Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 84: Divide and govern (ask for first order and monthly ticket)

Temporary puppet factory.

On the wide workbench, there was a dissected beastman.

Because of the residual cold, the blood was frozen and did not flow everywhere.

Sunan put away the tools, released the magician's hand, and showed a thoughtful look on his face.

"As I guessed, the beast bloodline factors of these people have awakened, and irreversible atavism has occurred. It is indeed beast disease."

"And there are traces of physical transformation on their bodies, which is indeed the work of wizard apprentices."

Sunan looked at the more than ten beastmen standing quietly in the corner.

He studied the blood-marked beast tooth he got from the Count of Storm and determined that it was a magic item used to control beastmen.

It was similar to the necklace he gave to the cavalry regiment to control the black rock leopard.

This kind of magic item that matches specific puppets and slaves is not difficult to make, but because it is not difficult, the manufacturer usually adds some "exclusive" enchanted runes to play a similar encryption role.

If someone other than the maker wants to crack and use these magic items, the [Magic Item Manufacturing] skill must be at least two or three levels higher than the maker to do so.

Judging from the craftsmanship of the blood-veined beast fang, Sunan estimated that the maker's [Magic Item Manufacturing] level was not high, and should be only level 1.

However, his skill level was only level 2, and he still couldn't crack it.

He could only use the blood-veined beast fang to suppress the beastmen so that they would not be hostile to him.

"It's a pity that the objects controlled by this kind of magic item are specific, and it can't be used to suppress other beastmen."

Sunan shook his head.

This blood-veined beast fang can only be used to suppress the more than ten beastmen in front of him, which is basically useless to him.

Sighing, Sunan casually dealt with these beastmen and then destroyed the blood-veined beast fang.

These beastmen can no longer be saved, and for them, death is a relief.

"Anyway, it is now certain that there is indeed a wizard apprentice standing behind Marquis Jinyan, and the beast disaster is very likely related to that wizard apprentice."

Unlike Amy's time, Sunan can be sure that this time it is a real wizard apprentice who is still alive.

It is also the first wizard apprentice he has met in this world.

The reason why he is sure that he is not a wizard is that if he is a formal wizard, it would not be so troublesome to deal with him.

"I just don't know if it is a second-level wizard apprentice or a third-level wizard apprentice?"

Sunan's expression is a little solemn.

Compared to Marquis Jinyan, who has a huge army and a huge power, a wizard apprentice makes him more afraid.

After all, unless the former sends four or five legendary knights to surround and kill him at the same time, don't expect to kill him at all.

In comparison, the threat of wizard apprentices to him is much greater.

Especially the third-level wizard apprentice, who can already skillfully control energy particles, can release energy runes without borrowing rune gems, and has mastered second-level spells and super magic skills.

Even though Sunan had many trump cards in hand, he didn't dare to guarantee that he could deal with a third-level wizard apprentice.

"To deal with a third-level wizard apprentice, even with the Ice Necklace and the Ring of Extreme Protection, it is not safe. You still have to prepare more trump cards."

Although he might not necessarily face the wizard apprentice, Sunan felt that it was safer to prepare early.

It is always right to be cautious.

After thinking for a moment, Sunan quickly made a plan.

The first is to create a new glimmer-level magic item.

Unlike the Ice Necklace, it is a magic item that focuses entirely on attack.

The second is to prepare new trump cards.

"It just so happens that I had an idea before, so I can try it next."

Sunan spread out his palm and looked at the rune gem in his hand, his eyes flickering slightly.

On the night of the attack on the camp, the Flash Leader defeated the Storm Army with almost no effort.

The army suffered minimal casualties.

So Key made a quick decision, leaving part of the army to guard the prisoners, and then took the Black Rock Cavalry Regiment and the rest of the army to Qilin City overnight.

Sunan also brought the Golem Legion with him.

Count Winterfrost had never expected that Count Storm would be defeated so quickly. When he received the news of the defeat of the Storm Army, Key had already blocked his retreat with his army.

In this way, facing the fierce offensive of the Black Rock Cavalry Regiment and the Stone Golem Legion, the Winterfrost Army, which was attacked from both sides, was defeated as expected.

Count Winterfrost was captured and was pushed to the gallows with Count Storm the next day.

As soon as the battle report came out, the entire Golden Rock Province and even the entire Star Principality were shocked.

No one expected that the combined strength of the two earldoms could not take down a small barondom, and was even defeated in turn, and even the two earls were captured and killed.

And this series of twists and turns took place in less than a month.

Marquis Jin Yan, who was in charge of Mengguang City, didn't even have time to react. The Flash Territory wiped out the remaining guards of Storm Territory and Winter Frost Territory with thunder and lightning, took the two territories, and then attacked other territories without stopping.

Shocked, Marquis Jin Yan had to lead his troops back and personally lead the coalition forces to resist the attack of the Flash Territory.

A fierce war broke out between the two sides.

After seeing the powerful combat power of the stone golems, Key did not hesitate to invest all the gold coins looted from Storm Territory and Winter Frost Territory into building the golem army.

One after another, the stone golems walked out of the puppet factory and then rushed to the battlefield without stopping.

Originally, Sunan wanted to sneak in again, but with the precedent of the Count of Storm, the Marquis of Jinyan had already taken precautions against this, and all people entering and leaving the camp had to be strictly checked.

Sunan even found a magic item that detects magic power.

As a last resort, he had to give up this plan.

Although the infiltration failed, the stone golems still showed their impressive combat power on the front battlefield.

With the two major legions of the Golem Legion and the Black Rock Cavalry Regiment, the Flash Territory also had the strength to fight the Jinyan Coalition on the front battlefield.

The war lasted until the month of frost.

It was not until the first snow fell that the two sides tacitly stopped fighting.

The heavy snow sealed the land. At this time, even the Flash Territory with the clay golem baggage troops had a very difficult logistical pressure to march, so it had to rest.

So far, Jinyan Province has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to five months ago.

In addition to the Flash Territory, the other two baronies and viscounties had long been destroyed by the Jinyan Coalition.

The huge Jinyan Province now only has two major forces, the Flash Territory and the Jinyan Coalition.

The territory of the Flash Territory, which was originally the Flash Territory, has expanded to include the Flash Territory, Storm Territory and Winter Frost Territory, which almost occupies half of the area of ​​the Jinyan Province.

It seems that the world is divided with the Marquis of Jinyan.

Such a development really surprised many nobles.

No one expected that the Marquis of Jinyan, who raised the banner of rebellion with great momentum, was beaten and bloodied before he even left his own province, and lost nearly half of his territory!

And all this was caused by just a baron territory!

The name of the Flash Territory resounded throughout the Principality of Stars!

And Sunan's name gradually spread in some secret circles.

Starlight Calendar 1252, Winter Qin Month (January).

Today's snow is particularly heavy, and at the end of the month, there is no sign of thawing in the snow.

However, this is a good thing for the Shining Territory, as it has more time to recuperate.

The expansion of territory means an increase in tax revenue and population, and also provides a broader basis for expanding armaments.

As soon as the war ended, Keyi began to integrate the territory's political affairs and launched a massive recruitment campaign in the territory, intending to expand military power during the winter and prepare for the war after the spring.

At the same time, a new round of wizard qualification tests began.

As the territory expanded and the population soared, the scale of this test also increased a lot.

But with it, it is foreseeable that the number of children who eventually have wizard qualifications will also increase a lot.

Throughout the Winter Qin Month, the entire Shining Territory was running at high speed.

Sunan was no exception and was involved in various tedious manufacturing work.

After integrating the new territory, the Shining Territory suddenly had a large number of knights

What followed was a sharp increase in demand for magic weapons.

Sunan had to spend more time on manufacturing magic weapons.

In addition, the size of the Black Rock Cavalry Regiment was also expanding rapidly.

With sufficient knights, Key decided to turn the Black Rock Cavalry into a complete knight army, and ordered that only knights could join the Black Rock Cavalry in the future.

As for the original trainee knights in the regiment, they would be given priority to supply dragon blood fruit, and strive to break through and be promoted to knights as soon as possible.

According to Key, before the snow melts, he wants to build a real knight army and flatten the territory of the Marquis of Jinyan in one fell swoop.

Thanks to this, Sunan has another job of refining Black Rock Leopard.

Now the output of the Black Rock Mine is not enough to supply the growing demand for Black Rock Leopard, and he has to find other suitable steel to replace it.

"I feel like I'm about to become a tool man."

Sunan sighed slightly, and could only comfort himself that the expansion of the territory is also good for him, and there will be more gold coins to buy materials in the future.

Especially after being promoted to a third-level wizard apprentice, there are more places to spend money.

And the current situation is only temporary. When Sherman and others grow up and take over the work of making potions and refining Black Rock Leopard, he will be much more relaxed.

Although he was busy, Su Nan never slacked off in his cultivation.

In the month of recovery (February), his mental power had increased to 27.45.

At the same time, the last ingredient of the evil hallucination potion was finally collected.

Without delay, Su Nan started making the evil hallucination potion that day.

Level 4 [Potion Making] was enough to make a second-level potion.

Having said that, Su Nan still failed twice, and only succeeded in making the evil hallucination potion on the third time.


Looking at the finished potion in his hand, Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

The bloody mandala obtained from Shizhong City was only enough to make three evil hallucination potions. If he failed the third time, he would lose a lot.

Fortunately, his luck was not that bad.

"It was indeed the right decision to upgrade the [Potion Making] skill to level 4 before making the Evil Illusion Potion. The difficulty of the second-level potion is much higher than that of the first-level potion."

After calming down, Sunan returned his attention to the potion.

The transparent narrow-necked potion bottle contained a violet liquid, which contained a scattering of shining light spots, shining with an intoxicating beautiful color under the light of the magic stone lamp.

From the appearance alone, it is hard to guess that such a beautiful potion has the two malicious words "Evil Illusion" in its name.

"It's a pity. If we could make two bottles of evil potion and synthesize it, we might be able to directly break through 30 points of mental power. Now there is only one bottle, which is probably not enough."

Sunan felt slightly regretful, but quickly returned to normal.

After taking the phantom potion this time, even if the mental strength cannot exceed 30 points, it is not much different.

After meditating for another month or two at most, I will definitely be promoted to the third level wizard apprentice.

Taking out the magic stone and silver from the space ring, Sunan drew an energy-gathering array in the meditation room, and then activated the array to fill the room with a large number of energy particles.

After doing all this, he sat cross-legged on the ground, took a deep breath to calm down his distracting thoughts, gently opened the cork, raised his head and drank the potion in one gulp.

The slightly cool medicinal liquid poured into the abdomen and turned into a cold breath that quickly flowed through the limbs and bones.

Sunan lay back on the ground, relaxing his mind and limbs.

About ten seconds later, his body suddenly tensed up, and then he twitched violently.

Visible to the naked eye, the veins on his exposed hands and feet bulged, twisting and twitching like earthworms, his skin showed an abnormal flush, and large patches of sweat came out, soaking his clothes in the blink of an eye.

If a wizard is present at this time and scans with mental power, you can see dense energy particles pouring in from all around, almost completely surrounding Sunan, looking like a colorful human cocoon.

Every second, countless energy particles penetrated into his body through the pores of his skin.

Sunan gritted her teeth and endured the severe pain that surged through her body.

Vaguely, he seemed to feel a cold breath spreading slowly in the room.


There seemed to be a faint sound of footsteps in my ears.

Su Nan tried his best to turn his head, and was shocked to find that a group of hideous monsters had appeared in the room at some point.

They looked like humanoid creatures made of rotting flesh. The thick muddy water slid down the surface of their skin, making a sizzling sound when dripping onto the ground, corroding tiny holes on the floor.

What is even more heart-stopping is the large mouth densely packed with sharp teeth in the middle of the rotten body, with residual strands of flesh vaguely visible between the teeth.

These monsters roared, squirmed, and slowly approached Sunan with malicious malice.

Sunan was lying on the ground, his whole body stiff and unable to move. He could only watch helplessly as these monsters slowly approached, and then used their sharp teeth to bite his flesh and blood.

The intense pain continued to hit his nerves like a tide, one after another that seemed to have no end, so that by the end, his whole body was numb from the pain and he had no consciousness at all.

In this way, Sunan watched helplessly as he was bitten, slowly turned into pieces of flesh and bones, and entered the mouths of the monsters. In the end, only a head was left, fully witnessing the entire process of being dismembered.


After a small sound, everything disappeared.

Monsters, flesh and slime, all disappeared.

The room regained its calm.

Sunan was lying on the ground covered in sweat, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

"Damn, these side effects are too much."

Sunan couldn't help but curse.

He finally understood how the word 'evil' in the evil potion came about.

Even if the subconscious mind clearly understands that it is just an illusion, watching the process of being dismembered with your own eyes is still very uncomfortable.

The severe pain during the process is extremely real. People with a slightly weaker will may collapse directly.

"Evil Fantasy, Evil Fantasy, this name is worthy of its name."

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