"Please say it, Mr. Hagiya."

The warm touch on her forehead disappeared, and Hollander's flustered heart calmed down a little.

The temperature on his face also had a tendency to subside.

"Everything about the pre-civilization era, the forerunners, you hide in your heart and don't tell anyone."

"These things are confidential, and I haven't told any of the 443 people except you, including Rita."

Yu Palace's request was naturally to keep Hollander secret.

In fact, if it wasn't for the right time, he wouldn't tell Hollander.


Hollander directly agreed without asking the reason.

Maybe Yu Gong has her own plans, but it has nothing to do with her.

"Well, I'm relieved."

Gorgeous lavender rays of light intertwined behind Hagiya.

After a while, a mysterious vortex of purple light took shape.

"I am leaving, bye."


Youlandel watched Yu Gong enter the vortex, and when the vortex disappeared, she looked away and turned her attention to SU.

At this moment, all the feathers flying around SU have disappeared.

His mindless eyes gradually regained their brilliance, and he was obviously about to regain consciousness.


At this moment, Hollander has absolute certainty to kill SU.

However, she didn't do that, but watched him silently.


After a few seconds, SU's consciousness fully recovered.

The first time he regained consciousness, he noticed something was wrong.

As a spiritual fusion warrior, SU is extremely sensitive to and familiar with illusions and the like.

His current state is very consistent with the appearance of the person who has just left the illusion.

"woke up?"

An indifferent voice came from the front and floated into Su's ears.

Subconsciously, SU raised his head.

"Huh? How are you..."

"You realize, you just fell into an illusion..."

Su's words were the ones that came out, but they were interrupted by Hollander.

She hid most of the content and only informed SU of the arrival of Yu Gong.

"Can you tell me what the illusion you experienced just now?"


Surprised, astonished, unbelievable...

SU's complicated mood finally turned into a wry smile.

No wonder he used the Second God's Key and couldn't spy on Hollander's life. It turned out that there was an expert guarding her in secret.

Yu Palace? What a horrible person.

Not to mention the freedom to enter and leave the world, he was able to use Yu Duchen to affect his brain signals without even noticing it.

As for the fantasy you experienced before?

"It's more appropriate to describe it as a dream rather than a fantasy."


(I will not repeat the comic plot in the water.)

"It's really (beff) a dream."

On the surface, Hollander remained calm, but she had already pondered Yu Gong's thoughts in her heart.

It's not unreasonable for Yu Gong to create such a beautiful dream for SU. What is his intention?

"I'm not afraid that you will underestimate it. I never thought that someone could crush me in terms of consciousness."

"Even if he is the Herrscher of Consciousness."

Yu Gong left a deep and indelible impression on SU.

Although the two have never met, their horror has been deeply introduced into SU's brain.

There are only a handful of people who make SU think that they can't defeat them with all their means.

And the last one was his best friend - Kevin.

"Once, my thoughts were similar to yours."

"I didn't realize a truth until I met Yu Gong."

"My use of the God Key is really superficial, and it doesn't show its true power at all."

The image of Yu Gong before leaving, uncontrollably jumped into Horendelle's mind.

In a trance, she had a strong illusion.

What I saw was not a simple person, but the hope of mankind to overcome the collapse.


She shook her head gently, throwing away the extra thoughts.

Hollander mobilized the mysterious power in her body to recondense a long spear of light.

"I wasted too much time, and it was time to leave."

"There will be a period later, Mr. Pioneer."

"and many more."

After a moment of hesitation, SU called out to Halendale.

Even though it was an illusion, he still gained something.

Kevin has gone astray, so why not himself? Years of obsession, it's time to let go.


the other side.

It was because Yumiya knew what was going to happen in the future.

Through the gate of different dimensions, he forced his way out of the world bubble.

Outside the world bubble is a strange space.

Chaos, darkness.

In this space, when Yumiya was chasing You Lauderdale, he stayed for a short time.

"Oh? Interesting."

Looking at the surrounding scene, Hanamiya showed an inexplicable smile.

Hundreds? Thousands? Tens of thousands?

Today, the interior of the space is densely covered with light spots, like a starry sky.

Each of these "stars" is a world bubble.

Sumeru mustard seeds are also one of them.

This place where parallel worlds meet and coexist, Yumiya is both familiar and unfamiliar.

Its name is Quantum Sea.

Although the quantum sea is called the sea, it has nothing to do with the ocean in the traditional sense.

It is a magical dimension that exists in many parallel worlds.

PS: Sorry, the next chapter will be late.

Chapter 465

In the world view of the Honkai series, the definition of the quantum sea is not well understood.

However, there is a slightly more common way of saying it.

If you think of the universe in which the collapsed world is located, it is a glass of water.

Then around it, there are countless similar, but not identical water glasses.

Let the water in the cup overflow outward, flow along the wall of the cup, and form a small puddle in the middle of the cup.

"Pull" does not belong to any "cup", but every drop of "water" in the puddle may come from - any cup.

The magical dimension in this parallel universe, the "water puddle" between the cups, is the quantum sea.

"Would you like it, eh?"

Yu Gong was looking at the nearby world bubble, and a faint sense of discomfort spread all over his body.

After a little thought, he thought of the problem.

The Quantum Sea is not a place to stay for a long time.

Even Horendale, who has the power of the world bubble in her body, can only move in the Quantum Sea for three minutes.

It is true that his strength is much stronger than that of Hollander.

However, it has not yet reached the level of free movement in the quantum sea.

Over time, the material structure of the body will collapse and gradually quantify.

That is, he will disappear from the world.

"Quantized? It doesn't matter."

After observing his own situation, Yu Gong's attention returned to the world bubble again.

The Quantum Sea is indeed dangerous, but it cannot threaten me.

As long as he wants, he can leave the quantum sea at any time.

"It happens that there is nothing to do at this stage, let's go to another world for a spin."


A meteor streaked across the void and rushed into the nearest world bubble.


Destiny's European headquarters, the floating island test site.


The purple light emitted by Qianjie Yicheng suddenly became several times brighter.


"what happened?"

Everyone, including Otto, raised their hands subconsciously to block their eyes.

After a while, the dazzling light began to dim.

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