Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1337: Synthetic Aperture Radar

"Yes, this Y-33 is indeed the first real AWACS equipped by the Air Force!" Hearing the words "AWACS" out of many army chiefs, Chief of Staff Feng, who was explaining, couldn't help but smile. Turning the focus to the early warning aircraft that everyone is more familiar with, and then said with a high tone and proudly: "Please note that the word I used is a real early warning aircraft, not the so-called radar warning aircraft used in our previous troops! "

Before the voice was over, Chief of Staff Feng pressed the switch in his hand, the slide player immediately started, and the screen instantly showed a large and clear picture of the Yun-33 early warning aircraft.

At this time, people discovered that the entire layout of the Y-33 early warning aircraft, although roughly following the shape of the TRJ-700 regional airliner, has its own uniqueness in many details.

For example, in addition to the electronic scanning radar of the balance beam above, the nose of the 33 early warning aircraft is different from the civil aviation model. It is more rounded and larger in diameter. It has the same lightning protection beams and black as the fighter radome. Painting. It is not difficult to imagine that a radar must be installed in this part.

The tail of the corresponding fuselage is also extended a short distance back, and it is also wrapped with a radar, coupled with the shark-fin-like antenna stabilizing wing set on the T-shaped vertical tail to solve the overall aerodynamic layout of the back balance beam interference, and the fuselage Dense antennas on the side and below...

Basically, apart from the two engines attached to the rear of the fuselage, some TRJ-700 regional airliners can be seen. All the layouts are really changed so that even the mother can hardly recognize it.

But it is precisely because of this that this aircraft will break through the radar warning aircraft modified by the MiG-31 fighter airborne radar combined with the TRJ-500 regional airliner.

Whether it is the search distance, the search range, or the command and guidance, the Yun-33 early warning aircraft far exceeds the TRJ-500 radar warning aircraft several times or even ten times.

Precisely because of this, the command center of the Golden Helmet Unit is not at the air base where Xue Weidong is located at all, but on the Yun-33 early warning aircraft numbered 68732.

However, before the many heads of troops present had digested the profound meaning of the words "True AWACS" of Chief of Staff Feng, Chief Feng's next words made everyone present once again in an inextricable shock, and only saw his hand. Suddenly pressing the switcher on the computer, a detailed performance table was presented before everyone's eyes.

Immediately, Chief of Staff Feng used the indicator stick in his hand to point to the screen: "Please see, this is a detailed list of the basic technical parameters of our Y-33 AWACS. I will not repeat the basic performance of take-off weight and flight altitude. Basically, it is not much different from the TRJ-700 regional airliner. I will now focus on introducing the ZBF-219 carried by the Yun-33 early warning aircraft.

Airborne early warning radar system.

The radar system uses the latest high-performance chip module developed and produced by China Ascendas, making the radar smaller, lower actual power, higher degree of automation, longer detection range, and more accurate measurement accuracy than the same product.

Thanks to the successful application of this radar, Y-33 early warning aircraft can carry out uninterrupted search in a wide area of ​​500 kilometers around.

The discovery range of bomber targets is 450 kilometers.

The discovery range of fighter-sized targets is 350 kilometers.

The detection range for low-altitude targets such as cruise missiles is 120 kilometers.

At the same time, the Y-33 early warning aircraft can also command and guide our at least eight batches of fighter formations to intercept and attack incoming targets.

Of course, the Yun-33 early warning aircraft is not without its shortcomings. The biggest drawback is that the price is too high. The unit price of a Yun-33 early warning aircraft is as high as RMB 1.2 billion.

However, this has not yet reached the record of the unit price of air force equipment procurement so far, because the siblings of the Yun-33 early warning aircraft, also modified from the TRJ-700 regional airliner, the joint ground attack radar command aircraft, the purchase cost of the Yun-34 has reached 1.5 billion yuan is the most expensive aircraft type purchased by the Air Force so far.

Someone may ask, can such an expensive aircraft be used by the air force? After all, we don't have to copy the military of a large country outside the region everywhere in combat! "

Having said that, Chief of Staff Feng paused, and immediately pressed the switch button in his hand, and the slideshow player started again. A topographic map of a certain area along the southeast coast with the Yun-34 command plane as the background appeared on the curtain.

Immediately, Chief of Staff Feng’s indicator stick tapped up twice, and said in a serious tone: “I personally don’t think it matters whether there are other special support aircraft or not, but this Y-34 command aircraft I do think No matter how much it costs, it must be equipped.

The reason is simple, this place..."

With that said, Chief of Staff Feng gave another two instructions on a certain area: "Not only are there many ground fortifications, there are countless underground bunkers, and traditional investigative methods simply cannot cover all underground bunkers.

But our Yun-34 command plane can! "

Before the voice was over, the switcher in Chief Feng's hand was pressed again on the screen, and a clear picture of the Yun-34 command plane appeared.

Different Yuyun-32 and Yun-33, Yun-34 are generally closer to the TRJ-700 regional airliner. If it is not for the military emblem and serial number and the words of the Chinese Air Force, it is a high-end business jet with fine workmanship. No one would believe it, because the overall compulsion lies there.

The only difference from the civil aviation model is the eight-meter-long radome under the entire belly.

This aircraft instantly makes people have an indescribable sense of mystery.

At this time, Chief of Staff Feng’s indicator stick was on the radome, which almost covers the entire belly: "The reason why it is indispensable is because the Yun-34 is equipped with this ZBF-119 synthetic aperture. Radar, besides accurately positioning ground targets, its most important function is to accurately detect underground fortifications.

After nearly a year of actual testing and verification, the Y-34 command plane equipped with ZBF-119 synthetic aperture radar accurately found a fixed target 50 meters underground at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and then formed a strike through a computer. Zhu Yuan is passed to the ground attack formation through the data link, and then the FBC-1A fighter-bomber or Su-30MKK fighter-bomber carries the special ground penetration ammunition to complete the precise sniper killing of such high-value targets! "

As soon as this remark came out, the leaders of the troops present were completely shocked. The complexity of a certain area along the southeast coast was clear to those present, especially those fixed fortifications hidden deep underground, even though the domestic troops had drills. With such a sharp weapon as the ground bomb, the determination of the target is an extremely troublesome problem.

Once something happens, it can only be temporarily discovered and resolved temporarily, explaining that the troops will inevitably suffer considerable losses.

Now it's good. The Yun-34 command plane equipped with ZBF-119 synthetic aperture radar is equivalent to having double-eyed eyes, so that the hiding gophers can't hide. This is not an ordinary meaning!

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