"All right."

He didn't make Yu Gong wait too long. In less than two minutes, Kaguya Penglaishan walked out of the room.

Compared to before she went in, there was an extra delicate bamboo hat on her head.

"Well, let's go."


All preparations came to a halt, then the two greeted Yayi Erin and left side by side.


Bayi Yonglin watched Yu Gong and Penglai Mountain Kaguya walk away, and let out a sigh until their figures disappeared in the bamboo forest.

It doesn't matter what your princess does on the face, but in fact she misses Yugong quite a bit in her heart.

Otherwise, how could she be willing to step out of the house?

Looking at the cherry blossom trees is just an excuse, the key lies in Yu Palace.

"Congratulations on finding your own happiness, Princess Palace."

"I can see that Your Excellency Yugiya also cares about you very much. He is a very good person. I hope you can make it to the end."


Ping An Jing.

"It's completely different from the Ping An Jing in my memory."

Walking on the wide street, Yu Palace has a feeling of vicissitudes.

Today's Ping An Jing is no longer the small town it used to be.

The voices are full of people, the traffic is busy, I can't say how prosperous it is, but there is also the atmosphere of a capital of a country.

"Now, Heianjing has been renamed Kyoto."

Penglaishan Kaguya closely followed Yugong's side, his eyes pierced through the translucent white curtain hanging from the bamboo hat, looking at the surrounding scene.

She stayed at home, and her impression of Heianjing depended entirely on the description of the eight meanings Erin.

It has to be said that it is not an exaggeration to describe the changes in Kyoto as "earth-shaking".

"Ha ha."

Changes in Heianjing are inevitable.

Hanamiya is a human, so he understands the characteristics of human beings.

Hundreds of years have been spent for longevity, mostly in boredom.

And the same time given to human beings can create results that human beings themselves cannot imagine.

"do you know?"

Among the people around, Penglaishan Huiye found several people wearing yin-yang robes, whose temperament was completely different from that of ordinary people.

After looking at these people a few more times, she slowly retracted her gaze.

"Nowadays, times have changed a lot."

"Human onmyoji flourished and suppressed the monsters."

"Except for a few forbidden places that can never be set foot in, this neon can be said to be the world of human beings."

"Perhaps because of their strength, their belief in gods is getting weaker and weaker."

"My concubine somewhat understands why Yonglin suggested to her mother to give up the earth and go to the moon to build the Moon Capital."


Whether it is a high-ranking **** or a terrifying monster, its foundation is inseparable from human beings.

One needs human belief, and the other needs human "fear".

When human beings no longer believe or fear, gods and monsters will naturally fall off the altar.

To put it bluntly, from the moment they relied on humans to enhance their strength, they were doomed to not be the final winner.

"Eternal Lin is worthy of being the ancient **** in charge of wisdom, and she saw this through the Age of Gods."

"Not only her, but also the wise men like Shenqi Margot Royd and Yakumo Zi."

"These wise men were ready to retreat early, or figured out how to deal with it."

"And you?"

Penglaishan Huiye seemed to lower his head, and there was a hint of smile in the soft voice coming from behind the white veil.

When Yu Gong was talking eloquently just now, he secretly held her hand.

Sure enough, he is not wood.

Penglaishan Huiye is not disgusted by such a small intimacy.

More precisely, welcome.

Yu Gong didn't take the initiative to pierce this layer of window paper, do you want her to come?


Deeply comprehending Penglai Mountain Hui Ye's intentions, Yu Gong's palms were staggered and intertwined with hers.

"Even if the world is destroyed, I will be fine."

"You seem to be hiding a lot of secrets?"

"Secret? You made me think too complicated."


While walking, chatting.

Although there are many pedestrians passing by, many people cast curious glances at Huiye of Penglai Mountain, which is blocking his appearance...

But the two turned a blind eye, as if those people didn't exist.

"We have arrived."

Wandering around in Kyoto, Hagiya and Horaishan Kaguya finally stopped in front of a temple.

Lonely, this is the first impression Shengchi Temple gave to Penglai Mountain Huiye.

Faded gates and pillars, plaques covered with cobwebs, fallen leaves all over the door...

Everything, everything shows that this is a place where no one comes at all.

"walk into."

On the way here, Hanamiya clearly felt that the closer you got to Shengji Temple, the fewer pedestrians there would be.

In this area, not a single person can be seen.

The liveliness and prosperity of other places are two extremes.

This is also normal. There is a demon cherry in Shengji Temple that can lead to death. If you approach it, you will worry about your life.

No one is willing to joke about their own safety and take risks easily.

Step, step, step.

The sound of gentle footsteps echoed in the deserted street.

Yugiya and Horaishan Kaguya crossed the temple gate of Shengji Temple one after the other at night.

The aura of death of the Westbound Demon is like a light in the darkness, full of presence.

Without anyone to lead the way, the two easily found the location of Yaoying.

That is the open space behind the two meditation rooms, near the center of the open space, a cherry tree is very conspicuous 5.5.

The trunk is thick, the branches and leaves are lush, and the flowers are white and red, beautiful and intoxicating.

"This cherry tree is the most beautiful one I have ever seen."

Penglaishan Kaguya took off the bamboo hat and said with emotion.


Yu Gong was convinced.

Not to mention Penglai Mountain Huiye, he has lived in five worlds, and he has never seen a cherry tree more beautiful than the Westbound Demon.

"Unfortunately, the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are."

"It's not unreasonable that it can live to us."

Kaguya Penglai Mountain has always wondered why the onmyoji would let the onmyoji leave such a dangerous cherry tree.

PS: Sorry, everyone, there is something to delay.

Chapter 689

Penglaishan Hui Ye's guess was confirmed when she personally came to the Westbound Demon Empress of Shengchi Temple.

It's not that I don't want to manage it, it's that I can't manage it.

With her strength, she was slightly affected, not to mention the onmyoji.

I am afraid that if you get close to the Westward Demon, no, you will be tempted in a farther place and lose your life unconsciously.

"Let's take a closer look."


Yu Gong and Penglai Mountain Kaguya marched hand in hand, heading towards the westward demon.

Putting aside the danger, this ordinary open space suddenly changed with the help of Yao Ying.

The fragrance is faint and the scenery is picturesque.

The white and red petals fluttered and fell to the ground.


Stepping on the thin carpet of cherry blossoms, Yu Gong and Kaguya Penglai Mountain came to a place a few meters away from the Westbound Demon and stood still.

The two of them raised their heads slightly and looked up at the beautiful cherry tree with luxuriant branches and the edge of the canopy almost extending to the meditation room.

"What are you going to do?"

After stopping, Penglaishan Kaguya noticed that Yu Gong let go of his hand.

She hadn't reacted yet, but she saw that Yu Gong actually walked towards the cherry tree alone.

Seeing this, Penglai Mountain Huiye was shocked.

No wonder the Westbound Demon is famous for its fierceness, and this demon cherry does have its own unique features.

Even if she is close, there is a sense of danger that cannot be dissipated.

The Penglaishan Society believes that the ability of the Westbound Demon to guide death can work against the unfathomable Yugiya.

But injuries, even minor ones, are not what she wants to see.

"I'm tired from walking, take a rest."

Seemingly really tired, Yu Gong stretched out, then sat down with her back against the trunk of the cherry tree.

"you really......"

Penglai Mountain Hui Ye couldn't help laughing and crying.

Thanks to myself, I still worry about Yu Gong's injury, which is completely unfounded.

The west-bound demon who led to death? In his eyes, it is probably no different from an ordinary cherry tree.

At most, it should be bigger and prettier.

"Sit with me for a while."

Ignoring Penglai Mountain Huiye's little grudge, Yu Gong crossed his straight legs and waved to her.

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