Afterwards, Yu Gong violently broke open Chi You's body, and the group saw the sun again.

The next thing to do is to go back.


St. Freya Academy, the principal's office.

"Nine secluded..."

Back at St. Freya Academy, Kiana, Fu Hua, and Bronya went to rest.

As the captain, Himeko shoulders the task of reporting to Theresa.

"Finally, we brought back Xuanyuanjian and Ji Lin's stigmata."

"The two soul steels were taken away by Yu Gong."

After reporting, Ji Zi put the Xuanyuan Sword on Theresa's desk.

"I didn't expect the anti-entropy guys to get involved, Yu Gong really helped a lot."

Theresa picked up the Xuanyuan Sword and watched it carefully.

Similar to Judas' vows, it is indeed the key of God.

Theresa did not take the two soul steels that Yu Gong took away.

True, soul steel is a good thing.

But the value is completely different from the stigmata and the key of the gods.

To be seen by Yu Gong, those two soul steels may have something special.

But it doesn't matter, this is what Yu Gong deserves.

"Xuanyuan sword and stigmata, what do you plan to do?"

Jizi asked Deresa what she thought.

Xuanyuan sword and stigmata are both very important things. To get them, you must inform the headquarters.

"I will hand over the Xuanyuan Sword to the European headquarters and let the professionals in the headquarters study it."

"As for the stigmata, since it is already on you, it belongs to you."

"Wait a minute, go to the medical staff to check."

"Check the impact of the stigmata on your body, and record the data of the stigmata〃〃."

"When the time comes, I will upload the data to the European headquarters."

After thinking for a moment, Theresa made an arrangement.


Ji Zi nodded in agreement.

Theresa's arrangement is reasonable and reasonable, very good.

After discussing for a while, Jizi left Theresa's office.

She is also a little tired and needs to rest.


Time is passing little by little.

In the blink of an eye, two days have passed.

The seaside villa, in the room of Hagiya.

"Cangxuan, Danzhu, how do you feel?"

Since returning home two days ago, Yu Gong's focus has been on the consciousness of Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu.

With Yu Duchen's help, they quickly got out of danger.

And today, Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu have been able to manifest with the power of Yu Duchen.

The fly in the ointment is that only Hanamiya can see them.

"Very good, it doesn't seem to be much different from when I was alive."

"I didn't expect that we would wake up one day."

Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu are a pair of sisters.

Long hair fluttering, beautiful appearance, perfect figure.

They are both superb beautiful girls and twins.

The difference between the two is that Cang Xuan's eyes are blue, and the hair on the left temple is mixed with some blue strands.

And Dan Zhu's eyes are red, and there are some red strands in the hair on the right temple.

Besides, their temperament is also different.

Cang Xuan is calm and intellectual, while Dan Zhu is much more lively.

In the pre-civilization era, human beings had a super scientist - Dr. MEI.

Under the leadership of Dr. MEI, human beings continue to explore and study the secrets of Honkai.

Although the results were not satisfactory, thirteen keys of the gods were created.

With the God's Key, humans once gained the upper hand in the battle against Honkai.

However, when the Ultimate Herrscher appeared, the situation was reversed in an instant.

All hope is shattered, and human civilization will inevitably perish.

Dr. MEI was unwilling to give up.

She knows that when the next civilization is born, collapse will follow.

So, she chose to sow the seeds of revenge.

The key of God, the stigmata.

Cangxuan Danzhu two sisters are the guardians of the key of God - Xuanyuan Sword.

After 50,000 years, a new civilization was born in Shenzhou.

Sure enough, it collapsed like a maggot in the tarsus and was born.

Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu woke up and embarked on a journey to find the successor of Xuanyuan Sword.

After a long journey, they found Ji Lin.

Later, when fighting Chiyou, Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu sacrificed themselves.

Fortunately, the two of them had residual consciousness.

Fortunately, their consciousness has been in a deep sleep state.

Otherwise, Cang Xuan, Dan Zhu and Ji Lin would not escape the bad luck of blackening.


Yumiya is very satisfied.

"I will reshape your body as soon as possible, and then you will truly be resurrected."


Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu saluted Yu Palace and sincerely thanked them.

Yu Gong's actions are equivalent to saving lives.

"No need to thank you, you are Chiyuan's good friends, of course I can't die without help."

Yu Gong sat on the bed and admired Cangxuan and Danzhu's beautiful postures.

The conscious bodies of the twin sisters were dressed exactly the same as before.

Cool, astringent, barefoot.

When they bent down, the benefits given to Yu Gong were quite generous.

"Red kite?"

Hearing the name of an acquaintance, Cang Xuan and Dan (alright) Zhu Wei were stunned.

The excited look was hard to restrain.

"You, know Chiyuan?"

"Where is Chiyuan? How are you doing?"

"Chiyuan is in this villa and has a very good life."

Yu Gong didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The excitement of Cangxuan and Danzhu proves how good their relationship with Chiyuan is.

"You are now conscious bodies, relying on Yu Duchen to maintain your existence."

"You should understand the effect of Yu Duchen."

"About you, I'll keep it a secret for now, and then I'll give Chiyuan a surprise."


Dan Zhu showed a mischievous smile, looking forward to her expression when he and Cang Xuan appeared in front of Chi Yuan.

"Surprise? Not bad."

Cang Xuan has no opinion.

PS: If I change it again, I will try my best to advance the time.

Chapter 431

As one of the guardians of Xuanyuan Sword, Cang Xuan also knew about other keys of the gods.

Cang Xuan knew that both himself and Dan Zhu were conscious bodies, and they resided on Yu Duchen's feathers.

No one can see them except Yu Gong.

Going to see Chi Yuan now has a taste of unrequited love.

She and Dan Zhu can see Chi Yuan, but Chi Yuan can't see them, so it must be a little embarrassing.

Bang bang bang.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of Yu Gong's room.

"someone is coming?"

"Don't bother you anymore, farewell."

Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu glanced at the door, then disappeared.

When Yu Gong was talking to others, it was better for them to hide.

"Come in."

The well-behaved and sensible twin girls made Yu Gong feel at ease.

When they were present, Hagiya couldn't let go when he talked.

After all, it is inevitable that topics that should not be heard by them will not be mentioned.

At that time, it is not good for both parties.


Waiting for Yu Gong's response, the people outside pushed open the door and entered the room.


The person who came was Rita dressed as a maid.

"Is something wrong? Rita."

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