Gorgeous white light emerges and stretches.

The rays of light gathered in the left hand raised by Hollander, forming a spear shape.

"I'm sorry, your world can't trap me, I should go back."

Traveling between different world bubbles, this is not the first time in Hollander.

There is an unknown power in her body. Using this power, she can not only haunt the world bubble, but also stay in the quantum sea for three minutes.

"I know, Miss Bianca."

The voice of the young man came from behind Bianca.

One crossed Bianca's shoulder, circled from the back to the front, and held the spear of light.

"I have already foreseen your doubts about me."


Almost at the same time, Heller of Eternal Silence's spear tip passed through Hollander's armpit, heading straight for the young man who appeared behind her at some point.


From the moment Bianca entered the world bubble, the young man's expression has always been incomparably flat...

This is true even if Bianca rejects him and says he wants to leave the World Bubble.

This calm, as if everything is under the control of the young man.

But now, his expression has changed.

It was a surprise, an accident.


The young man let go of the spear of light, then jumped back and distanced himself from Hollander.

To be safe, he had to give up his plan to destroy the Lance of Light.

"Then, you couldn't stop me, did you foresee it?"

Hollander tilted her head, her eyes as sharp as a blade staring at the young man.

"Miss Bianca, your strength is very strong, there is no doubt about that."

"But I can't stop you, but not necessarily."

Habitually, the young man half-squinted his eyes.

Due to unknown reasons, some of his methods cannot be used.

In desperation, I had to use the most rude method to stop Hollander.

"Then let's try it."

Blue arrogance spewed out from all over Hollander's body, surrounding her.

Different from the sparring with Yumiya, the current operating efficiency of the armored knight, Moon Soul is much higher than before.


The ground was like tofu under Hollander's feet, and it was smashed to pieces.

With the help of the reaction force, she turned into a cannonball and shot at the young man not 5.5 miles away.

"Ha ha."

The young man's behavior was unexpected in the face of Hollander's surprise attack.

When he was riding a spear like a lightning bolt, his response was to stretch out his palm.


Hollander's eyes narrowed slightly.

Relying on one palm, want to resist Heller of Eternal Silence?


The young man and Hollander brushed past, and the airflow brought by the high-speed movement blew their hair.


The young man asked in confusion.

Just now, when the lance was about to stab him, Hollander temporarily adjusted his direction.

PS: This chapter is a long time late, I'm really sorry for the delay, please forgive me.

Chapter 462

Hollander's strange behavior resulted in the confrontation between the two of them just now, which was full of loud thunder and little rain.

What she did like this really puzzled the young man.

"My initial attack was much less powerful than before."

"That time your reaction was to dodge, but just now you blocked it abnormally with your hands."

"I think it's not without reason."

Hollander calmly said the reason.

"Uh, hehe."

The young man was stunned for a while, and then a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Hollander's judgment was correct. He really wanted to plot against her, but unfortunately he failed.

"You are a terrible person, Miss Bianca."

Sumeru mustard seeds were created by a young man using the power of a thousand worlds.

In this world bubble, he can expand the field called "causal rotation".

In the karma rotation field, the opponent's attack will be returned to itself.

The stronger the attack, the greater the backlash.

Therefore, if Horendelle's lance stabs the young man, she will be injured instead.

"Perhaps my growth process was too smooth. Even if I consciously avoided it, I still had arrogance."

"Fortunately, someone woke me up in time and let me regain my lost sense of awe."

At this moment, Hollander was extremely grateful to Yu Palace.

The young man's reaction undoubtedly proved that he set a trap for himself.

If it wasn't for Yu Gong, she would probably dig in.

"It's difficult."

Intuition? experience? Observation?

The roles of these three are indispensable for Hollander to escape the catastrophe successfully.

But the more crucial point is that he thinks things too simply.

Now that he is riding a tiger, the situation has become extremely delicate. If he tries to persuade Youlander with words, the possibility is almost zero.

"In that case, we can only use the last resort."


An immeasurable number of leaves fell, scattered and fluttered.

Among them, there are a few feathers shone with a faint red light.

These red feathers were hidden so deeply that neither Hollander nor the young man found the existence of the feathers.

"Please give me a helping hand, the Second God's Key."

The voice fell, and a strange symbol appeared behind the young man.

The symbol is dazzling gold, exuding strong energy fluctuations.


Seeing that there was something unusual, Hollander's vigilance was immediately raised to the highest level.

What the **** is this guy trying to do?


Under Hollander's unblinking gaze, the light of the golden symbol gradually dimmed, then flickered.

That scene, like a signal light with unstable conditions.

After a few seconds...


The symbol exploded, turning into countless golden spots of light, dissipating in mid-air.

Below, the young man raised his head and stood still.

His eyes were scattered, and there was no focus in his eyes, as if he had lost consciousness.

"what happened?"

While Hollander remained alert, she approached the young man little by little, wanting to check the situation.

Now, the young man's state is clearly not right.

He mentioned the second **** key just now. Did Murphy have an accident when he activated the **** key?

"Some old antiques just refuse to live in peace."

Just as Gulendale was thinking about the source of the problem, the voice of a third person suddenly sounded inside the bubble of the world where there were only two people.

Moreover, the source of the sound is near Hollander.


Hollander's whole body was tense, and after a while, she relaxed again.

She heard it, and the owner of the voice knew it herself.

"Mr. Yumiya, why are you here?"

Yes, the person here is Yu Gong.

Thinking of the information about Yu Palace, Gurandelle instantly understood.

Figured out the joints, she immediately turned to look.

Sure enough, there were sparkling red feathers floating around the young man.

"It's just in time for the meeting."

Yu Gong said casually.

He arrived at the proving ground long before the second **** key activation experiment started.

He just hid in the dark and didn't show up.

"I originally just wanted to see what Otto will use after he gets the Thousand Worlds."

"As a result, your experiment seems to have gone wrong. I was worried about your safety, so I followed."

"Thank you Mr. Yu Gong for your concern."

A faint warmth rose in Hollander's heart.

At that time, the second god's key energy rioted, and the situation was unknown.

Yu Gong came to help her without hesitation, which shows her concern for herself.

"You don't have to do this, anyway, I am also the S-rank Valkyrie with the strongest destiny."

"Although you're not as strong as you, it's not that easy to get into trouble."

"If you put yourself in a dangerous situation in order to save me."

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