Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 151 Inheritance Procedure, Who is the Prey?

"Two haunting guys!"

The traveler grinned as if he had a toothache, but he didn't look too panicked.

After all, unlike before, he now had a helper named Su Nan by his side.

In a blink of an eye, the magic hand and the bloody mouth had already arrived near the Dragon Skeleton Tower.

The two stared at the Dragon Skeleton Tower for a long time, and were obviously shocked by the scenery in front of them.

"Control. Central!" A dull voice came from under the gray robe of the bloody mouth.

"Most likely!"

The excitement in the magic hand's tone was hard to hide.

After discovering the ecological park, he also had the idea of ​​taking it under control, but he had no clue. Now that he saw the Dragon Skeleton Tower, he knew that the key to controlling the ecological park was in it.

However, the most urgent thing was to deal with the traveler first.

After coming to his senses, the magic hand turned his gaze to the traveler again, and the two scarlet blood lights under the brim of his hat stayed on Su Nan for a while.

"Who are you?"

"This is a matter between the Eternal Life Society and that guy. People who are not related should leave immediately!" The magic hand said in a hard tone.

He obviously saw that Sunan and the traveler knew each other, and wanted to use the name of the Eternal Life Society to scare Sunan away.

Unfortunately, he made a wrong calculation.

Sunan sneered and said, "If you say so, I am not an irrelevant person."

After all, Ugo of the Eternal Life Society died at his hands.

However, the magic hand misunderstood, looked him up and down, and said in a cold tone: "You are also from the jungle hut!"

Seeing that Sunan ignored his question, the magic hand snorted coldly.

"Since you insist on seeking death, then I will fulfill your wish!"

The black robe billowed, and dark tentacles stretched out from the bottom.

"The flesh of the wizard apprentice. It smells so good!"

The bloody mouth in front of the bloody chest and abdomen gurgled, making a dull sound, and then he lifted the brim of his hat, revealing a wrinkled face with only one eye.

The cold eyes stared straight at Su Nan, with undisguised greed and cruelty.

Facing the two people's undisguised murderous intentions, the traveler's expression became particularly solemn, and the Qingling branch in his palm began to emit green light.

But just when the battle was about to break out, the Dragon Skeleton Tower not far away suddenly trembled.

Then a mechanical monotonous voice sounded out of thin air.

"Five qualified biological sources have been detected, and the inheritance procedure of Longlin Ecological Park has been initiated."

"The key to the ecological park center is now distributed. Those who collect the keys can obtain the ownership of Longlin Ecological Park."

The sudden voice instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

When they heard what the mechanical voice said, the four of them were moved.

The key to the ecological park!

The four of them were ecstatic at the same time.

As long as they get the key, they can control the entire ecological park!

This is an ecological park that cultivates countless sub-dragon species and rare magic plants. It is a huge temptation for any wizard apprentice.

The magic hand and the blood mouth immediately shifted their targets, staring at the dragon skeleton tower not far away.

As long as they control the ecological park and try to close the entrance and exit, they can catch the turtle in the jar and slowly cook up the traveler and Sunan, killing two birds with one stone!


The skeleton dragon head on the top of the dragon skeleton tower suddenly burst into a blinding light, and five dazzling silver lights shot out in all directions with the dragon head as the center, falling like a meteor to the far distance.

Almost immediately, Sunan, the traveler, the magic hand and the blood mouth all soared into the sky at the same time, each chasing after a silver light.

At the same time, in the forest hundreds of meters away, a figure also soared into the sky, chasing after the fifth silver light.

Sunan caught a glimpse of this scene from the corner of his eye, and then he understood.

No wonder the voice just now said that there were five biological sources that met the conditions. It turned out that there was a fifth person hiding in the dark.

Retracting his sight, Sunan activated a high-level rune gem without hesitation, and a layer of green light instantly enveloped his body. His speed, which was originally as fast as the wind, suddenly increased again, and he swept towards the silver light like a meteor.

About four or five minutes later, the speed of the silver light slowed down and fell downwards.

Sunan was refreshed and accelerated to catch up, and soon arrived above the place where the silver light fell.

Looking down, he saw a deep pit on the ground, and a coin-sized silver metal piece lay quietly in the middle of the pit.

Sunan's mind moved, and the magician's hand was instantly exerted, picking up the silver metal piece and floating it in his palm.

"Is this the key to enter the Dragon Skeleton Tower?"

The surface of the silver metal piece was covered with dense and strange patterns, which was complicated and mysterious.

The overall shape was like a triangular metal piece, with a depression on the edges of the three sides, which looked like three embedded bayonet sockets.

Thinking of what the mechanical voice said just now, Sunan immediately understood.

This silver metal piece is not a complete key, but only one-fifth of the key.

The five silver lights just now represent five key fragments. Only when all five fragments are collected can they be integrated into a complete key.

"So that's what the inheritance procedure means."

"We five wizard apprentices are required to compete for the key fragments, and the winner will inherit the ownership of the eco-park."

"I didn't expect the builder to leave such a program. Is it to prevent the eco-park that was built with great effort from being destroyed in the end?"

After thinking for a while without any results, Su Nan shook his head and stopped struggling.

The builder is dead, and he can no longer guess what the other party was thinking at the time. What he has to do now is to collect the five key fragments and seize the ownership of the eco-park!

With a plan in mind, Su Nan soared into the sky and flew towards the position of the fifth person just now.

What surprised him was that after flying for several kilometers, the key fragment in his hand suddenly emitted a faint light.

And as he flew forward, the light of the key fragment gradually became brighter.

Sunan's mind moved, and he quickly figured it out.

"This key fragment also has the function of mutual induction!"

With this function, it is much easier to find other key fragment holders.

Obviously, the builder has also taken great pains to make the inheritance process go more smoothly.

Soon, when the light emitted by the key fragment became extremely dazzling, the target's figure appeared in Sunan's field of vision.

To his surprise, the magic hand was also there.

He was controlling the dark tentacles all over the sky, frantically attacking the fifth wizard apprentice.

Sunan recalled the direction in which everyone chased the silver light before, and combined with the current location, he quickly determined that the fifth person and the magic hand were running in both directions and just collided with each other.

However, the wizard apprentice's strength was obviously very ordinary, and he was in danger under the attack of the magic hand.

While Su Nan was thinking, the magic hand seized the opportunity and grabbed his limbs and neck with the black tentacles, tearing him into several pieces!

Amid the blood and flesh flying all over the sky, the black tentacles accurately grabbed a ray of silver light and sent it to the magic hand.

"You are an overconfident guy. You dare to fight for the key fragment with this little strength!"

The magic hand took the key fragment, glanced at the corpse on the ground with disdain, then looked at Su Nan and sneered.

"The second prey has come to the door on its own initiative."

"It's hard to say who the prey is." Su Nan flew forward slowly.

"It seems that you are very confident in your own strength." The magic hand sneered, "Which member of the jungle cabin are you? The scepter? Or the black forest?"

Su Nan smiled playfully, "I thought you should have investigated me, after all, my hands are stained with the blood of your people from the Eternal Life Society."

As soon as these words came out, the magic hand reacted immediately.

"You are Su Nan!"

After learning Su Nan's identity, the magic hand was not surprised but happy, and sneered:

"It turned out to be you!"

"Humph, if you hide in your own territory honestly, I can't touch you. Now you appear in front of us alone, which is what we want!"

"Kill you! The key to the Starry Tower is ours!"

It's not that the magic hand has never thought about dealing with Su Nan.

But according to his investigation, Su Nan spends most of his time in the base near the Flashing City or the Youhu City in the underground world.

These two places are Su Nan's base camps, and there are a large number of puppets stationed.

Even he is not arrogant enough to kill the other party in Su Nan's base camp.

But now Su Nan ran out of his own territory, this is different.

Thinking that this trip can not only get the Qingling tree branch to solve the problem of blood rejection, but also get the ownership of the ecological park and the key to the Starry Tower, the magic hand is full of ecstasy.

This can be called a big harvest!

In ecstasy, the black robe on the demon hand violently surged, and dozens of tentacles emerged.

In an instant, hundreds of pitch-black tentacles tore through the air and swept towards Sunan like an overwhelming force!

Sunan's expression remained unchanged, and he suddenly opened his mouth and shouted. The visible sound waves twisted and swept forward, slamming into the oncoming pitch-black waves, instantly tearing more than ten tentacles into pieces!

Crushing sound waves!

Immediately afterwards, Sunan raised his hand again, and nine magic missiles emerged out of thin air, shot out, and blew up the tentacles one by one.

A hundred meters away, the demon hand was horrified when he saw this scene.

"Instant spells!"

He could see clearly that Sunan cast two spells in a row without any delay!

You must know that even magic items that store spells will have a subtle delay when releasing spells, and they will never be as smooth as Sunan.

The only explanation for being able to do this is that the spells are instant!

But how is this possible?

How could a wizard apprentice master such a high-level super magic skill as instant spell casting?

Even a man with amazing talent like Saullo has only mastered silent spell casting!

How could this guy be better than Saullo?

The magic hand was shocked for a moment.

And the next scene almost made him pop his eyes out.

Sunan's figure was instantly divided into eight parts, and he raised his hand to shoot out a red ray of heat waves.

Mirror image plus scorching ray!

Compound spell casting!

The magic hand couldn't help but gasp.

Another high-level super magic skill!

In addition to instant spell casting and the necessary silent spell casting, Sunan has so far revealed three super magic skills!

A third-level wizard apprentice who has mastered three super magic skills?

It's unheard of!

For a moment, the magic hand had an absurd feeling that he was dreaming!

Chi chi chi!

While the dark tentacles continued to defeat the phantoms one by one, they were also shattered by the spells cast by Sunan.

When all the phantoms were destroyed and Sunan's body was exposed, there were only a dozen or so dark tentacles left.

At this time, the devil's hand finally came back to his senses from the shock, and his murderous intent was burning in his heart.

The stronger the talent Sunan showed, the more he wanted to kill him here.

Otherwise, if he was allowed to continue to grow, he would sooner or later become a major concern for the Eternal Life Society.

With a beast-like roar, the black robe on the devil's hand suddenly bulged and surged violently, as if something was about to rush out from it.

The next second, two black balls that seemed to be made of viscous liquid fell out of the black robe, and the moment they landed, they expanded rapidly into two ferocious four-legged monsters.

The two four-legged monsters were seven or eight meters tall, like tigers and leopards, with sharp claws and fangs, but their bodies were pitch black, like black silhouettes.

As soon as they took shape, the two four-legged monsters roared and pounced on Su Nan, and the evil wind whistled in the air.

At the same time, the magic hand seemed to fall into the water and merged into the shadow under its feet, disappearing on the spot.

When it appeared again, it suddenly jumped out of the shadow behind Su Nan, and its hands turned into sharp black spikes, stabbing Su Nan's back viciously!


A muffled sound like a sharp blade piercing leather sounded!

The black spike stopped only two or three centimeters away from Su Nan's body surface, blocked by an invisible force field.

The magic hand was not surprised, but any third-level wizard apprentice must have one or two protective magic items on his body.

But protection is limited after all, as long as it is broken, it will be fine!

The magic hand disappeared into the shadows again, and while Sunan was dealing with the two four-legged monsters, it kept coming out from unexpected corners and attacking Sunan.

But gradually, he found something wrong.

"What's going on?"

"This kid has been attacked by me so many times, why hasn't the protective magic items on his body been broken?"

"Even if it is a glimmer-level magic item, it should have consumed all its energy by now!"

The magic hand was full of astonishment and confusion.

This distraction immediately caught the flaw of Sunan. In an instant, silver light flashed on his body, and countless metal cones condensed out of thin air, crushing over the magic hand like a torrent!

Almost in an instant, the multi-layered protection composed of spells, magic items and shadow power on his body was broken!

The black robe was instantly shattered, revealing a short body composed of shadows inside, completely black.

The next second, the metal storm submerged him without stopping.

The half-shadowed body of the demon hand was immune to most physical attacks, but it had no effect on the attacks on the magic pattern core.

In an instant, he let out a shrill and miserable howl.

The dark body was like a lake under a rainstorm, surging and surging, and became dim at a speed visible to the naked eye!

After this heavy blow, the demon hand's fighting will was rapidly weakened, and there was no longer the previous fiery killing intent, only fear in his heart.

He quickly disappeared into the shadows, and when he appeared again, he was already in the shadow under the tree a hundred meters away. The whole person soared into the sky and flew away without any delay.

The terrible defense and attack displayed by Sunan had crushed his fighting will.

Now he was full of the idea of ​​escaping.

At this moment, two figures suddenly appeared in the sky in the distance, flying at high speed from the east and south respectively.

It was the traveler and the blood mouth.

Both of them had taken the key fragments in their hands, and relying on the induction between the key fragments, they quickly rushed over.

Seeing the bloody mouth, the magic hand was overjoyed and shouted in a hurry:

"Bloody mouth, save me!"

The traveler who was rushing over was stunned when he heard it, looked at the magic hand fleeing in a panic, and then looked at Su Nan who was chasing after him with an indifferent expression, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

What's going on?

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