Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 102 Caution and Reverence

Sunan finally chose to leave quietly.

Although he wanted to investigate the situation on the island, he had just experienced a fierce battle, and his mental power was consumed a lot. He only had seven high-level rune gems left, and his strength was not at its peak.

It was safer to consider it and go back to prepare before investigating.

After returning to the Flashing City, Sunan came to the Lord's Mansion as soon as possible.

After learning that Sunan went to the cave, Key had been waiting for news in the meeting hall. Seeing that Sunan came back safely, he was relieved.

He couldn't wait to ask: "Is it solved?"


Sunan nodded, and before Key showed joy on his face, he immediately said:

"But I found some new situations."

Key was stunned: "What situation?"

Sunan briefly told the story of the underground city-state.

After listening to Sunan's words, Key was numb.

I thought it was bad enough that there was a monster comparable to the three-ring legendary knight near the Flashing City. I didn't expect that after the monster was solved, an underground city-state popped up.

The latter is undoubtedly more threatening than the hundred-arm monster.

Key began to regret that he had set the central city of the province in the Flashing City.

If he had known that the entrance to the underground world was next to it, he would have definitely hidden as far away as possible.

"If I'm not mistaken, the hundred-arm monster should have traded with that city-state."

Sunan remembered what the group of dog-headed people had said before.

They mined in exchange for food to feed the hundred-arm monster.

And in the cave, the only people who could trade were obviously the people in the underground city-state.

"The residents of that city-state may have known that the cave was connected to the surface for a long time. They haven't invaded the surface for so long, and they probably won't have this idea in the short term."

Sunan comforted him.

Of course, it is also possible that the hundred-arm monster occupied the passage and blocked the people in the city-state from passing through.

But if it is true, it will be even simpler.

This means that the power of the city-state cannot even suppress the hundred-armed monster, so he has nothing to worry about.

Hearing what Sunan said, Keyi's worries were slightly reduced.

"What are you going to do with the ore veins in the cave?"

"Mining immediately."

Sunan said without thinking.

After all, the cave is not 100% safe, and the ore veins can be mined as early as possible.

"Do you need me to ask someone to help recruit miners from Black Rock City?"

"No, just help me prepare a set of mining equipment, and leave the mining to the clay golem."

The mining efficiency of a clay golem is equivalent to that of dozens of skilled miners, and the mining efficiency of using clay golems is higher.

Sunan plans to mine all the ore veins in the cave as soon as possible.

This battle cost a lot of money, and he needs to recover as soon as possible.

And if he wants to prevent the invasion of the underground city-state next, he has to refine another batch of golems to guard the cave, which will also cost a lot of money.

"Okay, tell me if you need my help."

Keyi turned around and told the guards to do things.

The next day.

Sunan directly transferred 30 clay golems from the base to live in the cave and expand the cave in advance to facilitate the subsequent mining work.

Although the dog-headed people are natural miners, that is only relative to other residents of the underground world.

Compared with humans, the dog-headed people are much more backward in both skills and equipment.

The veins in the basin that have been mined by the dog-headed people are like being gnawed by dogs, and they do not look beautiful and neat at all.

It took three days for Sunan to successfully complete the expansion and transformation of the cave.

The mining equipment just arrived, and it even included mining rails.

After the equipment was placed, a mining area was initially formed.

Although the number of miners is small, they do not need to rest or eat, and can work non-stop for 24 hours, so the mining progress is not slow.

Sunan estimated that 30 clay golems can mine silver and gold worth more than 100 gold coins a day.

If it is refined and then sold, the value can be further increased.

At this rate, in about three months, his efforts to kill the hundred-armed monster will almost pay off.

The rest is pure profit.

In the underground city-state, Sunan arranged five steel golems to guard the cave where the hundred-armed monster originally lived, and set up a magic alarm so that he would know immediately if a creature entered.

In the next two months, everything was calm.

The mining work in the cave went smoothly.

There was no movement in the underground city-state, and Key gradually put his mind at ease.

Time passed in a blink of an eye and it came to the last day of the sleeping month.

In the Starlight Continent, this day is also called the Sabbath Day, marking the arrival of the end of the year and the dividing line between the old and new years.

Whether it is civilians or nobles, they will gradually reduce their outings after this day, including work and visiting friends, as if the hustle and bustle of the whole year has quieted down on this day.

It will not be until the first month of the new year that people will start to hold various celebrations and banquets to celebrate the arrival of the new year.

On the third day after the New Year celebration, Sunan successfully built the eleventh star ring.

His mental strength also successfully broke through 34, reaching the standard for taking a third-grade superior transcendental potion.

Sunan immediately switched to a third-grade superior transcendental potion, and his daily increase in the Star Ring Meditation Method proficiency also soared to more than 2,300.

However, the proficiency required to construct the twelfth star ring has also soared to 800,000, and it is expected to take almost a year to achieve.

In addition, his [Magic Item Creation] skill has finally been upgraded to level 4.

Another condition for refining the magic pattern core has been met.

"But I finally got this skill to level 4."

In the workshop, Sunan looked at the panel and sighed.

He picked up an ordinary long sword and picked up a silver ingot in the other hand.

Under the bright light, the silver ingots turned into threads between his fingers, and each thread was integrated into the long sword. A silver-white luster visible to the naked eye emerged from the surface of the sword blade.

In the blink of an eye, the long sword gained a spiritual aura.

Temporary magic weapon!

[Magic Item Creation] After reaching level 4, Su Nan mastered the new skills.

As long as he has silver and gold, he can add temporary enchantment effects to weapons at any time.

"The practicality is average, better than nothing."

Sunan put down his weapon.

He is now much more efficient at making magical weapons.

As long as he is willing, he can make seven or eight handfuls a day just for fun.

But he doesn't do this anymore.

The work of creating demonized weapons has been handed over to Sherman and Corey.

These two people have already mastered certain skills in making magic items.

Although it is not yet possible to make magic items that are too difficult, magic weapons can be made independently, but the efficiency is a bit slower.

As for Adil, as she has been practicing for a long time, the gap in qualifications between her and Sherman and Corey has become more and more prominent.

Whether it is meditation progress or spell learning, they are all slower than Sherman and Corey.

In the fields of potion making, puppet refining, and magic item manufacturing, the performance was average.

On the contrary, several students with good qualifications emerged from the second batch of students.

For example, a boy named Ethan.

It only took more than seven months to build the first star ring, which was only a few days slower than Sherman's original work.

Moreover, he has shown outstanding talent in potion making and is now able to skillfully refine the essence of Silver Moon Flower.

It won't take long to start making zero-level potions.

When the second group of students, led by Ethan, grow up and gradually learn how to make potions, they can start to expand the scale of potion sales, and then their income will soar again.

"Now we only need the materials to refine the magic pattern core."

After attending the Jungle Cabin last time, Sunan had collected eighty kinds of rare metals.

In the following months, four more rare metals were discovered one after another.

From the hundred-armed monster's magic armor, three more rare metals were decomposed.

Now there are only two types left.

"The experiment is almost in progress and should be completed in a few days."

A smile appeared at the corner of Sunan's mouth.

Once he fuses the magic pattern core, his strength will skyrocket.

Since he came to this world, his power has been increasing at an alarming rate, but he actually has never had much sense of security.

Starlight Continent is too vast.

Even after thousands of years of elemental desert, this continent that once gave birth to a prosperous wizard civilization cannot be underestimated.

No one knows how many powerful creatures exist on this vast continent.

Such as the extremely dangerous underground world.

Just near the entrance to the underground world, there was a hundred-armed monster that was comparable to a legendary knight with three rings.

How many powerful and terrifying creatures should there be in that vast underground world?

There is also a jungle cabin.

Su Nan had never underestimated Ye Xiao, a group of third-level wizard apprentices.

Who can break through and become a third-level wizard apprentice in a situation of extremely poor resources? Which one is not an outstanding and stunning genius?

This group of people may have survived for hundreds of years, and they may have accumulated many trump cards over a long period of time.

If you underestimate them because they have abundant resources, you may suffer big losses at some point.

Furthermore, since there is a jungle hut, there may be other wizard apprentice organizations.

Sunan felt that it was better to be more cautious and reverent towards this continent.

When you become an official wizard, it won't be too late to do whatever you want.

Junan City, Manor.

In the bright and spacious hall, the three chief priests of the Spark Cult sat opposite each other.

The atmosphere was a bit solemn, and all three of them frowned.

After a long time, Joris finally broke the silence.

"In just two months, eighteen sect strongholds were attacked. A total of fourteen priests and hundreds of priests were killed. There were countless ordinary believers killed and injured. But now we don't even have the specific identity of the murderer. After investigating clearly, how can we explain this to the High Priest Ovijiu?"

Jensen, who was sitting on the right, snorted and said:

"Does this still require investigation?"

"Some of the people who attacked the stronghold are able to cast spells. They are obviously wizards. This is an attack by a wizard organization against our sect!"

"I think it's either the Jungle Cabin or the Eternal Life Society!"

Brak pondered: "But why did they attack us? We have nothing to offend them, right?"

"Those profit-oriented bastards don't care about principles with others. As long as they do something beneficial, they will do it. Have you forgotten what we lost in this attack?"

"You mean divine blood amber!"

Yoris and Brak reacted immediately, and their expressions instantly became solemn.

Since the last loss of more than twenty divine blood ambers, the sect has strengthened its management of divine blood amber.

However, too many strongholds were attacked this time, and more than thirty divine blood ambers were still taken away.

Originally, they thought that the other party just took away the divine blood amber. After all, there were many other things taken away.

But when Jensen reminded them, Joris and Brack immediately realized something was wrong.

Maybe the enemy really came for the divine blood amber.

Divine blood is useless to others outside the sect, and it is useless if taken, but wizards are the only exception.

I heard that in ancient times, wizards often used divine blood for research.

After frowning and thinking for a while, Joris suddenly said:

"Do you think this incident may have something to do with Sunan? When he attacked the Stone Bell City stronghold before, he also took away more than 20 divine blood ambers!"

"You mean that Sunan joined the Jungle Lodge and the people who attacked us were also from the Jungle Lodge?"

"It's not impossible, is it?"

"But even if Su Nan joined the Jungle Lodge, how did he convince other wizards to take action? You must know that the Jungle Lodge has always been low-key. They have not carried out such a large-scale operation for many years."

"No matter what, we must find a way to stop that group of wizards. Because of the recent attack, the sect's missionary operations have been greatly affected. If the attack is not resolved, the missionary operations cannot continue."

"The lost divine blood amber must be recovered as soon as possible, otherwise we will not be able to bear the blame of the high priest Ovijiu."

Yoris rubbed his brows with a headache.

If it were really Sunan, this guy would be so angry!

He hadn't even gone to find Sunan to settle the score, but this guy came to target them first. It was so arrogant!

Yoris suddenly remembered what Marquis Jinyan said before he died, and his heart moved slightly, but soon he suppressed the wavering again, raised his head and looked at the other two people, and asked:

"The High Priest Ovijo has been in retreat for almost half a year. When will it end?"

"Who knows." Brak shook his head, "The wizard of the royal family is not weak. The high priest Ovijiu used three holy weapons to kill him. The backlash was a bit serious, and he will probably need to recuperate for a long time."

Jensen sneered and said: "That old guy is ignorant and dares to belittle the great Star God. Killing him will be an advantage for him."

"According to my words, there is no need to promise the Grand Duke Fanxing to temper his body with divine blood. After killing that wizard, wouldn't the royal family be more at ease? Do they still dare to go against us?"

"You can't say that." Brak smiled slightly, "It is better to have the royal family willingly cooperate than to be unwillingly threatened."

"Besides, the Star Royal Family has been passed down for hundreds of years and has a profound foundation. Even without the wizard who enshrined it, the other powers at its disposal cannot be underestimated. As far as I know, the Star Royal Family once had a A three-ring legendary knight, if that person is still alive, he will be no easier to deal with than a wizard."

"All in all, it's enough to show force appropriately. Don't push too hard. If the Fanxing Royal Family chooses to fight to the death, we will also have a headache."

Yoris agreed: "Yes, it is best this way. As long as Grand Duke Fanxing still cherishes his life, he can only choose to cooperate with us."

Seeing the two of them singing together, Yansen curled his lips and said nothing more.

The conversation among the three quickly turned to missionary operations.

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