Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1350: Sao operation

   has such a great strategic significance, as long as there are some people with family and country feelings in their hearts, they will be excited, let alone Liu Xiaolin, a commander of air defense forces.

So Liu Xiaolin picked up the wine bottle and graciously helped Zhuang Jianye fill a glass, and then said without concealment: "So, is the LYJ-15 ultra-long-range surface-to-air missile system we received this time equipped with a kinetic energy collision killing warhead? "

"Theoretically!" Zhuang Jianye took the wine cup and drank it politely. He squeezed two snails and pecked the meat out, put the snail shells down and wiped his hands with a paper towel: "If I were from the headquarters Chief, just nodded and did so."

   Liu Xiaolin, who was still a little excited at first, heard Zhuang Jianye's words, so he hurriedly asked: "Lao Zhuang, what do you mean by this?"

   "What does it mean? The headquarters felt that the technological maturity of our kinetic energy collision killing warhead needs to be improved, so it rejected the anti-missile plan for the LYJ-15 ultra-long-range surface-to-air missile system."

   When he said this, Zhuang Jianye's cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were tearful, as if he had been wronged in every possible way.

Liu Xiaolin was stunned when he saw this, and then he laughed, picked up the wine cup and touched Zhuang Jianye, before turning the conversation away. Of course, Zhuang Jianye knew that his clumsy acting skills had been seen through by others, and he was not in his suit, but Didn't mind, drinking with Liu Xiaolin on his own.

   It's just that in the following conversation, both parties deliberately avoided the anti-missile plan of the LYJ-15 ultra-long-range surface-to-air missile system.

   However, although they didn't say a word about this matter, the two of them never stayed away from this topic.

No way, Liu Xiaolin, as the commander of a certain unit of the air defense force, naturally cares about this aspect, but he is very self-aware. There are many things that he can not decide by a front-line commander. Therefore, facing Zhuang Jianye’s blatant demands, Liu Xiaolin is Instinctive resistance.

   Yes, Zhuang Jianye came to Liu Xiaolin today for a drink and not just to have a leisurely time to enjoy the cool and chat, the people in this position have deep meaning in their words and deeds.

   So this wine is naturally not easy.

This is also true. In addition to enhancing the relationship between Zhuang Jianye and Liu Xiaolin, the most important thing to pass the boring time is to hope that Liu Xiaolin can make some different "discoveries" during the training of the LYJ-15 ultra-long-range surface-to-air missile system when he takes off in China. Inadvertently reflected in the report of the superior.

   For example, the LYJ-15 ultra-long-range surface-to-air missile system has extremely strong performance to improve its capabilities; another example is the LYJ-15 ultra-long-range surface-to-air missile system has great anti-missile potential, and so on.

   Of course, it would be better if his troops can do some development in this area after receiving it, and show a little bit of it in the exercise.

All in all, Zhuang Jianye hopes that Liu Xiaolin, a little boy, can become the advertising spokesperson for China's take-off anti-missile\anti-satellite system, and expounds the advantages and advantages of the LYJ-15 ultra-long-range surface-to-air missile system anti-missile program from the perspective of a front-line air defense commander. feature.

   This is much better than the lobbying effect of Zhuang Jianye who took the PPT to the headquarters building to fray his lips.

Because the heads and leaders of the headquarters still attach great importance to the opinions of the front-line commanders. After all, the equipment is not used by the heads, but the front-line commanders are in specific operations, how is the equipment, whether it is good, can you use the voice of sometimes the heads? There may not necessarily be a front-line commander like Liu Xiaolin.

   And this is the main reason Zhuang Jianye came to Liu Xiaolin.

   How did Liu Xiaolin know the twists and turns inside? When he heard that the headquarters was involuntarily hairy, the level was so high that even Zhuang Jianye, a central management cadre, could not handle it. He could be a front-line commander?

   Then what kind of front-line commander Liu Xiaolin is, he has long been assigned the title of chief in the headquarters.

Liu Xiaolin’s worries cannot be seen from Zhuang Jianye. To be honest, whenever there is a possibility, he wants to go to the headquarters himself and **** back the ABM/ASAT orders. The problem is that he has smoothed out the soles of his feet and drools. I'm all exhausted, I can't wait to take off my clothes and play a rogue at the headquarters, but the heads and leaders of the headquarters don't even look at him. Despite the various toss of Zhuang Jianye like a grandson monkey, the headquarters just said: "Your plan and technology are mature. The degree is too low, we will not consider it for the time being!"

The problem is that China’s take-off is not considered, and the anti-missile program of a certain aerospace institute that it competes with is treated the same. The result is not. Not only did the headquarters not suspend the research and development of the anti-missile program of the aerospace institute, but also additional funds in the next two fiscal years. Even through Zhuang Jianye's various inquiries, a certain academy of People's Aerospace Engineering has determined in an internal meeting that their anti-missile interception system will be finalized and equipped with troops by 2005.

   This is tantamount to saying that the headquarters actually chose a fixed launch position anti-missile connection system of a certain academy of aerospace, but there was no public explanation.

As for the investment in China’s take-off, it is still declining year by year. The main reason why it has not been completely cut off is the old tradition maintained in such major equipment projects in China, that is, there must be a substitute in addition to the finalized equipment. Alternatives.

Just like the Straight-11 and Straight-12 back then, the Straight-12 and the supporting turboshaft engine introduced by the Ascendas Group at that time were just spare tires for the Straight-11. What the world did not expect was that the Ascendas Group gritted its teeth. The Zhi-12 was developed. Not only did it lead the Zhi-11 to achieve its first flight, but it also participated in many tests and exercises to gain the recognition of the troops.

As for the once-chosen son of Zhi-11 so far, even the engineering prototype has not been released. Based on this, the headquarters has to re-adjust the research and development deployment. The main development target of Zhi-12, which has been mass-produced and undergone several rounds of improvement, has not yet been completed. The Zhi-11 of the engineering prototype was used as an alternative and became a hard-working spare tire.

   And Zhi-12 counterattack Zhi-11 has also become a good story in the domestic aviation industry.

Nowadays, China's anti-missile/anti-satellite system has become a de facto spare tire. Many Chinese Ascendas cadres and employees who participated in the project hope that their anti-missile/anti-satellite system will be as straight as a few years ago. Realize the shocking counterattack as well.

   However, people with a little bit of vision think that China's idea of ​​taking off is really wishful thinking. The reason is simple. The NMD anti-missile interceptor of a major country outside the region has been tested and succeeded.

   And the NMD anti-missile interceptor is more of a small solid launch vehicle than an interceptor.

  Since a large foreign country has set an example for the world in this regard, as the biggest beauty fan, it is impossible for the country to have such a ready opportunity to follow a large country outside the region to wading through this river called anti-missile.

Because of this, it is reasonable to choose the anti-missile plan of a certain aerospace institute, because their anti-missile system is similar to the NMD anti-missile interceptor of a large country outside the region. In this case, the headquarters is naturally more inclined to the anti-missile plan of a certain aerospace institute. Up.

   It’s just that when China takes off, it’s a bit embarrassing. No matter if you have a bright tongue and a vast network, you can’t match the example set by a big country outside the region, unless China takes off on its own.

   The problem is that China Ascendas has this mindset, but it does not have this strength.

That’s all. What’s happening is that a large country outside the region has made several adjustments to the TMD while actively advancing the NMD test firing. The latest of these is at the beginning of the year when a large country outside the region will land-based theater. The missile defense system and the sea-based theater defense system were all cut off.

  The reason is that the technological maturity is too low, and the R&D budget is seriously overrun, which has caused dissatisfaction with the congress masters and stopped the funding.

As for the shelf of the land-based and sea-based theater-based theater missile defense systems that have been built, the decision-making department of a major foreign country, after obtaining the consent of the Congress, has placed its heavy responsibility on the depth of the "Patriot" and "Standard 2" air defense missiles. Improvement.

   This adjustment of a large country outside the territory does not matter, it is directly equivalent to a draw for China to take off.

   It is necessary to know that before China took off, it was able to advance its own projects, which is to claim that a large country outside the territory is developing the same type of equipment, so the technological path is feasible. They also touched the head of a large country outside the human domain to cross the river.

   As a result, a large country outside the region actually said that the technology path was immature, and it quit on its own, which made China embarrassed to take off, and embarrassed to go to the grandmother's house.

   Even a big country outside the territory has run away. You still insist on China's take-off. Do you Zhuang Jianye want to continue? I know that you Zhuang Jianye is the king of the aerospace industry, and the problem is that the anti-missile thing is aerospace, but I haven't heard of you Zhuang Jianye is the king of the aerospace industry.

   Therefore, it lost its theoretical basis and was branded by a large country outside the region with insufficient technological maturity and cost overruns. The Chinese takeoff anti-missile plan was basically beaten by the industry, and it is difficult to have a chance to turn over.

   This is also the reason why an unprofitable Zhuang Jianye can't support it at the headquarters. A large country outside the region has already explained it very clearly. They can't figure it out. Can you China take off? Who believes it!

   It is estimated that no one really believes it except for China's take-off.

But it was reduced to a spare tire until it was dismantled and made China take off. It took eight years and invested nearly 20 billion yuan in a large project with two thousand technicians. No one is willing to stand on it.

   What's more, to maximize the benefits, the profits are higher than all the Chinese take-off cadres and employees carved in their bones?

   Besides, even if China Ascendas cadres and employees are appointed, China Ascendas has developed from a small factory on the verge of bankruptcy to now spanning two major businesses in aerospace and aerospace, and how can Zhuang Jianye, a well-deserved giant in China, be appointed?

   So Zhuang Jianye's show operation was immediately staged.

Since the anti-missile/anti-satellite system has become a spare tire, it does not mean that the related technology is a spare tire. The anti-missile/anti-satellite system is not favored by the headquarters, so China Ascendas has used the anti-missile/anti-satellite system for so many years. Wouldn't the accumulated technology be favored for ordinary air defense systems?

   You must know that the LYJ-2000 medium- and long-range air defense missile system developed and produced by China Ascendas to replace the old S-75\Hongqi-2 air defense system has a very good reputation in Kazakhstan.

   With the fermentation of word-of-mouth, China Ascendas actively targeted the former Soviet Union republics and countries that used Soviet weapons and equipment to carry out precise sales, and soon received a total of 32 sets of orders from the three countries of Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, and Syria, with a total of 780 million US dollars.

   has become one of the few profitable products of China Ascendas in the aerospace field.

   With this shareholder's wind, Zhuang Jianye has firmly established a person who is fully capable of designing advanced air defense missiles in China Ascendas, and has made this person deeply rooted in the hearts of the people through various channels.

At the same time, Zhuang Jianye began to hype the concept of air defense operations under the new situation with the help of public opinion, and put forward a series of new viewpoints in combination with the new three fights and three defenses. The core of them is how to deal with the enemy's most core early warning aircraft, strategic reconnaissance aircraft and aerial refueling. This type of aircraft hides profoundly and deeply, but plays a crucial battle and strategic goal for the battle situation.

   thus forming a certain consensus on such new concepts.

  On this basis, Zhuang Jianye missed the opportunity to launch the LYJ-15 ultra-long-range surface-to-air missile system built using the technology accumulated in the anti-missile\anti-satellite system.

The system’s projectile is 7.8 meters long and has a projectile diameter of 0.6 meters. The size is almost identical to that of China’s anti-missile/anti-satellite system interceptor. The difference is that the propellant of the anti-missile/anti-satellite system interceptor is China's newly developed N15 propellant is the same type of N15 propellant used on the Trident D5 submarine-launched ballistic missile equipped by a large country outside the region.

   The LYJ-15 ultra-long-range surface-to-air missile system uses a simplified version of the propellant that contains part of the N15 component.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The key point is that the ZBF-110 kinetic energy collision interceptor developed by China took seven years to develop with the anti-missile\anti-satellite system interceptor; and the LYJ-15 ultra-long-range surface-to-air missile. The system uses a dual-mode guidance seeker upgraded from the anti-radiation missile seeker.

The launch method is vertical launch and high projectile trajectory. The LYJ-15 ultra-long-range surface-to-air missile system actually climbs to an altitude of 35 kilometers~www.readwn.com~ and then drops like a ballistic missile. To combat strategic targets such as early warning aircraft located in the deep zone, when a certain distance is reached, the dual-mode seeker will be turned on, and then it will directly rush over according to the radar, communications and other electronic signals scattered by special support aircraft such as early warning aircraft.

   The entire combat method is not so much an air defense missile as it is a long-range anti-radiation missile with the concept of air defense missile.

  The only difference is that the anti-radiation missile hits the ground radar, while the LYJ-15 ultra-long-range ground-to-air missile system hits the radar that can fly in the sky.

With a mature and reliable concept that has formed a consensus, as well as practical equipment developed based on this concept, it is like setting up a stove, preparing a table of wine and food, and waiting for the invited person to serve the table. Don't don't want it really caring.

   To be honest with the headquarters, this is the manufacturer I like the most. I don’t have to worry about anything, I will make it clear to you. The headquarters only needs to take a physical evaluation in the past. This good thing is almost impossible to find under the lantern.

   So the test and evaluation of the LYJ-15 ultra-long-range surface-to-air missile system started very quickly, and the results naturally did not have to be said. It fully complies with the headquarters’ definition of the new concept of air defense, and can be tested.

   In this way, under Zhuang Jianye's sorrowful operation, a stepping stone to knock on the headquarters was held in his hand!



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