Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1289: Please first understand what Kevlar material is

, Take off my aviation era

  Barotov knew that some people in the country had such a mindset that they would rather be scolded as dogs by the Russian arms manufacturers in the capital, and would hide in the military attache’s office without saying a word.

   We must know that in today’s international arms market, the market overlap rate of weapons and equipment between China and Russia is the highest. Because of this, Russian people of insight are very wary of China’s equipment research and development.

And a few years ago, he began to call on Russia’s domestic arms manufacturers not to sell the most advanced weapons and equipment to China. Even for money, they had to keep a hand behind their backs, so as not to be learnt by the Chinese and the rich apprentices would starve to death. master.

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   Based on this, Russia’s policy on arms sales to China has indeed changed a lot in recent years. It has begun to emphasize the so-called intellectual property rights, and has actively added so-called additional clauses to the formal contract.

For example, the "Fierce Dragon" light fighter jet built by Berjaya Group for Pakistan was banned by Russia from selling to third countries other than China and Pakistan. The reason is that the Russian manufacturer of the RD-93 turbofan engine used by the aircraft is not available. License to sell to a third country.

   Of course, China and Pakistan can sell the "Fierce Dragon" fighter jets, provided that they do not carry Russian aero engines.

  The question is, can a fighter without a heart be called a fighter?

There are many similar situations. For example, the latest and improved S-300PMU2 series air defense missile system imported from Russia’s S-300 air defense missile system is the first to be ordered in China, but Russia has been delayed for various reasons. deliver.

   If you don’t give it, don’t give it. It’s a good reason to say that the production capacity is insufficient.

   Can be transferred to the New Year, but Russia will give priority to the same type of air defense missile system to New Delhi, saying that the production capacity is insufficient?

That’s all, the key is that Russia has made a series of modifications to the version sold by Dialogue based on the actual usage in New Delhi, making it far inferior to the Russian self-use version, and even the version used in New Delhi is even better than the version used in New Delhi in some indicators. Not on.

There is also the assembly line of the Su-27 fighter jet. The relevant agreement was finalized in the early 1990s. As a result, the Russians felt that they had suffered a loss. They even took the so-called intellectual property rights and wanted to pay for a technology transfer fee. If not, they would cut off the follow-up. Su-27 spare parts.


try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   In short, in short, Russia’s sales to China have been ups and downs over the past few years. They want to make money, but they don’t want to empty their old books, and they have to put up a domestic surpass. It can be described as terribly tangled.

In such entanglement, it is necessary to maintain its own technological advantages. If it is the Soviet era, it will be fine. After all, it is one of the best superpowers, and it can be maintained with hard work. But now, a shock therapy has almost directly shocked Russia. , Almost the country will not be a country, because the Soviet Union has a solid foundation, otherwise it is unknown whether the second-rate or third-rate powers of other countries in Russia can survive.

It is precisely because of these subjective and objective factors that Barotov regrets it, and can't wait to slap himself, even if he knows that it will be a matter of time for him to surpass Russia with the momentum of domestic development, but Barotov and others Like people of insight in Russia, I hope this process will come later, later.

   At the very least, don’t show up in your tenure.


They used the strategic airlift exercise as a bait, and the blue army firepower assault exercise as a platform, and they showed the weapons and equipment made in China in such a big way, and Barotov rushed in with a group of little brothers in such a confused manner. Doesn’t it mean that they put together their Russia’s inherent arms market and put them in front of their Chinese competitors?

   What is the difference between this move and the battlefield rivals?

   Don’t say anything else, just look at the scorching eyes of the military observers of Belarus and Kazakhstan, and you know that they really admire the WZ-12NB gunship.

   After all, the voyage and the endurance time are there. After all, the two countries are at most fighting a dozen domestic rebels. The Mi-28N "Havoc" gunship obviously has some cannons to fight mosquitoes, which is superfluous.

   What's more, the old projects left from the Soviet era, how **** the two former republics know better than anyone else in their hearts that they were not elected in the big Soviet family back then. Now that they are separated, they can’t let them decide on their own?

   Russia, you dare to control? Believe it or not, I'm desperately working with you!

If other countries dared to fight hard, Russia would dare to attack, but these two countries Russia is very scrupulous. One is the west gate of Russia, and the other is the pillar of the hinterland of Central Asia. It really wants to quarrel with Russia, Russia’s loss But it's huge.

  Because of this, not only did Russia dare not make trouble, not only did it turn a blind eye on the innocuous issue, but it had to take the initiative to post enthusiastic inquiries about funding or financial support.

   In other words, if Belarus and Kazakhstan are interested in the WZ-12NB gunship, Russia is likely to pay the bill.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   This is like two bears who fall in love with a limited-edition Lego assembly toy, and they have to buy it for life and death. In the end, the parents have no choice but to pay for it.

   The bear child is happy. If the parents' wallets are emptied, the benefits of farts are not obtained.

   You said that Barotov is not depressed, and he is not angry!

   Fortunately, in addition to unfamiliar young people like Belarus and Kazakhstan, Russia also has some diehard fans, such as Armenia and Moldova, who have been loyal little followers of Russia for many years.

Seeing that the big brother made a wrong move, it was a wrong step, a wrong step, and an embarrassing failure. Naturally, when their younger brother was in his prime, UU read www.uukanshu.com, so Armenian military observers were the first to jump out. Skin Xiaorou asked Zheng Quanli without a smile: "General, you have said so much, but I haven't heard a word about protection.

On the contrary, you are not tired of talking about how the WZ-12NB gunship is portable, how long the endurance is, and how long the range is. But you don’t mention the protection of the whole machine. It will not be the WZ-12NB gunship. Other performance sacrifices protection, right? "

"If that's the case, it's not so much!" Before the words of the Armenian military observer, the military observer from Moldova quickly took over: "I served in the Soviet army in Afghanistan. I know helicopters, especially armed helicopters. What are the consequences of inadequate protection? Absolute plane crashes and deaths? It is precisely with Afghanistan’s **** lesson that the Mi-28N'Havoc' armed helicopter will be equipped with armor all over the body. Such a configuration is also unique in the world. Therefore, although the Mi-28N'Havoc' gunship is heavy and has a short range, it has this self-consistent internal logic. After all, safety is more important for pilots."

   "So, do you think our WZ-12NB gunship is unsafe?" Zheng Quanli raised his brows and asked with a smile.

   The Armenian military observer who made the attack first shook his head indifferently: "I didn't say that, but analyzed it from your words."

"In that case..." Zheng Quanli didn't argue, but took a metal-like but not metal board from the chief of staff beside him, and tapped it twice with his hands: "Then please understand what to do first. It’s Kevlar..."

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