Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 95 Bloodline Evolution, Rainbow Sea and Underground World

When he came back to his senses, Sunan had returned to the meditation room, still holding the key in his palm.

It's just that the key has become unusable.

Putting away the keys, Sunan took out all the things traded at the party.

More than 300 wizarding books, more than 500 gems, three rare metals, flame heart potion, more than 100 datura seeds, the bones of the Thornback Pteranodon, a bottle of dragon blood, more than 40 Red-eyed crow eggs.

This trip to the trading house was undoubtedly a great success!

"Although other wizard apprentices don't have Rubik's Cubes to synthesize resources, they each have their own resource channels. By trading with them, you can get many rare resources."

“Joining Jungle Cabin was indeed the right decision.”

After calming down, Sunan began to sort out the harvest.

Among the more than three hundred wizarding books, there are a total of twenty-one spell books.

Among them, there are five zero-level spells, eleven first-level spells, and five second-level spells, which greatly enriched Sunan's spell library.

With the player panel, as long as there is enough time, Sunan can master all spells. There is no need to specialize in only a few spells like other wizard apprentices.

"The more spells you master, the stronger your ability to adapt when encountering unexpected situations."

"But now I still give priority to mastering the second-level spells, and learn other spells when I have more time."

As for the more than 500 gems, Sunan planned to use them to make stone golems and synthesize high-level rune gems.

The stone golems created are mainly used to guard the new magic plantation garden that will be opened soon.

As for high-level rune gems, they have also changed compared to before.

After being promoted to the third-level wizard apprentice, Sunan's energy control was greatly enhanced, so he tried to increase the number of synthesized rune gems from the original eighteen to twenty-three.

Even the power of high-level rune gems has greatly increased.

Su Nan tested it with the Ring of Ultimate Protection, and found that the high-level thunder rune gem destroyed more than 700 defense levels.

The power is almost equivalent to eight second-level spells hitting at the same time!

Such an astonishing power, except for low-light protective magic items, no second-level defensive spells or alchemy-level protective magic items can completely withstand it!

The key is that as his mental power grows, the power of high-level rune gems can gradually increase.

It can be said that high-level rune gems will be his trump card for a long time to come.

"At least before being promoted to a wizard, high-level rune gems can be used as killing moves. This trump card cannot be lost."

"Create five high-level rune gems first, and keep the remaining gems for later use."

Sunan then looked at the Flame Heart Potion, thought for a moment, picked up the potion and drank it directly.

The scalding liquid exploded in his body, turning into heat and flooding throughout his body. For a moment, his whole body felt like he was immersed in boiling water, and his skin turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He had the experience of taking evil phantom potions, and the pain caused by the Flame Heart potion was nothing to mention, and Sunan endured it easily.

When his body returned to normal, he immediately opened the panel and found that his physical fitness had increased by 1.82.


Sunan was already very satisfied.

After all, the Flame Heart Potion is only a first-level potion, and it also has the effect of slightly strengthening the fire element resistance.

It is already very good to have such an increase in physical fitness.

Both are first-level potions, and the Flame Heart Potion is more effective than the Dragon Blood Potion.

"Unfortunately, the main ingredient of the Flame Heart Potion seems to be Flame Heart Bamboo. This thing is only available in the Principality of Jinghua, and it is much harder to find than the blood of the Black Scale Lizard."

Sunan shook his head. It would be easier to synthesize dragon blood fruit to strengthen his physique.

From now on, part of each batch of dragon blood fruit harvest will be used to strengthen one's own physique.

"Counting these three rare metals, as well as the two recently developed alternatives, there are already 65 types of metals for refining the magic pattern core, and there are still 24 types left."

"When the new magic plantation garden is completed with datura seeds, an area will be designated for planting."

"The red-eyed crow needs to hatch as soon as possible."

When the red-eyed crow hatches, Sunan is ready to take matters into his own hands.

After all, these red-eyed crows will be responsible for the security of the base and must be controlled. He can't trust Sherman and the others.

Needless to say, the remaining bones and blood of the Spiny-backed Pteranodon were naturally used to enhance the bloodline of the Hidden Dragon.

Overall, Sunan was very satisfied with this trip to the jungle hut.

I even started looking forward to the next party.

After this experience, I believe that at the next gathering, Ye Xiao and the others will definitely bring more things he wants.

in the following time.

Su Nan began to study how to refine the bones and blood of the Spinyback Pteranodon to strengthen the Hidden Dragon.

After a lot of effort, all the extracted essence was finally integrated into the hidden dragon's body.

The result did not disappoint Sunan.

After sleeping for three days, the bloodline of the Hidden Dragon finally advanced to the bloodline of the Yalong.


In the magic training ground, the Hidden Dragon was rampaging, constantly knocking down the stone pillars made by Sunan, and excitedly testing the soaring physical strength after evolution.

Su Nan stood at the edge of the field, watching Yinlong move his body with a smile on his face.

After advancing to the sub-dragon species, the most obvious change of the Hidden Dragon is that its physical strength has increased several times.

Nowadays, it can be equal to the legendary knight of the first ring based on its physical strength alone!

This kind of power has exceeded that of many sub-dragon species!

In addition, Yinlong has awakened the ability to spit fire similar to dragon breath.

Although the power is not as strong as the real dragon breath, it is close to the power of the second-ring spell.

With a strong body, invisibility, virtual-real conversion, and flame spitting, the current Yinlong's real combat power has undoubtedly reached the level of the second-ring legendary knight.

If he faces Heb's giant bear pet again, Yinlong will probably crush the opponent in one encounter.

While thinking, Yinlong has ended his activities, flew to Su Nan and stopped, and called out flatteringly.

After the bloodline evolved, it also had more dragon characteristics.

Not only did it grow two curved horns on its head, but it also had a row of sharp protrusions like blades on its back.

The only pity is that it did not evolve wings.

Otherwise, a sub-dragon species that mastered the ability to fly, invisibility, virtual-real conversion, and flame spitting at the same time would be a headache for even a third-level wizard apprentice.


The hidden dragon hissed again, and the intimate and flattering action combined with the majestic and ferocious appearance seemed particularly contrasting.

Su Nan's mind suddenly became dazed, and the next second his vision suddenly split into two.

One was still the original vision.

In the other vision, a familiar figure appeared.

It was his appearance, but much smaller.

'He' lowered his head, and what came into view were black and red scales and sharp claws.

Sharing vision!

This is a new ability awakened after the evolution of the hidden dragon bloodline.

This is not a spell-like ability, but an ability that will awaken after the magic pet is cultivated to a certain degree.

It's just that depending on the difference in qualifications and races, the awakening time is early or late.

With this ability, Su Nan will be able to connect with the hidden dragon's vision at any time in the future, and can share vision even if they are hundreds or thousands of kilometers apart.

Similar magic pet abilities include spell sharing.

For a pet that has awakened this ability, within a certain distance, the owner can choose to let the spell effect on himself also act on the pet, until the spell duration ends or the two parties are separated by a certain distance.

For example, when Sunan casts the Light Spirit Spell on himself, the effect of the Light Spirit Spell can also be cast on the pet.

"Looking at this trend, spell sharing should not be awakened until the next bloodline evolution."

Sunan stroked the head of the hidden dragon.

Now the blood of the black-scaled lizardman has basically no effect on the hidden dragon.

There are only two ways to continue to increase the blood concentration of the hidden dragon.

One is still to exchange blood, extract your own blood to synthesize dragon blood, and then integrate it into the body.

The other is to collect real dragon blood and integrate it into the body.

The former is the simplest, but the progress is slow.

The latter is faster, the only problem is that it is difficult to find real dragon blood.

"Forget it, at worst, take it slowly. Anyway, the lifespan of the sub-dragon species is very long, and the hidden dragon will definitely evolve into a dragon species in his lifetime."

Sunan thought silently.


Amy suddenly appeared on the back of the hidden dragon, sniffing a few times with her nose twitching.

"The smell of a sub-dragon species, the blood of the big guy has evolved."

Perhaps because of the master's teachings, Amy's understanding of the wizard world is no worse than many third-level wizard apprentices. She saw the changes in the hidden dragon at a glance and cried out in surprise.

Seeing Amy, Sunan's expression moved and asked: "Amy, do you know where there are dragons?"

Although the current Starlight Continent is very different from a thousand years ago, it is the same continent after all. If you know where the dragons appeared a thousand years ago, you can use it as a reference.

"Dragon?" Amy tilted her head and hesitated. "That group of big guys often fly around the continent. No one knows where they built their nests."

After a pause, it seemed to think of something and said, "But there must be dragons in the Rainbow Sea and the Underground World."

Rainbow Sea and Underground World?

Sunan's heart moved.

He knew these two places.

After the elements were revived in the last life, the Rainbow Sea and the Underground World became the first choice for many wizards (apprentices) to explore and adventure because of their extremely rich resources.

Among them, the Rainbow Sea is a very famous sea area.

It is famous for its many colorful corals and various colorful plants and animals on the seabed.

However, this sea area is also quite dangerous, with many poisonous and ferocious marine creatures, plus a large number of sirens.

If it is not a wizard (apprentice), ordinary people can only move around in the shallow sea at most.

Sunan remembered that the Rainbow Sea was at the other end of the continent, 108,000 miles away from the Flash City.

Unless you can tame a flying beast, it will probably take more than half a year to go back and forth by riding a hidden dragon.

The area of ​​the Starlight Continent is very vast.

As for the Underground World, as the name suggests, it is a vast space located underground.

In addition to the ubiquitous darkness, there are countless ferocious monsters.

Including all kinds of ferocious beasts, monsters, Zerg, Heartbreakers, mutant spiders, undead, fungus people, worms, minotaurs and slimes, etc.

Of course, it also includes the dragons mentioned by Amy.

Many dragons like to build nests in the underground world, and the main reason is that the underground world is rich in minerals.

As long as you find a silver or gold mine, and then capture a group of slaves to mine the veins, you can lie down and wait for the treasures to come in continuously.

This is the life of lying flat that many dragons dream of.

However, after experiencing the elemental desert for thousands of years, Sunan estimated that the resource richness of the Rainbow Sea and the underground world must be far less than before.

In that case, whether there are any dragons surviving there is a question.

Going deeper, today's Starlight Continent is no longer a place suitable for dragons to live.

There is a question mark as to whether there is a dragon clan on the mainland.

"Forget it, I can't find dragon blood. It's okay to have sub-dragon blood. At worst, I can just use a Rubik's Cube to synthesize dragon blood."

"We can't go to the Rainbow Sea for the time being, but we can consider the underground world."

"However, most entrances to the underground world are very secret, and it is not easy to find them."

"Ask the others at the next Jungle Cabin gathering."

With some calculations in his mind, Sunan put aside the matter for the time being and let Amy and Yinlong go out to play while he continued to stay in the magic training ground.

His eyes fell on the human-shaped target in the distance. Sunan opened his lips lightly and spit out a syllable quickly. Six spell missiles appeared instantly, penetrating the void like lightning, and blasting the human-shaped target to pieces with a loud bang.

"The casting speed is about three times faster than before."

Sunan nodded with satisfaction.

Just two days ago, he successfully mastered the sentence segmentation spell.

Nowadays, casting a spell only requires one or two short syllables, and the actual combat ability has improved by leaps and bounds.

"The next step is to train the silent spell."

Su Nan thought, and a line of text suddenly appeared in the void in front of him.

[‘Spell Silent Spell’ training progress: 0.16%]

"The training progress has only increased by 0.16% in two days. At this rate, it should take two to three years to master it."

Sunan had already expected this situation.

The training difficulty of real super magic skills is definitely far more than that of breaking sentences to cast spells.

In fact, it only takes two or three years to master the silent spell casting, which is already very fast.

Many apprentice wizards spend their entire lives unable to master a single spell.

Most of them gradually learned metamagic skills after being promoted to wizards and their mental control abilities were greatly strengthened.

Anyone who can master metamagic skills during the wizard apprenticeship stage can be called a genius.

If other wizard apprentices knew that Sunan could learn to cast spells silently in just two or three years, their eyes would probably pop out of their heads.

"When the mental power improves, the training progress should be faster. Maybe it will take less than two years to master it."

Sunan's mentality was very peaceful.

Unlike [potion making] and [magic item making] skills that can be upgraded in a short time using resources, metamagic skills can only be practiced step by step.

There are a total of seven super magic skills, and it is almost impossible to master them all in less than twenty or thirty years.

This is a long process.

"As long as the player panel is here, that's all."

Su Nan took a deep breath, calmed down his distracting thoughts and continued to practice silent spells.

Regarding the explanation of the Jungle House, this is an organization with members all over the Starlight Continent. There are far more than two or three countries in the Starlight Continent. In addition, it is difficult for Sunan to advance. That is because the training time is short, which extends the training time to hundreds of years, and tens of thousands of people. With a population base of hundreds of millions, it is not surprising that there are a handful of third-level wizard apprentices. There are always some geniuses and even monsters in this world, just like Ange McClain before. In addition, the plot of this book has just begun. There are many settings that have not been revealed, such as the settings of the official wizard. I know what everyone is talking about, but I can't spoil it now. I ask everyone to be more patient. Thanks for the insomnia.

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