as China’s take-off and landing. The good stuff, the real good stuff is actually in our production workshop. This production base just completed two units last month. If the old chief is interested, we can go and take a look."

"Yes!" The leader of the military nodded slightly. Zhuang Jianye immediately greeted the staff when he saw this and arranged the reception work below. As for the leaders and leaders of other troops, even if they have doubts in their minds, they can only hide before the will of the leaders of the military. In the bottom of my heart.

In this way, a group of people left the hangar mightily, boarded the shuttle bus again, passed the airport all the way, past several roaring workshops, and came to a gray-white building made of reinforced concrete. Under the guidance of, enter the preparation room, put on dust-proof clothes and goggles, and after a series of dust removal and sterilization treatments after being wrapped tightly from the inside to the outside, the group of people entered this extremely high-level mysterious building—— China Ascendas Qinling South Foot Aerospace Manufacturing Base No. 5 workshop.

As soon as they entered, everyone was stunned by the sight in front of them.

I saw two sets of large equipment lined up in the huge workshop.

One is a circular device with three hollows in the middle and a full diameter of three meters. Unlike other devices, the circular hollows are equipped with tools or thermal processing devices for processing parts.

The group in front of them completely subverts people's imagination of aerospace processing equipment. Three circles with a diameter of three meters are not equipped with any processing devices, but are equipped with densely hemp thread coils similar to the spindles of textile factories.

As for the circular hollow, it was also covered by countless silk threads. The density and complexity of the pattern made the few leaders of the troops present who had a slight intensive phobia just glanced at it and got a layer of goose bumps all over!

The same is true for the other set of equipment, except that the yarn coils like spindles are not arranged in a circle, but are arranged in two huge square arrays. As the mechanism in the array rotates, the densely packed silk threads are like silkworms. It was released like spinning, and immediately formed an array of silk threads that made the scalp numb...

"This is... the textile factory?"

Upon seeing this scene, a troop leader asked noncommittal, and other troop leaders and leaders who were tightly wrapped also expressed the same question.

No way, the two sets of large-scale equipment in front of us are almost the same as those used by many domestic textile mills. In particular, the spinning coils around the first group of circular equipment are almost exactly the same as those used in textile mills. No one will believe that it is not a textile factory.

But the problem is that they are located in the core aerospace production and manufacturing base of China's take-off. All production is carried out around aerospace products. In addition, when entering, it is dust removal and sterilization. They can’t wait to wrap everyone into mummies. Just rest assured, if it is an ordinary textile workshop, where does it take so much effort?

However, when the leaders and leaders of a group of troops wondered what exactly these two sets of large equipment were in front of them~www.readwn.com~ a troop leader suddenly pointed to a circular hollow center opening of the first group of circular equipment and said. "Look, there seems to be something woven...it seems to be...it seems to be... the load-bearing truss on the satellite?"

As soon as this conversation came out, many people looked in the direction of the army leader’s finger. One of the army leaders from the Second Artillery Corps wiped his goggles vigorously and looked at it several times. Nodding in disbelief: "Yes, the load-bearing truss on the satellite is exactly the same as the specifications used in the Dongfanghong series. I followed my instructor and participated in the development of Dongfanghong series satellites many times, and I would never read it wrong..."

Talking about this chief from the Second Artillery Artillery Corps, he couldn't help frowning: "It's just that the trusses here are woven like weaving cloth?"

"It's not just weaving truss beams, old man, look over there again!" Before the second artillery chief spoke, the battle next to him pointed to another set of equipment. In between, one of the arrays was densely packed. The silk thread of the two artillery lines seemed to come alive and gathered around a trumpet-shaped thing. The leader of the Second Artillery Corps who was still thinking about how the equipment could weave the truss beams in front of him saw this scene, his eyes straightened: "Small vector Rocket spout? Oh my god, this can also be woven... black technology, black technology, absolutely black technology..."

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