Wendy asked blankly.

Originally, she was still worried that her mobility would be inconvenient, and it would be difficult for Yumiya to take her to St. Freya Academy.

In the end, it was just a kung fu experience, and the two of them had already arrived near St. Freya Academy?

Thinking about it, that's right, that illusion is not short.

It's really not realistic for the two to stay in the park and wait for the fantasy to end.

However, how did Yumiya do it?

"The vast majority of people will make the same decision as you."

"Even if you refuse, it doesn't matter. I'll take you back. It won't take much time."

With the plot of the game in front of him, how could Yu Gong not know Wendy's decision. .

Chapter 436

"That's it."

Wendy nodded, indicating she understood.

Yu Gong's arrangement is quite thoughtful and very reasonable.

"You take a break first."

Yu Gong turned around and walked towards the door of the room.

"I'll go to Theresa and discuss with her-."

"When the chat is over, let's go to St. Freya Academy together."


There was a sound of closing the door, and the door was closed.

Wendy was the only one left in the room.


Wendy pushed the wheelchair to the window.

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, her complexion was very complicated.

In the future, what should I do?


the other side.

Entering the room next door that had been reserved in advance, Hagiya contacted Theresa.

"Huh? You, you..."

When Yu Gong said that he "abducted" Wendy, Theresa was extremely surprised.

"Wait until I finish speaking."

At the beginning, Theresa couldn't wait to express her opinion, Yu Gong was really helpless.

"In Wendy's mind, there is already a broken consciousness."

"If the problem is not solved sooner, there will definitely be big problems in the future."

"Theresa, do you want your former student to become a lawyer?"

"What? Broken consciousness?"

Unexpectedly, things would be so serious.

Theresa couldn't be more surprised, full of solemnity and seriousness.

Think of the Second Herrscher who was born in Siberia more than ten years ago.

Think about the Herrscher Mei Yi who became a Herrscher in Changkong a few months ago.

The birth of every Herrscher is accompanied by a catastrophe.

The scale of that collapse is far from being comparable to that of ordinary collapse.

Therefore, if Wendy has signs of rhythmization, she must do her best to stifle it in the bud.


Yu Gong paused, then continued to explain the situation.

"Fortunately, the child's will is firm, and the collapse of the will can't shake her temporarily."

"But how long Wendy can last, I don't know."

"I can see that she has hatred for Tianming in her heart, but it's not obvious at the moment."

"But this seed of hatred will one day grow into a towering tree."

"If you think about ways to save it then, it will be too late."

"What do you think should be done?"

For a while, Teresa Teresa was unsure of her attention, so she asked Hagiya for her opinion.

"I'll bring Wendy to St. Freya Academy later, and we'll discuss it in detail."

Yumiya proposed a plan that had been thought of for a long time.

"Well, I will arrange for a reliable person to settle her down."

Yumiya's suggestion was good, and Theresa agreed immediately.

Wendy is her own student. If she is in trouble, of course she will help if she can.

And with Wendy's current situation, aside from Hanamiya's side, there is no place that is safer than St. Freya Academy.

"Where are you?"

Hagiya secretly praised Theresa.

In the end, he was the principal of St. Freya Academy, and the manager of a major branch of Destiny.

When she was serious, she was a more reliable person.

"Uh, I'm in the office."

Theresa didn't understand what Yu Gong meant, but she still told him the answer.

"Only you?"


"Wait for me in the office for a moment, I'll be there soon."


Beep beep.

Before Teresa finished speaking, Yugiya on the other end hung up the phone.

"What the hell, it's inexplicable."

She pouted and whispered something.

Since Yu Gong wants to wait by himself, let's wait, just now there is nothing to do.

Theresa hesitated for a while, then contacted Jizi.

"Ji Zi, come to my office..."



After negotiating with Theresa, Hagiya went straight to the next door to find Wendy.

"Mr. Hagiya, how do we get to St. Freya Academy?"

Wendy opened her eyes wide and looked at Yu Gong curiously.

As Hagiya said just now, this hotel is located on an island near St. Freya Academy.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

While Queenstown is not far from St. Freya Academy, it is not too close.

Talking with her own legs, how did Hagiya bring her across this distance?

"It's very simple."


Yu Gong's voice fell, and the huge room was filled with lavender light.


The sudden strange situation caught Wendy's attention.

Behind Yu Gong, a gorgeous vortex of light appeared, very beautiful.

"This is the space door. Through this space door, we can go to St. Freya Academy."

Yumiya succinctly explained the effect of the gate of different dimensions.

"Is it the space door?"

Wendy understood.


The ability of space class can indeed be done.

"Let's go."

"Okay, Mr. Yumiya."

Yu Gong and Wendy entered the space gate one after another.

After the two of them entered, the vortex of light slowly dissipated.

The scene in the room returned to normal.


St. Freya Academy, the principal's office.

"Jizi, you..."

"No problem, wrap it on me."

Theresa and Jizi were discussing about Wendy, and the office was extremely brightly illuminated by white light.


The two of them were startled at the same time, and turned to look at the direction of the white light.

The source of the light is not far away, two silhouettes composed purely of light.

The figures are large and small, one is standing, the other seems to be sitting on a chair.


Theresa and Jizi looked at each other silently, watching intently.

The current situation is still unclear, and they did not act rashly.

Once something goes wrong, the two will immediately shoot.

"Arrived, have you arrived?"

"Come on, do you see who they are?"

Under the gaze of Theresa and Himeko, the white light gradually dimmed.

The person who was hidden in the light showed his true colors.

Yu Gong, Wendy.

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