Yae Sakura nodded heavily.

She couldn't imagine that she was actually traveling through time and space.

But with the facts in front of you, you can't help but believe it.

Actually, there is no need for confirmation at all, Yae Sakura couldn't wait yesterday.

Yu Gong suggested that today, she waited until this moment.

"To travel back to your era, accurate coordinates are essential."

"And the coordinates are in your mind."

"So, you have to keep your mind in a clean state, which can save time."

Yu Gong's ability to travel through time and space is Cangyue's eighth sense - the door to another dimension.

The gate of different dimensions is divided into two types: space and time.

A space door, connecting one place to another.

Its scope is not limited to this world, but also includes other worlds.

Similar to the traversal ability of the dimensional shadow system, but the strength is not the same level.

The different worlds connected by the gate of different dimensions only include the other worlds that are related to this world.

For example, the world of Jiuyuetian of Stealing Stars, and the Demon Realm of Jiuyuetian World of Stealing Stars.

Like the collapsed world and the blood-devouring world, these two unrelated worlds, even if there are coordinates, the gate of different dimensions cannot be connected.

As for the time gate, there is no detail in the original work of Stealing Stars and Jiuyuetian.

According to the definition of space gate, the effect must be to connect one era with another.

Whether Cang Yue can open the gate of time is unknown to Yu Gong, but he can do it.

"What do you want me to do?"

Yae Sakura is very cooperative.

"You don't need to cooperate with me deliberately, just don't move."

Hanamiya raised his hand, and the tips of his index and middle fingers touched Yae Sakura's forehead.


Feeling the temperature coming from her forehead, Yae Sakura's face turned red.

What is Yumiya doing? too suddenly.

"Don't move, and don't think wildly."

Just when Yae Sakura wanted to step back and stay away from Hanamiya's fingers, a low voice came into her ears.


Yae Sakura froze immediately, not daring to move around.

She looked at Yu Gong carefully, and found that her expression was extremely serious, not like she was deliberately taking advantage of herself.

"Huh, traveling through time and space is no trivial matter, I can't make trouble for Your Excellency Yu Gong."

Yae Sakura tried to find a reason to convince herself.

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to get rid of unwanted thoughts.

"Wenzheng seven years, neon..."

When Yae Sakura entered the state, Yu Gong used the power of Yu Duchen to find a suitable entry point in her memory.

In the process of searching, Yumiya focused on major events.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

The reason for this is to avoid touching Yae Sakura's privacy.

"For ten years of Wenzheng, Yae Village suffers from drought..."

right here.

Suddenly, a light lit up behind Yu Gong.

The light is lavender, colorful and mysterious.

The next moment, the light distorted and changed.

After a few seconds, it turned into an illusory whirlpool.

The diameter of the vortex is about seven or eight meters, and the layers are stacked.

At first glance, it looks like an ancient symbol with a certain meaning.


Hamiya withdrew his hand and reminded Yae Sakura at the same time.

"Huh? This is?"


Hearing Hanamiya's voice, Yae Sakura slowly opened her eyes.

The whirlpool in front of her immediately attracted Yae Sakura.

Such a dreamy, beautiful sight she had never seen before.

"This is the gate of another dimension. The other end of the gate is connected to the Yae Village five hundred years ago."

Seeing Yae Sakura staring at the whirlpool curiously, Hagiya explained to her.


Yae Sakura was silent and did not speak.

surprise? Excited? excited?

She couldn't find the right words to describe her mood at the moment.

"Let's go."

"Okay, Your Excellency Yu Gong."


On the second floor of the villa, in a certain room.

Chiyuan, Rita, Cangyue, Bianca, and Tobiichi Origami gathered in front of the window.

Outside the window, is the courtyard where Hanamiya and Yae Sakura were just now.

They saw everything before.

"As expected of Yu Palace."

Cang Yue sighed.

Cang Yue sighs at the achievement of the Gate of Different Dimension, even though she is the original owner of this ability.

The space door, Cangyue has already used it with perfection.

Teleportation, and even connecting to other worlds, are all within reach.

But she wasn't sure about the time gate.

The complexity of the two is not the same level.

Even after using it, Cang Yue didn't dare to enter it casually.

PS: Happy New Year's Day, everyone.

Chapter 404


The women's searching eyes focused on Cang Yue.

They were all very interested when they heard that Yu Gong was going to ancient times.

So, get together to watch the play.

Unfortunately, I don't understand it very well.

Fortunately, listening to Cang Yue's meaning, she saw the doorway.

"The door to another dimension..."

Sensing the curiosity of the sisters, Cang Yue explained.

The door of another dimension?

Bianca, Chi Yuan and the others looked at each other.

Yu Gong's methods are always so unexpected.

"Sister Cangyue, you know it very well, has Yu Gong mentioned it to you?"

Tobiichi Origami asked curiously.

"That's right."

How could Cang Yue not understand her eighth sense.

However, there is no need to say it to show off. forty seven

Soon after Hanamiya and Yae Sakura entered, the vortex of light gradually disappeared.

The girls withdrew their gazes and went about their own business.

Yu Gong went to five hundred years ago, so modern affairs, they are responsible for it.


the other side.

Hanamiya and Yae Sakura traveled very smoothly through time and space without any problems.

"We have arrived?"

Dry land, unremarkable small villages...

The same familiar scene, but this time, Yae Sakura had no fear, only excitement.

My sister is saved.

"Don't patronize happiness, Miss Yae Sakura."

"You'd better change your image, such as covering your ears."

Yumiya reminded.


Yae Sakura looked up.

These slender fox ears are indeed a bit conspicuous.

She looked around, looking for something she could use to disguise.

After a while, Yae Sakura showed an embarrassed look.

"Use it."

Hanamiya took out a hat from somewhere and handed it to Yae Sakura.

This is in the wilderness, how could Yae Sakura be found?

"Thank you, thank you."

Yae Sakura took the hat and put it on carefully.

It's easy, it's never been easier.

She found that with Yu Gong by her side, she didn't seem to have to think about anything.

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