What Yumiya said was the truth.

410 Yumiya doesn't know whether Yae Sakura cares about Yae Village's survival or not.

After all, Yae Village is already history. When they returned to the modern age, everything became a passing cloud.

However, Yae Rin definitely cares.

"I see."

Yae Sakura felt warmth in her heart.

It turned out that Hanamiya was for himself and Yae Rin.

Aside from personal feelings, Yu Gong's actions are truly divine.

The power of God is like a prison, and the grace of God is like the sea.

"Big brother Yu Gong, can you lower your head a little bit?"

For some reason, the lively Yae Rin suddenly became restrained.

Her cheeks were slightly flushed, and her eyes were erratic. She felt like she wanted to see Yu Palace, but she didn't dare to.

"What's wrong?"

Yumiya bent down, keeping himself and Yae Rin about the same height.

Yae Rin is weird, what is she thinking?


Yae Rin took a deep breath, as if to cheer herself up.




Hanamiya and Yae Sakura froze at the same time.

They never thought that Yae Sakura would actually...

"Rin, you..."

After half a second, the strong-minded Yu Gong was the first to return to his senses. .

Chapter 411

Yae Rin was really bold and actually kissed him.

Yu Gong didn't know whether to be happy or helpless.

Harvesting a cute little loli is a very happy thing.

Unfortunately, Yae Sakura was there.

"Big brother Yu Gong is the best, so..."

Yae Rin lowered her head, her face flushed with blush.

She was also surprised that she was so courageous.

However, after doing everything, Yae Rin has no regrets.

"elder sister."

Halfway through speaking, Yae Rin's eyes turned to Yae Sakura.

At this moment, Yae Sakura was still in shock, in a daze.

"Ah, huh?"

Hearing Yae Rin's call, Yae Sakura instantly returned to her senses.

Although not as obvious as Yae Rin, her face was also flushed.

Obviously, Yae Rin's bold move just now had a big impact on Yae Sakura.

"Can I like big brother Yugiya, big sister?"

Yae Rin weakly expressed his intentions.

While speaking, she nervously observed Yae Sakura's expression, as if she was afraid that Yae Sakura would disagree.

"Ah? Me, you ask me?"

Yae Rin's question confused Yae Sakura.

Can Yae Rin like it? sure.

If Yae Rin's idea is true, Yae Sakura expresses her support.

Which girl doesn't want to find a partner like Yu Gong?

And whoever she likes is Yae Rin's freedom. Even though she is an older sister, it is not easy to interfere at will.

The question is, why did Rin Yae ask for his own opinion?

"I'm the latter."

Yae Rin said in a low voice.

"If my sister can't accept it, then forget it."

"I, I will not rob big brother Yu Gong with my sister."

"You misunderstood, Rin〃〃."

Yae Sakura didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and quickly explained.

"My relationship with Your Excellency Yu Gong is not what you think."

"Sister, what do you mean, is it alright?"

Yae Sakura's explanation, Yae Rin took it as a girl's restraint.

Does she have an unusual relationship with Hanamiya? Absolutely impossible.

"no problem."

How could Yae Sakura know that Yae Rin's little head contains such complicated thoughts.

I don't know that her sister thinks too much, but she decided to take advantage of the situation.

"Big brother Yu Gong."

Yae Rin hugged Yumiya happily.

Great, I will never have to separate from my sister.

"Ha ha."

Yumiya held up Yae Rin's petite body and made her lean against his arms.

Unexpectedly, the goal of attacking Yae Sakura was not completed, so he first attacked Yae Rin.

This is an unexpected gain.


The three chatted while walking, and headed to Yugiya's mountain residence.

On the way, Yae Rin asked why.

Yae Sakura, on the other hand, told her the reason.


Yae Rin's lips parted slightly.

No wonder Yae Sakura wants to take herself away from Yae Shrine. It turns out that the next sacrifice will be her.

"The rain that fell from Yu Gong Pavilion not only saved Yae Village, but also saved the life of a virgin."


In Yae Rin's eyes, the light of worship flickered.

"It's just a matter of raising a hand."

The ability to directly manipulate the wind and rain is something that Yumiya does not possess.

But Bianca's thunder attribute, combined with Cangyue's ice-controlling technique, wanted to rain a piece of cake.

Yae Sakura originally did it casually, but unexpectedly gained Yae Rin's feelings.

This reward is quite generous.


While talking, the destination has arrived.

There is now a wooden house where the three of them separated yesterday.

"Big Brother Yu Gong, do you live here?"

The curious Yae Rin walked into the wooden house first.

On the whole, the area of ​​the wooden house is not small, and the interior space is very sufficient.

It's more than enough for two or three people.

The furniture such as tables and chairs in the house is also made of wood, and the material should be the same as that of the wooden house.


Hagiya casually pulled out a chair and sat down.

"The wooden house, furniture, etc., are all made by hand."

"Unbelievable, Your Excellency Yu Gong, you still have such exquisite craftsmanship."

Yae Sakura exclaimed sincerely.

To say that artwork is too exaggerated, the wooden house and the furniture in the house are indeed exquisite.

Most importantly, it took only half a day for Yu Gong to do them well.

"Small gadgets, not worth mentioning."

As the saying goes, everything is perfect.

With great strength, many things can be done easily.

Yugiya pulled a chair beside him directly opposite him, and then waved to Yae Sakura.

"... Come and sit down, Miss Yae Sakura."

"I know all about the fact that the villagers of Yae Village were attacked by the Honkai Beast."

"It's a matter of future accidents. It's better to deal with the hidden dangers in your body as soon as possible."

"sorry to bother you."

Yae Sakura came to the chair and sat upright.

What Yu Gong said made sense. If the threat of Higumaru was not removed, she would not be able to find peace.

"Rin, go outside and play by yourself."

"When your sister and I are done, I will come to accompany you."

Before getting down to business, Yu Gong first arranged Yae Rin.

With her here, it's not very convenient.


Looking worriedly at Hae Miya and Yae Sakura, Yae Rin obediently walked out of the wooden house. (Mod's)

Big brother and sister Hanamiya seem to have important things to do, I wish them all the best.

Yae Rin couldn't help, and could only pray silently.

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